Chapter 1

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Charlie stood outside the gates of the one and only, Midtown High of Science and Technology. She hadn't planned on coming here but her older brother, Cameron, had insisted. And so there she was looking up at the big building full of teenagers of all ages and sizes. To say she was nervous was an understatement, she was about to start her first day of high school, it was all so new. Charlie suddenly realised she had been standing outside the building for to long and began walking through the doors. She was instantly sucked into crowds of teenagers and she began to panic.

After managing to weave through the crowds, Charlie found herself stood outside the principals office. She took a deep breath before lightly knocking on the door. She waited a few moments before there was a response. "Come in." Charlie slowly turned the handle, opening the door. The principal looked like a nice man. He had black hair neatly combed, he had to at least of been in his thirties. He wore a smart tux. On his desk was a golden plaque labelled 'Principal Morita'. "Please sit." Charlie took a seat in the chair opposite to the principal and took in deep breaths. "So you are..?" "Oh um I'm Charlie, Charlie Williams." Charlie realised she was stuttering and she mentally cursed at herself. "Ah yes, quite the record here Miss Williams, your grades are amazing I'm sure you'll fit in just fine." Charlie had always been a good student, she was never late, always gave in homework and always knew the answers to the questions she was asked. "Thank you Principal Morita." "This is your schedule and a pamphlet full of all our extra curriculars in case you were interested." Charlie silently nodded and gathered her belongings before rushing out of the room.

Charlie was so busy reading her schedule trying to find where her classes were that she hadn't noticed the brunette girl walking in front of her. All of Charlie's stuff had been littered on to the floor. She looked up and saw the girl she had bumped into. "I-I'm so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going and I -." The girl had silenced Charlie by putting her hand in front of her. "Mind where your going, this shirt is worth a lot of money." Charlie gulped and simply nodded as the brunette girl walked away. "That's Britney Carr, don't mind her she's too rich for her own good." Charlie turned to see a tanned boy standing beside her. He had a mop of black hair but he still looked presentable. He bent down and helped Charlie pick up her belongings from the floor before putting out his hand and Charlie gladly took it. "I'm Ned, Ned Leeds." "I'm Charlie, Charlie Williams." A smile crept it's way up Charlie's face as she realised she may have just made her first friend.

"Uh what lesson do you have first?" Charlie looked back down at her schedule before answering, "Chemistry, what about you?" "I have the same, do you want to walk to class?" "Sure." Charlie's face lit up in excitement, maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all. Her and Ned walked to class talking about themselves, finding out they had a lot in common. Charlie couldn't wait to tell Cameron when she got home. After searching the hallways for the right class, Ned and Charlie finally arrived. "Miss Williams, Mr Leeds nice to meet you, I will be your chemistry teacher this year." Mr Brown had a bushy brown beard along with brown hair on his head. He had round glasses placed loosely on the tip of his nose and a big smile painted on his lips.

Charlie and Ned sat in any seats they could find, unfortunately they were on opposite sides of the classroom. Charlie slouched down in her chair not meeting anyone's gaze. The class dragged on for to long and Charlie was growing bored, the excitement of starting high school suddenly leaving her. The next time she saw Ned was lunch. He invited her over to his table. "Uh hi Ned." Charlie did a little wave before hesitantly sitting down at the table. "Hi Charlie, these are my friends Peter and Michelle." Charlie gave her biggest smile to the people on the table. "Sup, it's nice to have a girl on the table, call me MJ." "Uh ok, I'm Charlie Williams." Charlie was stuttering again, she wasn't use to people wanting to talk to her, she had been a loner throughout all her school years, her brother being her best friend. "I'm, uh Peter Parker." Charlie took a good look at the boy, he had brunette hair that flopped on his head and he had cute little glasses pressed against his nose, he was small and skinny. Charlie thought he was cute but she would never admit it. "Hi, your in my gym class right?" Charlie had seen him in the sports hall. "Uh yeah, yeah I am." The boy stuttered again and Charlie couldn't help but smile.

Charlie was walking out of her last lesson with Ned and Peter, they were laughing at a joke Ned had made about their English teacher. "Oh, it's you" Charlie's conversation was paused, she looked up and saw Britney, again."Hello, did you hear me? So first you bump into me, creasing a shirt that costs more than your rent and now you ignore me, your so rude." Britney's friends snickered behind her whilst Charlie bowed down her head in embarrassment. " I already said sorry about your shirt, what is your problem with me, you don't even know who I am." Charlie had snapped, she didn't necessarily mean to but Britney was already getting on her nerves. The home bell had long gone now, making them the only people in the school besides teachers.

"Charlie!" Charlie turned around to find her mother standing in the hallway. Charlie sucked in a deep breath as the panic began to settle in her stomach. Her mother wasn't the best parent, ever since Charlie's father died her mother had started drinking and it only got worse every week. "Why didn't you answer your phone you little brat?" Charlie could feel everyone's eyes on her. "I-uh I didn't hear it mum sorry." "You didn't hear it huh, your just as useless as your brother, your father would be so disappointed in you, let's go rat, I don't want to look at you any longer than I have to." And with that Charlie walked down the hall slowly trailing behind her mother with her head hung low.

Charlie's mother wasn't always like this, she used to be such an admirable women, she was happy and in love and on the right track but then she slipped, and when she fell, she fell deep. It started with her raising her voice a lot more and then it turned into her smoking in the house all the time and eventually it led to drinking. It was like the alcohol had washed away all her senses.

And with her senses, she washed away the love she felt for her children, leaving them heartbroken.

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