Chapter 11

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I knew the comp had a gift component and I knew I had to practise. I'd asked Himari what the comp held and what the people had to do but she didn't know the exact parts for Physical and Mental. Apparently the Physical and Mental parts changed every competition for each day, and there didn't seem to be a pattern to those challenges. The Gift part always seemed to be a one on one knockout battle.

My fire power was still barely controllable and I needed to be able to keep it in a range I could do that would help me win. If I went over my capable limit, it could end in disastrous results and if I didn't get enough fire power, I wouldn't be able to do my best. Little fire power meant that other people could easily overpower me.

The forest on the outskirts of Akarnae seemed like a good place to train so that's where I headed early on Sunday morning. The sun had just come up and that meant no one would see my flames.

I decided on going from small to big. I would start with a small campfire and make my way to a small bonfire if possible. Since the place was so secluded, I knew I could also use my darkness without people seeing me if the flames got too out of control.

My darkness and flames were a good combo. The darkness smothered the flames and the flames weakened the darkness. Both had pros and cons against each other.

I gathered sticks and leaves and started a small fire with my finger. It burned bright and fast. Focusing my gaze on the flames in front of me, I used my right hand to try to direct where the flames should go. But they stubbornly stayed flickering and not moving at all. I tried again, focusing on the fire.

I could feel the fire in my heart flickering, reaching out it's fiery fingers to the flames. For its kin. Summoning a small flame in the palm of my hand I tried again to control the small fire on the ground. It started to obey and a small flame leapt from the fire to another nearby fire I'd built.

I moved it back and forth a few times before trying a bigger flame. Gradually I got bigger as the sun rose in the sky. Hours passed and I missed breakfast but I knew I could find some food in the Rec room if I needed.

I continued my training for many hours. I didn't get cocky with power knowing full well what could happen if I did. But still, I lost control.

The flames surrounded me and even with the small flame in my hand I couldn't control them. This beast wouldn't obey. I tried to fight fire with fire, igniting my whole arm and slashing at the flames. It did nothing but tire me out.

Trying another tactic, I blast a huge wall of flames at the fire but it just spreads the flames more. I look at my hands, knowing full well what to do. But I'm holding back.

I want to be able to control them without having to smother the work I'd done before. I wanted to be able to control this half of me that was wild. I needed to be able to control this half. This half that I was constantly showing in school and training with.

If I lost control in school and no one could extinguish the wildfire with their gift, I would be left with my darkness. I didn't want anyone to know I had the darkness. No one else had two or more gifts so why should I.

I'd hoped the teachers could help me control the flames that burn in my spirit. I'd mastered the darkness in my soul and I knew I would be fine if I had to rely on the darkness anything. But my flames were a worry. If my darkness disappeared, then I would be left with my fire, a fire I couldn't control.

My thoughts went back and forth between praising my darkness and hating my fire as I gazed at the blaze roaring around me, engulfing me in smoke. But the smoke and heat doesn't affect me. I'm immune to their heated touch and because of this, I can't be hurt. But other people can. That's why I trained, so I didn't hurt anyone else.

At the edge of my flames, I sense movement. It's not animal, more humane and I know I have to make a decision. Either let that person handle my flames or extinguish them and reveal another gift.

I grit my teeth and raise my hands, opening a portal. Darkness consumes all the raging flames. Darkness, where there is no oxygen. The flames are overwhelmed and extinguished.

That was the only way. It was the only way to save that person. That person that shouldn't be here in the first place.

"Go away." My voice is low, threatening. I hear leaves crunch underfoot as the person draws nearer. I don't wonder why, just prepare myself to fight if needed.

"That... that was amazing! Where did you learn to do that?"


Ooooh who is it?? Is it Himari?? Or Lora?? Or Thylli?? 

FF: When I created Himari, I definitely wanted her Gift to sorta be like the opposite of Eraeya's. In a fight, they'd be pretty evenly matched since Himari could just control Eraeya's flames (light) and light against dark is sorta a 50-50 battle. But usually Eraeya would win just because her darkness would be stronger than Himari's light (just from experience and usage)

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