Chapter 7

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Charlie had gone to work that evening. It was quite busy but she had managed. Her co-workers seemed to like her too. The owner of the cafe was a lovely elderly woman named Nora. She was very kind and made sure Charlie knew how the kitchen worked and eventually she got the hang of it.She went to bed that night with a smile on her face despite her aching body.

It had been a few days since then and Charlie had finally decided to go to school today. Her friends were driving her crazy as they wouldn't leave her alone. A new hero had made their way into New York, people had been calling him Spider-man. He swings from buildings and stops street crimes, looking out for the little people. Charlie was yet to see him in action and she was excited to say the least. She hoped to see him, hopefully in good circumstances rather than bad. Charlie made her way to school and bumped into Peter on the way, now they were walking to school. He looked different to what he did a few days ago, he wasn't wearing his glasses, he had muscles and he looked more in shape. Charlie asked him about it and he said he had just been working out a lot more. "So what do you think about Spider-man?" Peter hoped that Charlie liked Spider-man, especially because it was him under the home made mask. "I think he's pretty cool, maybe I'll meet him one day." Charlie shrugged, still typing on her phone. She was texting her brother because he had to leave early for work and he wanted to check that Charlie was ok by herself. Charlie had been playing with her powers the last couple of days and she had found out she could create fire with the palm of her hand. She had managed to control her powers to, instead of them randomly going off. That was something she wasn't ready for.

Peter and Charlie walked through the gates of the school and headed to their group of friends who were stood at the end of the hall. "There's my favourite nerd." Michelle swung her arm around Charlie's shoulders whilst Charlie rolled her eyes at her friends comment."And my favourite sass queen." Charlie lightly punched Harry's chest at his snarky comment. "Again with the obsession thing guys, come on, I'm starting to think you have a secret club all about me." Charlie giggled as her friends glared at her before laughing themselves. It felt nice to laugh. Charlie hadn't done it in so long that it was almost foreign to her. Being with this group of people made her happy and she was glad she could finally fit in. The only problem was that she had to keep a secret from them. If they ever found out she had powers they would probably kill her on the spot. She would hate to lose them over a lab accident. Charlie didn't know how she felt about her powers. They were like a blessing and a curse. There were so many pros and cons that she couldn't decide if they were good or not. Maybe she could become a hero, like Spider-man and then maybe become and Avenger, but if anyone found out her identity, it puts all of her friends and family in danger. She couldn't have that. Yet she longed to be a hero and help the people of New York, she could put her powers to good use, so why shouldn't she?

The day went on and the longer it did, the longer Charlie thought about becoming a hero. It was the main thing on her mind today. She just couldn't decide whether it was a good idea or not, she wasn't trained, she could barely use her powers and she wasn't skilled enough to fight criminals on the street. Though her serum would come in handy during more physical activities. Gym class eventually came round and Charlie let out a loud groan. She hated gym, maybe it would be easier with her serum. She trudged into the changing rooms along with Michelle and got into her gym clothes. Charlie and Michelle walked out of the changing room, talking about their new favourite book and Peter, Ned and Harry were sat on the benches gawking at girls. "You okay, boys?" Charlie giggled at the boys who had their mouths wide open. "Is it weird that I think you look hot in your gym clothes Charlie?" Charlie smacked his arm and sent him a glare. "Yes you dork, it's weird." Peter felt a tang of jealousy, he wasn't sure why. He didn't like Charlie like that and she didn't like him like that either. Maybe he was just being protective. He shook the feeling off and went back to listening to his friends. "Ok class today we're doing..." Charlie was better than usual at sports. Her strength was better than ever and she was faster than she had ever been before. It was definitely her serum. She tried acting as if she didn't notice her inhumane abilities but it was becoming difficult. Her friends looked at her like she was the next Captain America. She was still thinking about becoming a hero but she would need a lot of training and a suit. Maybe she would meet Spider-man and they could be a dynamic duo. Who was she kidding, Spider-man wouldn't want to talk to her. The bell rang and Charlie rushed out of class, grabbing her bag from the changing room. "Bye guys, I'll text you later!" Charlie ran out of the school and changed into her work uniform in the girls bathroom before running out again.

"Hey Nora, I'm not late am I?" Charlie wasn't even out of breath when she ran, the serum was definitely working. "Nope, 3 minutes early actually." Nora handed Charlie a notepad and pen and gently shoved her in the direction of people sitting down. Charlie went from table to table taking people's orders and then handing them to the Nora. Charlie spotted a familiar mop of brunette hair and a smile grew on her face. "Hey, can I take your order?" Charlie laughed a little at Peter's reaction. "Oh, hey, can I have a Cappuccino please?" "Cappuccino huh, I took you for a latte kind of guy." Charlie scribbled down his order and began heading over to the coffee machines. "He's cute, what's his name?" Charlie turned around and saw Nora making some Espresso's. "He's Peter, a good friend of mine, I guess he's c-cute." Charlie nervously laughed and tucked a piece of hair behind her hair. "You can have your break now, a certain brunette is looking your way." Nora nudged Charlie which made her turn around. Her eyes locked with Peter's. It was like they were the only ones in the room. Charlie was sure she could hear her heart beating. Remembering she had his coffee in her hand, Charlie walked over to Peter and handed him his coffee. "Thanks." "Yeah, no problem, do you mind if I sit here, I'm on my break now." Peter nodded and gestured to the seat in front of him. They sat there for the whole of Charlie's break laughing and talking. He then left saying his aunt needed him and Charlie went back to work.

She was walking back home. The sky was black and the streetlights lit up the street. Charlie had made a wrong turn and ended up walking down an alley. She heard muffled screams and began venturing further down the alley. "Get of me!" Charlie stood still as she watched two men pin a girl to the wall. "Hey get off of her!" Charlie knew it was stupid to get involved but she couldn't help it. "Stay out of this pretty lady otherwise we'll have you too." Charlie stomped towards the men and demanded them to let the woman go. "Hey, has no one taught you how to treat a lady, because I don't think this is it." Charlie looked up and saw the familiar red and blue she had seen in the newspapers. Spider-man webbed the hands of the men together and kicked them against the wall and webbing them to it. The woman thanked Spider-man before running out of the alley. Charlie watched in total awe. This is what she wanted to do. She wanted to be a hero.

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