Chapter 6

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I wake up in a cold sweat. I'd had similar nightmares before, but this time it was so different. This time, the creature was different. This time, the dream went on for longer, I heard another voice. This time, I found out the other girl's name.

"Eraeya, are you okay?" I look up and see Himari standing by the bathroom door. Her hair is wet and shining in the rising sun.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bad dream." She nods and smiles.

"Well come on. It's almost time for breakfast." I look at my clock and groan.

"It's only six. We still have an hour until the dining hall opens for breakfast." She grins and throws open my wardrobe.

"Exactly. Just enough time for me to catch up on some work. You're in Epsilon combat right? That means you can help me brush up on my combat skills. We can work on Chem, Archery and PE another time since we're in the same class. I can teach you some Equestrian skills in return if you want?" I just stare at her for a second. She fiddles with the edge of her shirt uncomfortably and I wish I knew what she was thinking.

Sighing, I roll out of bed. Literally. I land on the floor with a thump and she looks at me.

"I'll come. But be prepared to get your ass whooped." She smiles. Walking over to the wardrobe, she grabs a white top.

Before she can throw the top to me, I stand up.

"Nah-uh. Not white. I can choose my own clothing." She nods but her smile doesn't fade.

"Sorry, I guess it might take some getting used to. My parents would let me choose some of their outfits because they were so caught up in work and they pick the absolute worst outfits when they're tired. I guess I'm not used to not doing that. But I'll improve, I promise." By her tone of voice I had no doubt that she would go by her word. She didn't seem like the one to lie or make promises lightly.

I grab some clothes that aren't colourful or white and head to the bathroom to change.

"Do you want to start to head down? I can meet you there." She thinks for a second before shaking her head.

"No, I'll wait. That way we can talk more, or at least I'll talk more since you don't seem to talk much, and we can get to know each other more. After all, we're probably gonna be stuck with each other until the end of year five and if both of us get apprenticeships then even longer." I sigh but don't argue. It was too early for it.

I changed quickly and together, we made our way down to the arena. Once there, I asked Himari what she wanted to practise. She thought for a moment before asking me what the teacher had started to teach us.

"Our classes are similar so we'd be learning similar things. Also, what's the teacher's name again?"

"His name is Karter and we've been learning sword fighting."

"That would make sense. After all, the big event is coming up and we might need it." I look at her quizzically.

"Event? What event?" She gapes at me before smiling cheekily.

"Oh, if you don't know then I won't spoil the surprise. After all, not all the first years know anyway. I mean, most would because it's pretty famous but still. But I'll keep it a surprise for you. I think you'll like it." I huff before walking over to get a sword.

There are many swords in the arena but there's only a couple I feel good wielding. The others are too light or too heavy or have dents in the hilt or just not feel right. I pick up two swords and weigh them in my hands. The one in my left feels better and I put the one in my right hand back. I give it a few swings, getting a feel for the sword.

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