Chapter 13

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I ate quickly before having a shower and dressing in different comfortable clothes. The other ones smelt like smoke and I didn't need people to know even more about my lack of control over my fire.

Himari and I walked to the arena slowly since there was no use in hurrying. We were early and by the time we arrived, it was still half an hour until the set time. Himari handed me a sword but I shake my head.

The hilt looks uncomfortable to hold and I knew I wouldn't train well with it. I picked another one and gave it a swing. It felt somewhat right but I chose another one while hanging on to the first one. I didn't like the new one and put it back.

Deciding to keep the first one I picked, I faced Himari.

"So, what will we practice? My dodging isn't the best but then again neither is my attacking. I can defend the best which means we should probably practise attacking or dodging." I shrug and hold my sword at the ready.

"It's your training so your choice. But... if I were you, I'd... dodge." As I say the last words, I run toward her, swinging my sword in a way that would make it hard to block.

She's just able to dodge and roll to the left. But I come at her again, this time harder. She doesn't dodge and instead blocks it. But I can tell the block takes a toll on her which isn't what it's really meant to do.

I slow my attacks to something more manageable for her and get increasingly harder as her ability gets better.

Soon she's panting hard while I'm barely tired. The time passed and soon a guy with blonde hair joined us. I didn't recognise him and assumed he was Caspian. He was the first to come and Himari welcomed him brightly. I just stood to the side and watched. I didn't like gatherings much but I knew it would be best to gain some information on my opponents.

"Eraeya! This is Caspian! He's in our PE and I met him when we had to do partner activities." I smile and nod, not really remembering that time. But the name sounds slightly familiar.

"Hey Himari. Hi Eraeya. Is it just us or are others joining us?" Himari smiles at him and looks toward me. I feel a simmering anger rise up in me but try to keep it cool. I don't want to lose control like I'd done in the pub years ago.

"We're just waiting for Lora to bring Thylli but yep, this is pretty much it." I shrug and look him up and down.

He didn't look like much of a fighter and I highly doubted he could fight well, even if he was in Gamma combat with his gift. 'Well, I guess there's only one way to find out how strong he is.' I smirk at him.

"Let's get right down to business shall we?" I drop the sword and raise my fists.

"Hey now, Eraeya, don't you think we should lay off him for now and wait until the others arrive?" Himari tries to stop me but I'm too worked up though to listen to her. I want to see blood spill.

"I hate small talk." I start a swift attack before anyone can stop me. My first fist doesn't connect with my target because he dodges. But it's a close one and he tries to get up. Just like they all do. He was too slow, just like those guys at the pub.

I thrust my knee into his chest and he lets out a grunt. I light my flames and they dance in front of his face. He pulls back as I hold them closer, not burning him.

"So what can you do?" I can taste a little blood on my lip from an attack by Himari earlier and I lick it up. The boy doesn't answer and I smile.

"Eraeya, put the flames out! You don't need to hurt him!" I can barely hear her over my racing heart. He was so close, all it would take is one step. One step and he'd go up in flames. But he would be a weak opponent and therefore nothing worth beating.

I roll my eyes before standing up. But I give him a good kick in the side during my progress.

"You're going to be a real pain if all you can do is lie in the dirt like a punching bag." He glares at me but I don't care. He can glare all he likes, I'm still simmering mad. And for what reason, I don't know. Just like before.

As I watch Himari and the boy, Caspian, talk, I remember when I lost control before. I hate the memory but it's also a reminder of what I can do. If I lose control too much, all the damage I can cause.

Himari helps him up and the anger starts to cool down. He looks over at me and I glared back, not quite calm yet. My thoughts are still angry beasts. 'Great. Another useless person. I was hoping at least one person at this school wouldn't be a total coward.'

I stalk toward Himari, fully intent on training elsewhere without the loser when a crash is heard from the forest. When I see who it is, I feel like throwing myself off a cliff.

I knew they were coming at some point but since my temper hadn't completely cooled, I was not ready for Lora's weirdness and Thylli's arrogance.


Yay! We met Caspian! 

Caspian is Shady's OC (but idk if she has a Wattpad and I don't know her insta acc anymore [I think she changed her username and her nickname isn't showing?]) 

FF: I wrote this bit with Shady! (If it wasn't obvious) I think (If I remember?) it was the first time she was writing with Caspian.

Just thought I'd say...
When I write the others usually they'd write some of the scene and then send it through. Then I'd type it out how Eraeya sees it or reacts to it and send that through with the next part to the scene. So yeah, it's a lot of back and forth texting XD
I mean... I actually have no idea why we didn't use Google Docs... XD

Also thanks so much for reading this story! I know the TMC fam is a little dead rn (at least... I think it is. I haven't seen many new fics recently and so many old accs left the insta fam) but it will always be a special place in my heart!

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