Chapter 5

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The day of the field trip had come and Charlie was actually excited to go. Her mood had gotten better over the week, her friends and brother doing anything they could to make her smile. Charlie had also applied for a job at a small coffee shop, hoping she would be able to help her brother with the bills.

Charlie waited by the school bus for her friends. Peter said he was going to be a little bit late. Ned was getting dropped off by his mum and Harry and Michelle were walking together which was shocking for Charlie as Michelle usually liked to be left alone unless it was Charlie. Charlie and Michelle had become best friends, they could bond over anything and they were quite similar apart from the fact that Charlie loved Star Wars and Michelle didn't. Charlie played a game on her phone, getting bored of waiting when someone nudged her shoulder. "Hey loser you miss me?" Charlie turned around to see non other than Harry Osborn giving her his charming Osborn smile. "Of course Harry, my heart was breaking without you around." Charlie dramatically put a hand to her heart. "Oh, I see how it is, you didn't miss me?" Peter came into her view, his headphones dangling on his jumper. "Yes, I missed you too Peter." Charlie let out a loud laugh. "I think everyone should stop obsessing over me though, you all want my attention and it's becoming to much." Charlie giggled and Peter just nudged her shoulder and laughing as well. "Don't flatter yourself too much Williams, I'm the beauty of this school." "Your a jerk, Harry." Michelle was stood by Harry's side reading a book of course. Charlie wasn't sure whether she had just heard their conversation. Ned came jogging down the path, his backpack bouncing up and down with every step he took. The teens piled onto the bus and the group of friends headed to the back.

Charlie was sat next to Michelle, Harry next to Peter and Ned on the end of the long row of seats. "I'm so excited for this trip, it's going to be so cool." Charlie laughed at Ned's excitement. "Your such a nerd Ned." "Hey, you decided to be friends with me, so now your stuck with it." Charlie laughed again. Her phone vibrated again and she pulled it out of her pocket. Her friends watched her. The number was unknown but Charlie answered it anyway. "Hello? Yeah that's me, really that's great thank you!" Charlie hung up and let out an excited squeal. "What's gotten you so excited?" Michelle asked. The others were curious too, they hadn't seen Charlie so excited before. "I applied for a job at a small coffee house near Midtown and they just accepted, I start tomorrow at 3:15!" "That's great." Everyone congratulated their friend on getting a job and eventually the excitement toned down and they carried on with normal conversations. Charlie and Michelle listened to some music and silently sang along and bobbing their heads to the tune.

The bus came to a stop and every one packed away their belongings and made their way off of the bus. Charlie stood by her group of friends and patiently waited for the tour guide to talk. "Ok Midtown High, I will be your tour guide today, you will be looking at our radioactive spiders and a new experiment we have, stay in your pairs and don't touch anything." After Charlie's group got into pairs they began to follow the tour guide. Charlie was with Michelle, Harry with Peter and Ned had paired up with Gwen Stacy, a pretty girl who was in their class. Charlie wasn't close with Gwen but they did speak with each other quite often. Peter was silently taking pictures with his camera, he was taking them for the yearbook. and Charlie and Michelle were listening to the tour guide. "In here with we have 4 radioactive spiders, we swapped their DNA... " Charlie didn't pay attention to the tour guide but instead looked over to Peter who was looking at his hand and Charlie saw a small spec of blood. Charlie pushed her way through the sea of students until she reached Peter. She placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey Pete are you okay?" His face was getting paler by the second and beads of sweat were dripping down his face. "I- uh." Peter ran out of the lab, bursting through the doors clutching his stomach. Charlie was about to run after him but was pulled back by Michelle. "Leave him, he'll be okay." Charlie sadly looked at the doors then back at her best friend and nodded.

The group carried on looking at the radioactive spiders. Charlie realised there were only 3 in there. "You said there were 4 spiders, right?" "Yes dear, why do you ask?" " Because I only see 3." Everyone turned their gaze to the tank, staring at it with concentration. Some people's eyes widened with realisation whilst others squealed at the fact their could be a spider on the loose."Calm down everyone it's alright, let go look at our newest experiment whilst the scientists look for it." The tour guide glared at Charlie an then turned around and led the class out of the big metal doors and into another room. Michelle and Charlie linked arms with Harry and walked into the next lab together.Charlie couldn't stop herself from worrying about Peter. He looked fine on the bus, what happened? Charlie was so distracted that she had ended up walking into one of the dissecting knifes on the work top and cutting her arm. She winced as the pain settled in and blood began dripping down her arm. She quickly wiped it away with her hand and carried on following the tour guide. "Ok so this experiment is a serum that will change your muscle cells, it will make you stronger and faster. It's quite similar to Captain America's. Unfortunately it can't heal anything yet, we're still working on that."Charlie was quite impressed with the serum. No one had been able to recreate Captain America's serum. Britany nudged Charlie causing her to knock over various glass beakers full of different colour liquids down her arm and onto her t-shirt. She winced as she felt the liquids drip into her cut, stinging it ever so slightly. Charlie quickly picked up the beakers hoping nobody saw and slipped her hoodie on to hide the stains left on her t-shirt. She heard Britany and her friends laugh in front of her. Michelle was in front Of Charlie, she didn't look very excited about the serum.

Charlie tried finding Peter after the tour but someone had said he was picked up by his uncle Ben. So she got on the bus and sent him a quick message asking if he was ok and then she put her head phones in. Charlie opened her eyes in shock as her head began to pound. She was starting to get very hot so she took her hoodie off. Her body began to ache and her hands were shaking. What the hell was happening?

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