Chapter 15

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The next week went on slowly. Charlie didn't go to school and when Peter said he'd stay at home with her she told him she's fine and that he should go. Charlie wasn't coping so well. She wasn't eating properly and she was quite. With Peter at school and May at work Charlie could go out as The Flame during the day, it gave her a sense of relief. She wasn't over her brothers death, she never could be, at his funeral she couldn't speak because it pained her to talk about him.

"Hey, I'm going to school now, if you need me call me ok?" Peter pecked Charlie's lips before racing out the door.Once she was sure he was gone she began putting on her crappy homemade suit and crawled out of the window heading to the rooftops. Spider-man had been absent for a while and Charlie wondered where he could've gone. Moving the thoughts to the back of her head, Charlie jumped across the rooftops of the city, keeping an eye out for any crime. Hours had passed by and there hadn't been anything unusual. She spoke to soon. A blast came from somewhere in the distance. Charlie scrambled to her feet and jumped across the rooftops, following the trail of smoke. When she arrived at the scene she stopped in her tracks. An apartment building had exploded. The flames were hot, Charlie could feel them from where she stood. She jumped down from her perched position on the rooftop and ran into the blaze. People from outside screamed in terror as she ran in but that didn't hold her back. She pushed the flames aside with the flick of her wrist, creating a path for her to walk through. Rubble crumbled from above her. "Hello? Help please, I'm stuck!" Charlie followed the desperate voice. She dodged the falling debris and found a woman cradling her baby. "Hey I'm going to help you okay? When I tell you to run, follow through the path I'm going to make okay?" The woman nodded getting up from the floor. "Run!" Charlie used all of her strength to keep the path open. The heat was getting to her and she didn't know how much longer she could stay in the building. She cleared people out of the building, reaching as many floors as she could. Her arms were aching from the strength she was using to hold the flames. She may of had super strength but sometimes it's not enough.

Her knees buckled and she fell to the floor with a loud thud. She wasn't sure what was going to happen to her but she could relax, everyone else was safe that's all she wanted. Charlie coughed and spluttered as she tried to tame the flames but she couldn't find the strength to lift her arm. Shielding her eyes from the heat she crawled her way across the breaking floorboards.If she didn't get out she would fall when the floorboards collapsed, which by the looks of things, was going to be soon.

Meanwhile Peter was at school, stuck in chemistry class. He felt the familiar tingle and looked at the hairs on his arm and they stood up straight and Peter's eyes went wide. The teacher turned to his laptop, reading something. He grabbed the remote and turned on the board, a live broadcast played. "I'm here on Bow street the apartment building went up in flames after an explosion, when police arrived on the scene our local hero The Flame had already run in saving a total of 15 citizens, now she is no where to be seen, people are starting to think she had died in the act." Peter moved uncomfortably in his seat, he had to get to the scene. He raised his hand up trying to get the teachers attention. "Can I got to the bathroom please?" The teacher nodded and turned back to the broadcast. Peter grabbed his backpack and ran out of the classroom and straight to Bow street.

Charlie felt herself slip in and out of consciousness, the floor was slowly crumbling away from underneath her. The floors above her had crumbled also, pieces of wood swinging at her, flames clinging to them. Charlie cowered in the corner, she wasn't prepared to die, but then again who is? The heat made her sweat, her clothes sticking to her dirty skin. Her eyes slowly began to close and her breathing slowed, at least everybody was safe, she repeated it in her head, she did what she could.

Peter didn't bother putting his suit on he just ran to the building, fire fighters were hard at work trying to to tame the blaze but it didn't seem like it was working. Peter took a deep breath before running straight into the building ignoring the shouts of police officers. He had to find Flame. He put his hands up to his face, protecting his eyes from the sting of the heat. "Hello? Flame?" He searched through the fire and debris. A small body lay limp under concrete. "Flame!" Peter shoved the concrete off of the girl and hooked his arms under knees, his other hand supporting the small of her back. He ran out trying to steer clear of the dancing flames. When he got out he placed Flames body onto the floor and called the paramedics over instantly. They rushed to her side and placed her on a stretcher.

"We're going to have to take off the mask." Peter turned his head to the paramedic. "But that's invading her privacy, she's obviously wearing a mask for a reason." Although Peter was curious to who was behind the mask he couldn't just reveal her identity to the world. "We'll cover her so that the news reporters don't get any pictures but if we want her to live we have to take off the mask."Peter sighed in defeat and nodded towards the paramedic who then delicately took the now burned masked off. Peter stood there in total shock. He didn't expect her to be under the mask. His girlfriend Charlie Williams, was The Flame. He couldn't help but feel a bit betrayed and hurt, did she not trust him enough to tell him? He couldn't argue to be honest, he was hiding the fact that he was Spider-man from her. Peter got inside the back of the ambulance, watching as they tied Charlie up to various machines.

When they got to the hospital Charlie was rushed off and Peter was left in the waiting room. He plopped himself down in one of the wooden chairs and let out a loud sigh. He buried his head deep into his hands. It had been at least 45 minutes before the nurses said Peter could go and see her. His nerves had gotten the best of him, he had lost Uncle Ben and he couldn't lose Charlie too. Pushing the door open, Peter stalked into Charlie's room. His face dropped at the sight of her, multiple tubes had been stuck into her arms and up her nose. Blood clotted in her auburn hair and her sweet smell of Vanilla had been replaced with the heavy smell of burning and blood. He sat down in the chair next to her bed and took her hand in his. "I love you Charlie, I-I just- why didn't you tell me?" At his words Charlie began to stir and Peter watched her nervously. "Peter?" Charlie sat up as much as she could in the hospital bed and looked at Peter. "Why didn't you tell me Charlie? Why didn't you tell me you where the Flame?" Charlie eyes widened shock. "I-I just didn't want you to freak out, I thought that if I told you, you would of stopped me." Charlie looked down at hers and Peter's entwined hands and began nervously playing with his fingers. "Of course I would've Charlie, it's dangerous, how did you get the powers?" Charlie sighed as she thought of the field trip. "When we went to Oscorp for the trip, I cut my arm on a scalpel knife and later on Britany shoved me into a table of beakers full of different colour liquids, they fell over my clothes and obviously went into my cut, straight into my bloodstream. When we were driving home I began to feel sick, my muscles were aching and I was sweating, I got home and turned on the tap to wash my face and the water danced around my finger, I thought I was imagining it at first but then I done it again, after that I stuck my hand into the fireplace and the fire parted, making a path for my hand." Charlie watched Peter's expressions carefully, she couldn't lose him to, she had just lost her brother, losing Peter would break her.

Peter got up from his seat and sat on the bed in front of Charlie. He tucked a piece of her hair behind her hair and stared into her eyes. He wasn't angry at her, he was just disappointed that he didn't know sooner. He pulled her into his embrace and kissed her lips softly feeling her salty tears on his soft lips. What was he supposed to do now?

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