Chapter 2

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After getting a scolding and a slap from her mother Charlie had gone and stayed in Cameron's room for the night. He cradled her as she fell asleep, knowing what she was going through. "Morning Cameron." Cameron was sat at his desk watching his baby sister sleep. "Morning, how'd you sleep?" "I slept fine, thanks for letting me sleep in here." "No problem, how about I drop you off to school today yeah?" "Yes please." Charlie went towards her brother and kissed his cheek before exiting his room and heading to her own. She sighed as she looked in her mirror, there was a red patch on her face where her mother had slapped her yesterday and a slight bruise on her shoulder where she was shoved into the door.

Charlie threw on a rather short, black skater dress that had long sleeves, covering her arms along with a pair of white converse. She let her natural curls hang around her face. She walked out of her bedroom and went into the bathroom brushing her teeth. She yet again sighed at the marks left by her mother. "Charlie come on let's go." Charlie jogged through the hallway grabbing an apple and her backpack on the way, before following her brother to his car. Cameron was 20 and he was going to move out, into his own apartment but he decided to stay not wanting to leave Charlie on her own, despite her protesting. "Any boys I need to know about?" Charlie laughed at her brothers silliness. "As if any boy would date me, the only boys I know are Peter and Ned, their my friends as well as MJ." "Peter and Ned huh?" Charlie playfully nudged her brothers shoulder making him stumble a little bit. "It's not like that dork, besides I don't think they'll talk to me now."Charlie frowned. "Why, because of mum?" Charlie slightly nodded her head, not meeting her brothers gaze because she knew she would cry.

The rest of the journey to school Cameron tried cheering his sister up as much as possible. Somehow it worked. When they arrived at Midtown Charlie hesitantly got out of the car and her brother got out behind her. Cameron could see the worry in his sister's eyes and it pained him knowing that she couldn't have a normal life like she used to. The most he could do was wrap her in his arms and wish her luck, so that's what he did. "Charlie is that your boyfriend? He shouldn't be with a freak like you." Charlie winced knowing exactly who the voice belonged to. "No Britany, this is my older brother Cameron. Charlie slowly unfolded herself from her brothers arms. "Oh." "Yes, oh, can I ask why you think my sister isn't good enough to have a boyfriend?" Charlie could see her brother tense up and she put her hand his shoulder. "Cameron don't, it's ok." Cameron glared down at Britany, who didn't seem bothered in the slightest. "What getting your big brother to defend you now, you gonna get mummy next or is she gonna call you a rat and a disappointment again." Britany and her friends laughed. Cameron was about to say something but someone had already stepped in. "Britany leave her alone." Charlie looked for the voice only for her eyes to land on Peter Parker. "Stay out of it Parker, it has nothing to do with you." Before anyone could say anything else Mr Harrington was already heading down to the scene. "Miss Williams is there a problem here?" "I-uh." Cameron stood in front of his sister and shook the teachers hand. "I'm Cameron Williams, Charlie's brother, Britany seems to have a problem with my sister."

"Detention for you Miss Carr, now everyone get to class." With that Charlie gave her brother another long hug and rushed off to class with Peter whilst Ned went in the opposite direction heading to his class. "Thanks, for uh defending me, you didn't have to though." Peter's stomach did a small flip once he caught sight of Charlie's smile. He loved the way her curls jumped every time she walked and he loved how her eyes lit up when she saw her brother. "It's not a problem, what she said was wrong, your too pretty to not get a boyfriend." Peter had only realised what he had said when it was to late. A small blush crept up his cheeks. "You think, I'm pretty?" "I-uh yeah I-I do, your um really pretty." Peter began rambling and Charlie was giggling at his nervousness. They reached their classroom and Peter politely held the door open for Charlie. She walked in and sat down in a seat Peter following suit, sitting a few chairs beside her. "Good morning class, today I am going to set your first English Literature project, you will have 3 weeks to create posters or fact files about Shakespeare's work and I want you and your partner to write an essay about Shakespeare's plays and the moral of them, you will be showing your presentation at the end of the 3 weeks in front of the class, I will be picking your partners." Loud groans erupted through the classroom, many students not wanting to be separated from their friends. Charlie didn't really mind, the only friends she had so far was Ned, Peter and MJ, maybe she could make some more, plus Charlie loved English Literature it was her favourite subject as well as music.

Her, Cameron and her dad would dance around in the garage listening to her dads old records. Her mother would stand there filming it all and laughing calling them crazy. They would spend ours in there. Her dad had also taught her how to play Piano and guitar. Now Charlie would write her own songs when she felt emotional, usually when her mother scolded her whilst being in her drunken state. She only ever performed in front of her brother, who loved listening to her sing. Charlie hoped there would be some type of music club here at Midtown and luckily there was. She hadn't checked it out yet but she was planning to. "I'm going to start pairing you up now so listen out for your names." The teacher began listing students off of her list. "... Charlie Williams and Peter Parker." Charlie turned her head to face her brunette friend and he gave her a small smile before gesturing for her to come and sit with him. She picked up her chair and backpack, moving through the students and placed her chair on the floor and bag between her legs. "So, I guess we're partners huh?" Charlie let out a nervous giggle. "Yeah, I guess we are, do you wanna meet in the library after school and we can talk about what plays we should research?" "Uh, yeah I'll have to check with my mum first" Charlie frowned slightly at the mention of her mother, she knew that her mother wouldn't care, she never did after her father died. "Oh yeah that's fine." Peter was trying hard not to mention what happened with Charlie's mother yesterday and Charlie could see it. "I know you want to ask about my mum, I'll tell you at lunch, okay?" Before Peter could protest the bell had rung an the students were piling out of the room, fleeing of to their next class.

Charlie walked to her next class with a deep sigh and a heavy heart.

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