☆ Seven ☆

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☆ My Bubblegum Prince ☆

☆ Loving Mochi ☆

I can't believe, Jungkook came to comfort me. I was really happy inside to see Jungkook bursting into the bathroom and saving me.. but of course I was still scared of the thunder and rain.

I don't know why but I am really happy whenever I think about Jungkook. And feel disappointed when I realise that he have a girlfriend..the girl he likes.

And of course, I didn't kiss him. He threw the bubblegum out when he was singing for me but forgot about it. His voice was truly beautiful and perfect. Also I took the bubblegum packet from his pocket and put one in my mouth making him think that I kissed him and took his bubblegum from his mouth.

"Do I like him?" I asked myself. He looks handsome with those beautiful doe blue eyes, perfect lips, handsome smile, cute bubblegum chewing habit, not to forget how kind he is. Such a kind and innocent soul he has.

How can someone resist him? He is the meaning of perfection..Jungkook means perfection.

Maybe..just maybe, Jungkook likes me too but hasn't realised it yet..but he has a fucking girlfriend.

I sighed...I need love advice. The only one who can give it is my mom, but I am egoistic so I can't ask her..well I am asking her and that's final..

I have to take Maths for Jungkook's class now cause they have two Maths classes today.

That's when I remembered that my Maths book is not with me. Shit. I remember missing it in the empty classroom but when I went there, I didn't find it.

Jungkook might've taken it...or maybe not.

I sighed as I decided to go to the class empty handed and borrow a book.

"Good Afternoon, students" I greeted with a smile as I searched for my crush, Jeon Jungkook. I concluded that I have a crush on Jungkook. Wait a second, it is afternoon which means he spent his lunch break with me..he must he hungry. Maybe, today evening, I will invite him to the cooking club and cook him a lot of dishes. Why wass Jungkook not in the first bench? Wait...

But both Jungkook and Lisa weren't here. Was he kissing her now? Tears formed in my eyes immediately but I blinked it away and turned to Namjoon.

"Ah Namjoon! Did you join the team?" I asked as he smiled gleefully.

"Yeah, Mr.Park. All thanks to you and mom" Namjoon said, bowing as I smiled at him.

I did, talk for the others and I am sure it was a success considering they are getting more talkative and confident.
I am glad.

But then my thoughts went back to Jungkook. Was he having sex with Lisa in the bathroom stall? Will he praise her while doing so?

A pout formed on my lips as I turned to the board. That's when the door opened.

"Excuse me, Mr.Park" My eyes widen as I turned to the source of voice. Jungkook!

"Get in, Mr.Jeon" I said smiling as he nodded and sat in his first bench.

"Mr.Park, you dropped your book near a classroom, so I brought it for you" Jungkook said as he walked towards me.

My Bubblegum Prince |Jikook|🎀Where stories live. Discover now