Chapter 4

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The first week was brutal in some ways, yet easy in others. My core classes with the rest of year one were easy and pretty normal. Marmaduke was hard on us with her gift and the other teachers worked us until we were ready to drop dead.

During the breaks, I'd grab some easy take away food and go into an abyss. The darkness always was peaceful and let no one disturb me. It did mean no one could find me for important messages but no one needed to tell me anything thankfully.

It was during Epsilon combat that I did the most work. I was pretty good with all the skills Karter set and somehow survived without getting a detention.

It was a Sunday night, a week after my first day at Akarnae, and I was relaxing in the abyss. But when I heard the door open, I freaked and fell out of the abyss with a thud.

Rubbing my back, I stare at a girl the same age as me. Her hair is a strawberry blonde and about mid-back length. She's wearing a pair of jeans and a plain red t-shirt. Her eyes are interesting though. She's got yellow eyes and it's a yellow that you couldn't miss. It's slightly on the orange side but most definitely yellow.

"Hi! I'm Himari Stirling, your roommate. I'm guessing your Eraeya?" I nod and stand.

"Yeah, I'm Eraeya. Why did you arrive to the start of term so late?" Her smile doesn't waver and she flicks her hand. Immediately the bedside lights flick on and I know I have to be careful with her.

Light and dark don't mix well. Even mixing my fire in the abyss is dangerous and draining. I prefer using my darkness to my flames but I knew if I was to fight her, flames might work better. They both were light after all. Darkness against her light would just weaken both of us.

"Why don't we sit down and introduce ourselves? I'm quite tired but you look at unease so if introducing myself to you helps you ease more then I'll be happier." She takes a seat on her bed, the one that isn't a mess like mine. I take a seat opposite her but keep my hands in my lap just in case.

"So, as you know, I'm Himari Stirling, your roommate. My gift is Light which means I can control it and bend it to my will. But if I'm to be honest, I mostly only stun my opponents with it. But it's pretty strong if I wanted to use it. I mean, there's light all around here. The sun, the moon, everything is light in a way.

"But I guess the other side of light is darkness and there's darkness everywhere too. I mean, if there was no darkness there'd be no light and nothing for me to control. Isn't it funny, if something didn't exist and someone had a gift that commanded that thing they couldn't command it. Like with my gift, if there was no light then I wouldn't have a gift at all. Or at least I'd have a gift but it would be an unknown gift..." I clear my throat loudly, stopping her from talking too much more. She looks at me sheepishly.

"Sorry, I do that. Especially when I'm nervous. But I usually don't go off on random tangents as much. Some people just make me nervous. You're one of them." She laughs nervously while looking at the corner of her bed.

I'm half surprised by her. She's unlike anyone I've met, bubbly yet hesitant and full of life. I kind of expected her to be a posh, stuck up who would ignore me, taking up all the room for herself, with a useless gift. But this girl didn't seem the type to do such a thing. Instead, she seemed to just be full of jitters while trying to introduce herself to someone she felt intimidated by. Me. And her gift was by far not useless and actually incredibly powerful since she could pretty much use it whenever she wanted.

"But you asked by I'm here so late in the term. Well, one week isn't that late but I suppose it is in a way. My parents had to go overseas to work with another group of scientists and they couldn't send me by bubbledoor for fear someone might find the place. It's kind of secret for specific reasons, experiments and all that. But yeah, that's why I'm late. They didn't return home until this afternoon and then I bubbled from my home to here." I nodded and she let out a breath of air.

"Wow. You took that well. At least I think you did. You don't look mad or angry at me thankfully. Maybe a little agitated but not furious at least. I'm sorry again. I'll go to sleep now if that's alright." She lay down facing the wall, falling promptly to sleep, while I stared at her back.

I shrugged my shoulders and opened the abyss. Climbing in, I let the darkness envelope me. All sounds and annoying thoughts disappeared and I was left in the quiet.

I was happy with my roommate for now. She didn't seem the bad type and I knew she would be a good ally.

I shake my head before getting out of the abyss. I needed sleep as tomorrow promised to be a hard day with combat, med-sci, SOSAC and equestrian all in one day.

I drifted off into an uneasy sleep again, a similar dream replaying itself in my head.


Ah... that's who the roommate is XD It's Himari!!! 

And here's another fun fact!
I was looking up the Japanese word for 'light' and it came up with 'Hikari' but my dumb ass thought it said Himari so that's how she got named! Altho, I honestly prefer Himari to Hikari so I actually don't regret this mistake XD

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