Chapter 16

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All the Gamma, Delta and Epsilon combat students are crowded into one space and I was starting to worry. So many people here and I still hadn't gained complete control. If something happened, the whole day could end in disaster.

The morning training with Himari had helped a little but still not enough. My gift was still temperamental and might spike if my temper was lost.

"Welcome everyone! Today is the second day of the Strong Student Competition! Today, we will be watching the Gamma, Delta and Epsilon combat classes battle it out for the top. The winner, of course, will then get to fight for the Absolute Best Student against yesterday's winner!" I can hear the crowd roar it's approval but it sounds underwater.

Himari nudges me with her shoulder and smiles.

"You'll do fine. Just keep calm." I nod but don't answer. I try to smile reassuringly her though.

"Right! Now, let's give you a short rundown of the day. We'll start with the Mental testing followed by the Physical component with a half and hour breather between. After, we'll have a lunch break. Next, will be the decider, the Gift challenge. Whoever wins this will then have an hour break until today's winner battles it out against yesterday's winner for the crown!" The crowd around us roars louder and I stare at them.

It's amazing how many different races there are here. I see people like my SOSAC teacher, Lennox, dark and shrouded in darkness. Then I see the people of the complete opposite, covered in light. There are people with fins and some with pipes. Some even look just human.

Then there are the majestic ones. There seemed to be two types of them. One seemed to radiate a more silver aura while the other radiated gold.

But both, I could tell, were a strong race. Stronger than anything I'd seen before that is.

"LET THE STRONG STUDENT COMPETITION BEGIN!" The crowd's shout of approval made me shiver. There were just too many people here. Too many people to lose control in front of.

"Hey. It'll be fine. Just breathe and you'll be fine. You can do this." Himari gives my hand a squeeze before being pulled away by the flow of students toward the Delta combatants. I make my way to where the Epsilons are and fold my arms as I await instructions.

I see Thylli at the other end of the group but don't go to talk to her. She and I still didn't get along and only saw each other because Himari and Lora were friends. But apart from that I stayed away from her.

"Right, when I call your name, please come forward so I can give you this injection. I promise it's nothing bad, it's actually going to be injected so you can be safe." I turn quickly at the new voice and see Fletcher. I'd never personally needed to go to him but I'd been to the Med Ward after Himari was knocked unconscious by another Delta student.

"Right. Liam James." Liam walks forward and Fletcher injects the needle into his neck with ease. He doesn't even flinch. Once he's done, Fletcher calls the next name.

I sneak a look at Liam again. He doesn't seem discomforted by the needle at all. I wonder what's in the liquid and why we need it.

I look at the ground before looking up when Thylli's name gets called. She just walks up, confident and her usual self.

"You and Thylli don't get along very well do you." I grit my teeth before turning around. I knew he was there before he spoke but I don't appreciate the little space he's left between us.

"Back up now before I scorch your face off." He does and I face him. His face holds apology but his eyes twinkle with excitement, for the competition or for something else, I don't know.

"Sorry. I just keep seeing you in combat but I've never talked to you before. I'm Liam James." I scowl at him.

"I know who you are and I know we're in the same class." He grins and holds out his hand. I don't take it.

"Look, you just look lonely in this class. I thought we could be friends." I bark out a laugh but don't reply because Fletcher calls my name.

When I get my needle injected, I search for Liam. He's staring at me, a sort of hurt look on his face. I leave my face blank as Fletcher finishes and moves on to the next group. I keep it blank as I walk up to him and whisper;

"I don't know you and you certainly don't know me. So I'd keep away if I were you." My voice is low, threatening. He's stiff and unmoving as I make my way to the back of the group. I fold my arms and start to look around at the other students.

Most of them look excited and some are even bouncing on the balls of their feet. Others look nervous and one or two even look confident. I look away before feeling something touch my shoulder.

I look at the light Himari's created and watch as it unfolds, revealing a slip of paper. I take it and the light vanishes.

You ok?

I look over at Himari and nod. She nods back and smiles but concern still clouds her eyes a little.

"I think that's everyone Marselle!" All the teachers start spreading up apart, making sure we don't move too far from where they place us. I'm curious as to why they're doing this but I'm guessing it's something for safety.

"Students! You're objective is to stay in the simulator for a whole hour. If you feel like you can't continue, all you have to do is shout 'stop'. Not that hard. Now, is there anyone not willing to continue? Because once you're in the simulator, only you can get yourself out. Unless something happens out here, we can't pull you out. Everyone good to go?" We all nod and I look around at the others.

Everyone seems to be either excitedly jumping or nervously fidgeting with something. Or a combination of both.

"Good luck everyone! You're time starts once everyone's in the simulator." Those are the final words I hear before falling to my knees.

There's a raging noise in my ears and my brain hurts. I try to look at everyone else but white light blocks most of my vision. I lie down and try again to look at everyone else. I can see they're all lying quietly on the floor. No one else is making a fuss or moaning about the pain.

I grit my teeth and try to ignore the pain. Soon, it just fades away and I'm left with white.


Soz for the long (hopefully?) awaited update! Here is UA's Sport's festival, Akarnae style! And a new character too! (Who might or mightn't be important later on... we'll see...)

FF: I don't know why this would matter as a fun fact but Eraeya is bi. And she would say she doesn't have a type...

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