Chapter 11

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Charlie had stayed at the hospital for a few days so that the doctors could check on her and if she was okay they would release her. Luckily she was okay and she was getting released tonight. The only problem was that Charlie no longer had a legal guardian as her mother would be in prison for a long time and she would be seeing a therapist some where in England to help with her drinking problems. Cameron was old enough to become Charlie's legal guardian but they would have to move into an apartment before hand as they couldn't afford to live in the house anymore.

Peter was sat at Charlie's side, holding her hand tightly waiting for the nurse to come back and tell her she was ok to leave. Cameron was signing some paperwork with the receptionist outside of the hospital room. "What are we gonna do Pete? I can't go back to work for at least another week and I'm gonna have a lot of school work to catch up on, I don't want Cameron over working himself to try and get us an apartment ASAP, he needs a break." Peter rubbed his thumbs over Charlie's knuckles as an idea came to his head. "You could stay with me and May, I'm sure she wouldn't mind." Charlie sent him a smile. "Are you sure? I don't want to invade your home Peter." "It's alright, I'll call her now, okay?" He kissed the top of her head and walked out of the room, the phone against his ear. Charlie really appreciated the offer but she didn't want to invade May's home, she was a lovely woman but Charlie doubted that she wanted another teenager and a young adult in her home. Peter came back into the room with a grin on his face. "May said she would be glad to have both you and Cameron until you can find a place." He placed himself back in the seat next to the hospital bed. "Thank you Peter, I'm sure Cameron will be pleased." As if on cue Cameron walked into the room, he looked tired, he had heavy bags under hid eyes, the once shining colour of his eyes seemed to have turned dull, yet he still put a smile on his face.

"We can go home now, you just have to change into your clothes." "Cameron, May said we could stay at her's until we sort ourselves out." The smile on Cameron's face grew and a sense of relief washed over his features. "That would be great, I would just have to talk to the estate agents about selling our house and we should go gather all our stuff, thank you Peter." Peter nodded at him before helping Charlie slowly get out of the hospital bed. She gripped his forearm tightly as she put her bare feet on the cold floor. She padded over to her duffel bag and pulled out the clothes Cameron had packed. She shooed the boys out of the room and locked the door before slipping out of her hospital gown and put on her jogging bottoms and t-shirt along with a pair of converse. It wasn't the best outfit choice but it didn't matter, she was only leaving the hospital. She dug around the bag for a hair tie and quickly put her hair in a ponytail. She walked over to the door, unlocking it and opening it. "Can we go now, I don't want to spend another second in here." Cameron laughed and grabbed the duffel bag from the hospital room and led Charlie and Peter out of the hospital. Charlie climbed into the familiar red car. The seats were a tan leather, they were fairly old and you could see the little cracks in the leather if you looked close enough. Charlie remembered the summer days she would spend in this car, the window rolled down, the music loud and her hair flipping behind her in the wind. She missed those days.

Peter sat in the back with Charlie, an arm wrapped around her shoulders as she nestled her face into his chest. The car ride wasn't long but it was long enough for Charlie to fall asleep in Peter's lap. Cameron stopped the car, taking the keys out of the ignition. Peter carefully carried Charlie out of the car and up to his apartment, Cameron following behind. They got out of the elevator and Peter walked over to his apartment and knocked on the door. Aunt May opened the door with the usual smile on her face. " Hey Aunt May, I'm gonna go put her on my bed if that's ok."Peter's voice was barely a whisper. May nodded and ushered the boys into the apartment before shutting the door. Peter walked to his room gently placing Charlie down and pulling the covers over her. He placed a quick kiss on her head before turning the light off and walking out of the room.

"How is she?" May pulled out her purse and was putting her coat on. "She's alright, she just couldn't get a good night's sleep at the hospital." Peter pulled a chair out and sat down running a hand through his hair. "Alright, well I'm going to go get us some dinner, make yourself at home Cameron." "Thank you again May, I really appreciate it." May shot him a smile before walking out of the apartment, shutting the door softly behind her. Peter got out of his chair and walked into the kitchen grabbing a glass and making himself a glass of water. "I should probably call the estate agent." Cameron got up from the couch and grabbed his phone from the duffel bag before walking outside the apartment. Peter placed his glass down on the side and pushed himself off of the side and began walking to his room.

The door opened with a creak, he walked in and Charlie was still asleep on his bed. He could hear her light snores and it made his heart flutter. He walked over and laid down next to her placing his arm over her waist. He placed a soft kiss onto her temple.She began to stir and Peter watched her eyes flutter open. "Hey..." Peter's stomach done a flip at the sound of Charlie's voice. " Hey sleeping beauty." Peter let out a little chuckle as Charlie playfully hit his arm. Peter propped himself up on his elbow so that he was facing Charlie. "You're really cute when your asleep. Charlie smiled a little and and sat herself up. "Can I have a shower? I smell like hospital." Charlie's nose wrinkled at the mention of the hospital. "Yeah, you know were the bathroom is." Charlie pecked Peter's lips before climbing off of the bed and into the bathroom. She turned the shower on and locked the door before stripping off her clothes. She climbed into the shower, the warm water hitting her skin. Charlie spotted her scar from the bullet. She grazed her finger across the damaged skin and sighed. She now had a constant reminder that her mother had shot her.

She spent about half an hour in the shower trying to get rid of the horrible hospital smell. She turned the shower off, hearing the water droplets hit the bottom of the shower. She grabbed a towel from the rack and wrapped it around her body. She unlocked the door and briskly walked to Peter's room and spotted her duffel bag on the floor. She took out some underwear and a pair of shorts and quickly slipped them on under her towel. Deciding she wanted to wear one of Peter's t-shirts, she walked over to his wardrobe and took the first one she found and slipped it on over head. She roughly dried her hair in the towel before brushing it out and putting the towel in the washing basket.

She walked out of Peter's bedroom and  into the living/kitchen area. Cameron was sat on the sofa with Peter who was flicking through the channels on the TV and May was in the kitchen placing their dinner on the table. "So your stealing my clothes now?" Peter pretended to be mad but he couldn't, she looked adorable in his t-shirt. "Yup, get use to it Parker, hey Cam." Charlie walked over to the couch and placed herself in between the two boys giving her brother a hug. "We're able to sell the house, we have to go and get our stuff tomorrow, the house is already on the market." Cameron grinned at his little sister. "That's great, I called Nora earlier and explained that I couldn't go to work for the rest of the week but I should be back soon." May called for dinner and everyone went to the dining table choosing a seat and sitting down. Everyone was getting along, laughing and talking. Charlie finally felt normal, like her old self.

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