Chapter 30

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"Tony you have to let me do this." Tony gave Charlie an unsure look. She knew what the risks of doing this but she wanted to do it. "I can set myself on fire and the energy will radiate and explode,killing him." Tony got up and slammed his hands on the table. "Yes but it kills you too kid, I can't take that risk." Charlie looked pleadingly at the Avengers. "Steve? What's your opinion on this?" Charlie looked over to the hero and begged with her eyes. She wanted to help New York no matter the consequences. "Charlie, if it didn't mean killing yourself I would of agreed to it, but I can't Charlie, we can't let you die, I promised your father that I'd protect you, this is the opposite."Charlie was growing angry, she wanted to help and she knew the price she would pay and she had accepted it. Peter walked by her side wrapping his arms around her waist. "If you won't let me do it for New York, let me do it for myself, for Cameron, for my dad, let me do it to save New York, if I don't, he'll keep coming back for us, we'll keep losing and more people die."Charlie saw the expression on everyone's face change. They knew she was right but they didn't want to admit it. They couldn't let her kill herself. "Fine, you can do it only if we need you too, if we start losing then and only then, I will let you do it, understood?" Charlie nodded.

They began planning the attack. They couldn't let Devil win, not again. They just had to try and deactivate the suit, it was the thing that made him stronger, if they broke it, they would be able to kill him. They spent hours in the conference room coming up with a plan and eventually they had one. It was going to be a messy fight, but they had to win. Charlie walked out of the conference room with Peter. "You don't have to do it you know?" Charlie stopped and turned to Peter. She knew how much it was going to hurt him when she died. She didn't want to leave him but she couldn't be selfish, she had to protect the city. "Peter, I vowed to myself that I would protect the streets of New York, I signed up for this, I knew what I was in for when I accepted, I have to do this." She held onto his hands tightly, not knowing if it would be the last time. "I just wish you didn't." His voice cracked at the end and Charlie felt her heart break. It would destroy him, she knew that, it would destroy her too, but she knew that she had cherished every moment with this boy and she was glad she did because, you never know when your time comes, it just does. The couple walked into their shared room in the tower and laid on the bed. Charlie buried her head into his chest, breathing in his strong cologne. She closed her eyes, enjoying every second spent in Peter's arms.

A few hours passed and the pair had fallen asleep. Tony was going to talk to Charlie but he thought that she deserved to rest, especially if she had to pull of her big stunt the next day. He hated the idea of her killing herself but he knew she was too stubborn to take no for an answer. He closed the door, letting the teens rest before the big fight tomorrow.


Charlie fluttered her eyes open. Today was the day. She turned around and faced Peter. "Pete, wake up, we have to get ready." Peter let out a loud groan before finally opening his eyes. "Good morning beautiful." Charlie giggled and lent in to kiss him. He lent in too until their lips locked. The kiss was long and passionate, they wanted to make sure they made the most of their time if it came to the worst. They eventually got out of bed and got changed into their uniforms. When they got downstairs everyone was also in uniform and packing their weapons. "Morning kiddos, you ready?" Charlie nodded and walked over to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. They were leaving in the morning because they wanted to get to the scene before Devil did. That way they were prepared.

The team began loading onto the quinjets. Charlie was nervous, she didn't necessarily want to kill herself but she knew she would have to if it meant saving the city. As if Peter could sense her nervousness he came over and wrapped an arm around her waist as they boarded the jet. "Does everyone remember the plan?" Everyone either said yes or nodded their head. Everyone was determined to fight their hardest today, they didn't want to lose and they were not going to use Charlie unless they had no other option. Charlie sat next to Peter and Steve on the jet. Clint was driving and Nat sat with him at the front. The rest of the team were scattered around the jet. Charlie anxiously bounced her legs up and down. She was prepared for the worst, she had accepted that today she could die. Today could be her last day on Earth, the last day to hold and kiss Peter, the last day to share sarcastic comments with Tony, the last time she would have talks with Steve about her brother, the last day she would live without her brother. Despite all of this she was grateful, she had the Avengers, May,Peter, Ned and Michelle they were her family now and she could be leaving them all behind but she knew they were strong and they could handle themselves if she were to die. "Don't think like that Charlie, don't assume the worst." Charlie looked up and saw Wanda with tears in her eyes. "You know, you shouldn't read my mind if you didn't want to cry." Charlie wiped away some tears of her own before hugging Wanda. "Ok Avengers, get ready we'll be landing in 15 minutes." Charlie's nerves were crazy. "Your gonna be okay, we can do this." Charlie turned to Peter embracing him in a hug. His chin rested on top of her head and he stroked her hair softly. "I know, I just don't like the idea of more people dying than necessary." She let out a nervous chuckle before kissing his lips softly and going to talk to Tony.

The team walked off of the jet and towards the abandoned factory, Devil had sent them to. "Ah, the Avengers, I knew you would show, being the heroes, the bigger people." Devil came around the corner, his metal suit thumping on the ground.The Avengers formed a line pushing Charlie and Peter to the back. Peter put a protective arm around Charlie's waist. "You can just stop this you know, you don't have to keep killing people, why do you do it?" Tony was speaking to Devil. "I do this, for my wife, you killed her in the Battle of New York,also with you gone the world is safer, the world wouldn't have so many threats because there is no challenge if you aren't around, you think your the heroes but your not, you kill the innocent people of New York, people get stuck in the crossfire and you don't care." Devil shot electricity out of his suit aiming it towards the line of Avengers. Tony pulled his helmet down and began blasting back at him. Tony and Rhodey flew up in the air blasting him from above whilst the team on the ground tried breaking his suit and avoiding all blasts that came their way. Peter webbed the suit trying to pull parts of it but to no avail. Charlie sent balls of fire towards the Devil trying to fry the circuits in his suit. When that didn't work she gathered as much water as she could from the river not to far from where they were and threw it at him hoping it would flood the suit, yet again it done barely any damage. Devil blasted Charlie into the factory . "Charlie!" She grunted and pulled herself back up, wiping off the dust from her suit and spitting the blood out of her mouth onto the floor. "I'm alright." She said into the comms, hearing everyone's panicked voices. She ran back into the fight using more force, she was determined to end this man. Peter swung down next to Charlie. "Hey are you okay?" He held her hands in his, rubbing her knuckles. "Yeah, I'm okay." She kissed where his lips would be, as he had his mask on and began running towards Devil, fireballs ready in her hands.

(Play the song now)

The fight continued on and Charlie knew that they were losing, everyone had pushed as had hard as they could, Tony's suit was battered, there was pieces missing, Clint and Nat were covered in bruises, Steve had been thrown into the building several times and he had blood trickling from his forehead. The rest of the team was just as bad. "Tony I have to do it now, we can't do this anymore." Charlie spoke through the comms as she blasted Devil from behind. "No, we can still fight!" Tony sounded determined but he knew deep down that she was right they couldn't hold him for much longer. "Tony! I'm doing it, I'm not letting anyone get themselves killed understood?" The group gathered around Charlie all covered in sweat and blood. They knew this was it. Charlie walked over to Tony, tears in both of their eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck, embracing him in a hug. "Goodbye Tony, thank you for everything, I'm gonna miss you, tin man." She slowly let him go letting out a watery laugh. "I'm gonna miss you too kid." His voice cracked at the end, breaking Charlie's heart. Her and Tony had a special relationship they were important to each other in their own way. Devil blasted the team some more, separating the group as they fought him. Charlie found Peter and ran into his open arms. She held his face in her hands, their foreheads pressed together. Peter wrapped his arms around her waist. His tears soaked her shoulder. "P-please don't do this, there has to be another way." Charlie looked up into his eyes, they eyes she would get lost in, the eyes she would look at when she felt sad, the eyes that felt like home. "A good story always has an ending, I guess this is mine." There lips connected in a long passionate kiss. Charlie felt the salty tears on her lips, she wasn't sure if they were his or hers. "I love you Peter Parker."

She turned around and faced Devil, a smirk dancing on her lips. She felt the fire spread through her body, every cell awoke, the burning sensation, comforting her in a way. She wasn't afraid of death anymore. It used to be a horrible thing to her, taking away the people she held close, it was the thing that haunted her, like a shadow, but now she was accepting it. In a way it was beautiful, maybe not to the people who had lost them but to the person embracing death, it gave them a second chance, a chance to reunite with those they had lost. Her life was a success in her eyes and she was happy, everything came rushing back to her as she embraced death. The first time she played piano with her father, when Cameron let her drive his car, the first time she met Peter,Michelle and Ned. When she went on a date with Peter, the first time she kissed him. His sweet, soft lips against hers. She remembered the warmth of his body against hers. The way his arms felt around her, the way he was her home. She pushed harder, releasing every ounce of power from her body. She heard the screams of the Devil meaning she was successful.

Death wasn't something she hated now, instead she greeted it with open arms, death was her friend now, taking her to reunite with her family again. She wouldn't be afraid, death was the thing that held her close.

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