Chapter 15

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The first day of the comp went by quickly. The Alpha and Beta groups had to stay happy for an hour with depressing things happening around them in a sort of simulator for the Mental test. None lasted the whole hour and the closest was 55 minutes. The top 32 passed to the next round which I assumed would be similar results to our day.

For Physical they had to fight against robots one on one, seeing how long they could last in an hour. Only one lasted the whole hour but they all suffered serious wounds and Fletcher had to patch them up before they competed in the Gift part. Only 16 got into the Gift component and I again assumed it would be similar to day two's numbers.

After the Gift challenge, I found the top person was a Beta combatant named Charlie Mint and his gift was telekinesis. It wasn't the most powerful gift I'd seen but it was still a good gift. I wondered why he was only in Beta combat but I didn't really question it too much.

After the comp there was a big festive meal for him. I hated it and the crowds agitated me. Himari, sensing I was at unease, suggested we take food from the cafeteria and go somewhere more quiet. I agreed and together we went into the forest. We ate in the silence and tranquility of the forest. I'd set a fire going and it crackled and burned bright.

I was more confident with my gift now that Himari had helped me control it more but I still wanted more practise tomorrow morning before the comp. I would have about an hour to do so and I would use it as best as possible.

"Are you ready for the competition tomorrow?" I shrug and look at Himari. She's wrapped her arms around her stomach and rocking back and forth a little.

Ever since the training session she hasn't questioned why I'd gotten mad at her and just left it alone. She hadn't asked, hadn't bothered me with questions. It was a nice change from other people's constant queries that I had to answer.

I also learnt after the training session to never mess with her again. Not after she blasted me with her light.

I'd done more than puke up my guts. Himari's light had weakened me considerably and it left an unpleasantness with me for the rest of the day. I guessed it had something to do with my darkness but I didn't tell her. I didn't want to make her feel bad.

But I did plan on telling her. Everything. At some point, I knew I'd have to tell her about my past and everything that's happened since the training. But not now. It could wait.

"We'll do our best. That's all we have to do." She sends me a small smile but doesn't stop her rocking.

"I just... I want to win. I mean, everyone wants to win I guess. But I really want to win. I want to make my parents proud." I shove over to where she sits and rub her back gently.

"They'll be proud of you no matter what. I'm sure of it."

"Can... can I tell you something?" I nod and smile at her.

"Anything. I'm here for you, just like you're here for me." She smiles bigger this time. But it drops as she tells me her story.

"Well, my parents weren't able to have a child of their own in a biological sense. And my mom was a friend of theirs. She died a few weeks after I was born from Sarinpox, a deadly disease that came through Medora many years ago. Anyway, my mom got it again and died. My father didn't want me as a reminder of his dead wife or something so I was adopted. But I feel sometimes like, maybe my adoptive parents aren't proud of me. Because I was their adopted child and not their own, they can't be fully proud of me and who I am." I sigh and hold Himari close.

"I haven't met your parents, but I'm pretty sure they'll be proud of you. No matter what or who you are. It doesn't matter if you're adopted, you'd still be their child. Their daughter. If they adopted you, they committed to having you and growing you up. And if what you've said about them before, then I'd suspect they're good parents. So I'm sure that they'd be proud of you, even if you came last in the competition. They'd be proud of you for giving it a try." Himari wipes her eyes and sniffles. I open an abyss and grab a tissue for her. Handing it to her, I whisper gently.

"You're an amazing, talented, kind girl. If they aren't proud of you, then I sure as hell am." Himari laughs lightly before putting her head on my shoulder.

"Thanks." Her laugh is light and I smile at her.

"I can get us some chocolate from the Rec-room if you go take a shower and get ready for bed. You'll need your sleep tonight because tomorrow is a big day." Himari rolls her eyes at me but keeps her smile.

"Look at you, being a mother." I wag my finger at her and we laugh.

Together we stand up and head to the dorms. I planned on getting a good sleep too, knowing I would need my energy for tomorrow.

Himari links her arm in mine and we smile. Tomorrow would definitely be a fun and hard day of work.


FF: Eraeya probably has an unhealthy addiction to apple juice.

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