Chapter 7

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Ahhhh new drewcjade OC!!! Let's meet her!

Lora ran out of the class without a word. For her, it was very weird. She was quiet and did as the teachers asked. But now, she'd gone against and done her own thing. I was surprised as to why and secretly sent a small abyss after her out one of the vents.

The teacher was startled by Lora's abruptness and the whole class was disturbed. Everyone started chatting and Professor Luranda couldn't control them. She eventually gave up and let us chat.

"Is Med Sci really that bad? She must really not like all these emotions. Or the lesson." I look at Himari who's copying the missed notes out of my book.

"She probably needs to do something I'm guessing. Something that can't be done later." She nods, knowing what I mean. My little abyss shows me Lora outside her dorm room, hugging another girl. This girl looks lonely and sad. I can almost sense the rebellious spirit in her soul and it makes me wonder why she's like this.

I make my little abyss disappear and focus back on what's going on in this part of the school. Himari purposely bumps my shoulder with hers and she gives me a look.

"You have more power than you're telling me but no matter. You saw that Lora girl and her roommate. Lora seems very nice. I'd like to meet her I think." I gape at Himari, surprised she can tell I have another power.

But then it all sank in. Her gift, Light, enabled her to know what was going on. Her light must've felt my darkness. Or something.

"You may think I came down in the last shower but I wasn't born yesterday." She smiles but her smile falters when Lora comes back into the room. Luranda tells her it's nice for her to join us in a tone that holds lots of sarcasm.

Lora's eyes fall to the ground and she starts shaking badly. She collapses and tears start to form in her eyes.

I look at Himari but I can tell she's concentrating so I don't speak. Himari's eyes are on Lora's frail figure and it's like she's sending a mental message to her.

Lora shakes start to stop and Himari breaks her focus. Luranda reaches for Lora's arm as she takes deep breaths while trying to stand up. She whispers encouraging words but I pay no attention to them.

"How'd you do that."

"Do what?" Himari replies innocently. I give her a look and she laughs.

"I said before that I can sense feelings and thoughts because of my light if I wanted to. Well, it's like that, except I'm putting thoughts into people's heads instead of reading the. But it's hard to do so if the person is constantly moving so I couldn't use it in battle really." I'd never realised it until now, but my roommate was incredibly powerful. She may not look it, but I had a feeling she would become one of the most powerful students. She just needed some more training.


After lunch was Epsilon combat, so far my favourite subject. I was thankful Himari wasn't here just because I knew from our training this morning she'd get her butt kicked. I wondered how she'd survive Delta combat with her moves.

I was warming up to the girl and even thought of her more of a friend. She had a different aura around her than the other students and it made me feel differently than what I was used to.

"Right. Get the wooden swords out and spar." I wait until the end before grabbing a sword from the pile. I wanted one that was a good weight and not a rubbish one. I had to do my best while I was in this class since I was here anyway.

Everyone in the combat class seemed to work hard and no one slacked behind. We were all very competent fighters.

About halfway through the lesson, a girl with ebony hair and pale skin strutted into class. I stared at her, but not because of the outrageous leather dress she was wearing. I stared at her because she looked like a leader. A leader and someone that knew what they were doing.

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