Chapter 9

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Charlie told Cameron all about Peter and how much she liked him and he wouldn't stop teasing her about it. They hadn't seen their mother all night but that was normal for them so they didn't question it. Charlie was currently sitting on a rooftop waiting for crime. She hadn't seen Spider-man yet but she hadn't lost hope, not yet. An explosion came from a few streets down, it was the bank. Charlie took that as her cue and fled off to the scene. The men were wearing Avengers masks.

"Come on guys I thought you had loads of money, what are you doing robbing a bank?" Charlie created a small flame and played with it in her hands. The men looked at her in shock. "Now we can play nice or play dirty, to be honest I would like to play nice, it's a school day tomorrow." One of the men came charging at Charlie and she kicked him in the crotch and flipped him over using his arm. He landed on the floor with a groan. "Woah your the Avengers, Thor, Captain America, the Hulk, Iron Man, what are you doing here, your a billionaire!" Charlie smirked as she carried on fighting off the 'Avengers'. Maybe she would meet Spider-man after all. Charlie created a small fire in her hand and sent it towards the men. "Woah!" One of the men carried a weapon, it was glowing purple, it didn't look like it was from earth. "What is that thi-!" Spider-man was flung into the air by the weapon, a purple aura surrounding him. He then blasted straight through the banks windows and straight through Delmar's. "No!" Spider-man ran to Delmar's and safely got Mr. Delmar and his cat out of the shop. Charlie kicked the man in the knees causing him to fall over and drop the weapon on the floor. She blasted them with enough fire to harm them, not kill them she wasn't a murderer. Spider-man webbed them to the walls. Charlie groaned as she finally felt the pain sink in. "You ok there?" Spider-man stood by her side. "Uh yeah, just the pain finally settling in, I can't heal any faster than a normal human can so I guess that sucks." "What's your name?, hero name I mean." Spider-man rambled on. Charlie hadn't really thought of a name, she could control water and fire but she had decided to sew a flame onto her jumper. "The Flame, I can control water too but fire is more fun, I guess." Spider-man nodded and a silence washed over them. "You gonna be able to get home ok?" "Yeah, thanks Spidey, see ya around." Charlie ran out of the bank and climbed on to the rooftop before running in the direction of her house.

The next day at school Charlie had to use makeup to cover up the bruises on her face,she couldn't have people asking questions. She got the train with Peter. They laughed all the way too school, she was glad he was back in a happy mood. Their arms slightly brushed together and Charlie blushed. "Hey, lovebirds." Charlie elbowed Ned in the shoulder making him yelp. "Shut up Ned." Charlie walked over to her locker, grabbing the books she needed for her lessons before shutting it again. "Hey Charlie." Charlie turned around to find Harry leaning against the lockers beside her. "Sup Osborn." "Oh my god have you heard about the new superhero, she's so cool, people are calling her The Flame." Ned pulled a video up on his phone and showed the group. Charlie couldn't help but grin. People were starting to recognise her. She just wondered who had filmed her, it was a video of her and Spider-man fighting at the bank. "Yeah, she looks awesome." Charlie loved being famous with out people knowing it was her. She could finally help people, be recognised without being a 'loser' or a 'freak'. "Spider-man is cool too guys, come on." Everyone agreed and began walking to homeroom before the bell rung. All day Charlie heard people talking about The Flame and she couldn't help but smile.

"Hey uh Charlie do you want to, go on a date with me?" Charlie was talking to Peter in the library, they were finishing off their English Literature project. "Of course, where do you want to go?" Charlie couldn't help but feel excited, She was going on her first real date. "To the movies, at 6:30 tonight?" "That sounds perfect, I'll see you then Pete, bye!" Charlie left the library as the bell rang and she walked all the way to Chemistry with a massive grin on her face. The whole lesson Charlie watched the clock, she couldn't wait to go home and tell Cameron about her date.

"Ok class, enjoy your weekend and do the homework!"  Charlie ran out of the classroom and straight to Cameron's car that was outside. "Someone's excited." Cameron laughed a little as he began driving. "I have a date with Peter, tonight!" Charlie practically squealed which caused her brother to laugh again. He was glad she was finally happy, she deserved it. Charlie ranted on about what she was going to wear all the way back home and Cameron just nodded along. When they pulled up outside their house Charlie dashed inside the house not wasting another second. She ran up to her bedroom and began throwing her clothes all over the room. In the end she had decided on a simple summer dress with some white converse and a jean jacket. She also redone her makeup adding a bit of mascara and straightened her hair. "Cameron, how do I look?" Charlie looked at her brother and smoothed out her dress. " Charlie stop worrying, your perfect as you are and if he doesn't see that then he isn't the right guy." Charlie smiled and hugged her brother, breathing in his cologne. "Dad would be so proud of you Charlie." "You too Cameron." Peter messaged Charlie saying that May was going to drop them off at the cinema and that they would be there in 10 minutes. Charlie looked at herself in the mirror on more time before going downstairs and waiting for Peter. "Why are you so dressed up Charlie?" Charlie's mother was sat on the couch, a wine bottle in her hand. "I'm going on a date with a guy I like." Charlie's mother took a sip from the bottle before laughing. "He won't like you, your just a silly little girl, your not good enough for anyone, so don't bother trying." Charlie held back her tears and looked over to Cameron who was sitting in the kitchen with a face full of pure anger. He motioned for Charlie to come over so that's what she did. "Don't listen to her, you hear me? Your are beautiful, anyone would be lucky to have you and if they let you go then there idiots, I love you, have fun tonight okay?" He tucked a piece of her hair behind her hair and wiped away a stray tear from her cheek. "I love you too Cameron, Peter's here, I'll see you later, yeah?" Cameron hugged his sister one more time before shooing her out of the front door. Neither of the siblings knew that Peter had the whole conversation between Charlie and her mother as well as Charlie and Cameron. He felt pain in his heart at Charlie's mothers words. She had no reason to be so horrible to Charlie, she was the one who stuck up for her despite her always being drunk and always lashing out at her.  Charlie deserved better.

"Hey Peter!" Charlie opened the door and got rid of evidence that she was hurting and that she had been crying. "H-hey Charlie, you look really pretty." Charlie blushed. "Thanks, y-you look nice to Pete." Peter led Charlie to his aunt's car and held the door open for her. "Hi May."  "Hi Charlie, you look lovely!" "Thanks." The car ride was silent. Peter and Charlie would have a conversation here and there and sometime Charlie would hum along to the radio. "Ok kids we're here, have fun!" "Thanks May." Peter got out of the car and held the door for Charlie again. "Thanks." They walked into the cinema and decided on a film then brought snacks, Peter payed for all of it despite Charlie's protests, she just said she would pay next time. They walked into the screen room and sat in their seats. The film began playing and Charlie watched it with interest. Charlie felt Peter's hand brush against hers and she slowly moved it closer and intertwined their fingers. He didn't move his hand she took it as a good sign. They held hands for the rest of the movie and when they left too.

May didn't pick them up as Peter insisted on walking Charlie home. "I had fun tonight Peter, thank you." "Me too." They found a park nearby and decide to sit down and watch the water fountains. "We should uh do this again sometime, I mean if you want to-." Charlie cut him off by pressing her lips against his. The kiss was slow and passionate. Peter was taken by surprise at first but he began to lean into it. They eventually pulled back, needing air. "That was amazing." Peter was in total awe. He had never kissed a girl before so he didn't have any practice. "Was that your first kiss?" Charlie was curious, it was her first kiss. "Yeah, was I that bad?" "You weren't bad Peter, I just wanted to know, it was my first kiss too." "What? How your like the prettiest girl I've ever known!" "I didn't have any friends so there was no way I was going to have a boyfriend."

"We should probably get going, Cameron probably wants me home and May probably wants you home too." "Yeah" Peter insisted on walking Charlie to her front door and she decided not to protest because she knew she was going to lose.

Another perfect night.

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