Chapter 27

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"Who are you anyway?" Charlie stood in her cell were the man that had taken her stood. "I am the Devil, your worst nightmare." Charlie scoffed and sat down on the floor glaring at the man. "Why do you need the power of the Tesseract?" She pushed on hoping that she would get answers out of him, she was bored. "If you must know, we need it to power my suit, it's not quite finished yet that's why we need Stark's blueprints, that's why we took you, because we knew they would waste their time on a pathetic child like you." "I'll have you know I am not a pathetic child, you freak." Charlie's limps still ached from yesterdays torture and she had training today so she was bound to have more injuries by the end of the day. It was times like these she wished she had healing abilities like Peter. Peter, how she missed him. It had been a week since she had seen him and it was killing her. She just wanted to hear his voice, look into his eyes, feel his touch but she couldn't and she wondered when she could, when she would get out, if she ever did.

"You have training in 5 minutes get changed." Devil pointed to the pile of clothes that were on the floor before walking out of the room and locking the door. Charlie slowly got changed being careful of her wounds from her last training session, there was a lot of stabbing involved. She groaned as she brushed past one of the wounds and observed it. These were probably going to turn into scars, like her other one. Her energy core still buzzed underneath her t-shirt. When HYDRA saw it they took it out and ran tests on it not believing that the device was keeping Charlie alive. She was still self conscious about it, it made her look like a robot and she hated it. She finished getting changed before walking towards the bars of her cell were an agent was waiting with his back turned. She patted him on the shoulder and he turned around holding his gun close to his chest. "It's just me, jeez, I'm finished let's get this training over with." She rolled her eyes as two more agents grabbed her arms and pulled her out of the cell and dragged her all the way to the training room.

"Ah Flame, I wondered when you'd be joining us, get in the ring, let's see your knife skills, again." Charlie had always been good with knifes but somehow this man had landed two stabs on her last time she was determined to take him down this time. She shrugged her leather jacket off and tossed it to the side and took a fighting stance. Two blades were placed in her hands and she held them with a tight grip. The other guy looked at her with a sly grin and took the first move. He bought his fist up aiming for her face and she kicked her leg underneath his arm and stabbed him in the hip. He grunted and bought another fist up,landing it in her side. She ran and jumped on him throwing him to the ground before stabbing him in the bicep. Devil smirked at her progress. The man got off of the floor wiping the blood from his arm before kicking his legs underneath Charlie's and taking one of her knifes. He managed to stab her in the side making her groan in pain. She jumped to her feet and kicked him square in the chest, he grabbed her ankle and slammed her onto the floor.

Avengers tower.

The Avengers had a plan and were currently suiting up waiting for a jet. Peter couldn't help being nervous, there is so much that could go wrong and he didn't want to risk it. Steve felt partly guilty because he had promised Charlie's father that he would keep her safe and he failed. The rest of the team wanted to get Charlie back. They piled onto the jet and travelled to the base. Tony sat next to Peter watching him do all of his nervous habits. "She'll be ok, we're going to get her, alright?" Peter looked up at Tony with tears in his eyes. "I know I just, I can't lose her, I can't lose anybody else." Tony smiled at the boy sadly understanding what he meant. "We won't lose her, I'll make sure of it, I'm not the sort of person that let's people in easily, but in the 2 months I've known that girl she has managed to find a place in my heart." Tony laughed lightly. Everyone on that jet cared about Charlie in there own ways for some she was a little sister, a daughter or the niece and it was different without her around, they all knew that as much as they hated to admit it, Peter and Charlie had changed their lives for their better and if either of them died it would hit them hard.

The journey to the base wasn't long but it still made the Avengers anxious about getting there just on time. When they landed Tony and Rhodey went into the air making sure the area was clear.Steve, Natasha, Peter, Thor, Bucky and Wanda took the ground taking down any agent guarding the building or walking around the perimeter. They all managed to get in and walked stealthily through the halls. They were taking agents down from every direction but they were slowly growing tired and they still needed to find Charlie.

Charlie was lying on her cell floor holding her side as it bled out onto the cold concrete. The doctors said they weren't going to patch her up because she deserved everything she was getting. She groaned as she pulled herself up and put her back against the wall. Her breaths were becoming heavy and she wasn't sure how much longer she could stay awake with all of the stab wounds. Maybe she was going to bleed out in this cell and she would die or maybe the Avengers would show up and save her just before she dies. The thing was she didn't know so there she sat praying for her life, praying for a miracle to happen, and it did.

Peter came bursting through the cell door and looked directly at Charlie. His eyes widened when he saw the oozing red blood coming from several places in Charlie's shirt. He ran over to her making sure he was in front of her. She looked up at his eyes and weakly smiled. She felt the life slowly leaving her body. "Peter..." He fought back his tears as he nodded. He carefully picked her up from the floor and left the cell. Steve stood in the hallway keeping watch when he saw Charlie and Peter. "What happened?" Peter looked at him. "I don't know..."

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