Chapter 22

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Charlie fluttered her eyes open. As her vision began to fix itself she realised she wasn't in the apartment. She then remembered what happened what she presumed was a few hours ago. Her eyes moved to a figure slouched in an armchair. Peter. She groaned as she sat up, her head instantly pounding. "Easy Tiger, don't want you hurting yourself now, do we?" Charlie turned her head and saw Tony standing cross armed in the doorway. "What happened?" He unfolded his arms and walked into the room. "We had to do some-stuff." Charlie rolled her eyes. "What stuff, Stark?" He pointed to her chest and she looked down. There was a light glow from underneath her t-shirt. She felt it through the material, it was cold and buzzing slightly. "What the hell this is?" Peter woke up at the sudden noise and looked in Charlie's direction. "Your awake."Charlie nodded. "As I said before, what the hell is this?" Peter walked over and sat on the edge of the metal table taking her hand. "It's the thing that's stopping you from dying." Charlie furrowed her eyebrows. "Your powers, came from the Tesseract, Oscorp used some particles from it and put it in the serums, your body was rejecting it and you was fighting it which made the purple blood, that thing in your chest, absorbs the particles, you can still use all your abilities, the device just stops your body from rejecting it." Charlie listened carefully, taking in the information. "So I'm gonna have this thing in me forever?" Tony nodded and Charlie huffed and laid back down. The device made her feel very insecure, how was she suppose to hide it?

"It'll be ok Charlie." Peter rubbed circles on her palm. " Easy for you to say, you don't have a glowy thingy in your chest." She rubbed her hands down her face in frustration. "I'm sorry that was mean- I just don't know how I'm gonna hide this thing, I already hate it." Peter looked at her with sympathy, and kissed her temple. "There's some good news though." Charlie looked in Tony's direction. "I finished your suit." Charlie gasped and followed Tony as he gestured for her too. He led her downstairs into another lab. In a glass container stood a black suit in the same style as Black Widows apart from this one had two stripes of fire patterns up the legs. Charlie gasped and looked at Tony who had a smirk on his face. "Well, what are you waiting for? Try it on." Charlie took the suit and went to the bathroom that was around the corner. She slipped the suit on and examined herself in the mirror. The suit made her figure look good and she noticed all the small details like a gun holster on her thigh and knife pockets on her upper leg. She smiled, Tony remembered her favourite weapon. Charlie was very good with knifes. She use to practice with them for fun and she had become extremely good with them. She walked out of the bathroom and walked back into the lap where Peter was also standing. "What do you think?" Tony smiled admiring his work and Peter went wide eyed. "It-uh y-you look-great." He nervously rubbed his hand on the back of his neck and Tony laughed at how nervous he had suddenly become. "Thank you Tony, I love it, but what about a mask, I'm not sure I want everyone knowing my identity yet." Tony smirked and another glass container appeared containing a mask. "I wanted to keep it a original but now you have your own AI and I can connect you to my coms if I need to." The mask was one that only covered her eyes, it was a lace pattern just like the masquerade one Charlie used to use. Charlie put it on and it instantly lighted up. A male voice spoke into her ear and Charlie smiled. "Hello Charlie, I am your Artificial Intelligence system, do you want to give me a name?" Charlie's smile grew wider. "Yeah, Cameron." "Very well, that is a great name." Tony and Peter watched Charlie as she spoke to her AI. She took the mask off and turned to Tony. "This is amazing, thank you again." Tony shrugged. "Yeah Yeah whatever, now you kids get going, oh and Charlie maybe next time you visit make sure it's not because your dying again." Charlie laughed and put her mask back on, dragging Peter out of the room. "What do you say, we go for a little test run?" Charlie asked already walking to the nearest balcony. "Sounds like a great idea." He took of his clothes to reveal his Spider-man suit underneath.

They jumped out of the balcony and made their way to the roof. The sky was black painted with glowing stars. The city was shining bright and the cars buzzed underneath their feet. "This is why I live here, it's beautiful isn't it?" Peter turned to look at Charlie with a smile. "Yeah, yeah it is." They sat on the rooftop staring out at the city when police sirens were heard in the distance. "Finally, race ya there." Charlie smirked. "Your on." Charlie began jumping across the rooftops until she reached the scene. Peter landed behind her. "I win." Peter huffed in annoyance and stood by her side. "Yeah whatever."Charlie giggled before jumping down from the roof and landing on her feet. "Hiya boys, what are you doing?" The three men turned around and eyed Charlie up and down. "Get out of our way otherwise we won't hesitate to hurt you too." Charlie smirked. "Bring it on." Peter stood behind her watching her work and he wore a proud smirk on his face. Whilst Charlie threw punches at the men Peter guided the woman out of the alley and gave her her purse back. Charlie ducked as one of them men went to punch her. He groaned and threw his fist forward and Charlie caught it and twisted it. She threw him over shoulder and Peter webbed him to the floor. The other two men came charging at the heroes. Charlie tripped one of them up and stood on their back to prevent them from getting up. He grabbed onto her foot and pulled her down. Charlie groaned and got back up punching the man straight on the nose. He stumbled back as he held his nose before coming at her again. Peter had managed to web the other guy up and came over to help Charlie. Peter grabbed his wrist and twisted it behind his back and Charlie kicked under his feet sending the man tumbling down to the ground where Peter webbed him.

Peter and Charlie high- fived each other before disappearing back to the rooftops. "We did well Spider-man." Peter stepped closer to Charlie wrapping his arms around her waist. She lifted his mask up so she could see his lips and kissed him. She had missed the taste of his lips, she craved it.

"Yes, we did."

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