Chapter ONE - The Spiral in the Rock

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The sky was painted in various colours. The red and orange hues tinted the world around her in their light. She watched the sun gently fall in the distance. The air was warm, nipping at her cheeks as she stood by the edge. She felt his presence beside her before catching a glimpse of the dark robes. She peered out the corner of her eye, watching the sun's rays illuminate the grim cloak that floated just above the ground. She felt her stomach lurch at the sight of pristine, white grains of sand that scattered around him.

'Not too bright for you, no?' She bit, keeping her eyes locked on the masterpiece before her. She felt the wind blow her hair over her shoulder, cooling down her boiling skin. The ocean went on for miles before her, turning into a hazy line in the distance. He didn't respond, and she turned on her heel to look at him.

His hood was pulled over his head, hanging far over his forehead. The sun glistened on his pale skin, making it sparkle ever so slightly. His dark black hair stabbed out from under the hood, swaying softly against his forehead. He turned his head to look down at her, his slender figure towering high like a tree.

'No.' He responded gently; the deep growl still evident in his voice. His cold blue eyes pierced hers and she couldn't help but flinch slightly. Sweat started to collect in her palms and nerves bubbled in her belly like a potion in a cauldron. She tore her gaze away, keeping her body facing his as her eyes found the sun once again, she found peace within her as she watched it drop.

'What do you want?' She asked, her tone tired and bored. His eyes tore into her skin and she did her best to subdue her nerves.

'Just checking in.' No matter how gentle and kind he tried to make his voice, the threatening boom always broke through. A scoff ripped out her mouth and an irritated smile tugged on her lips.

'Yeah.' She turned her body back to face the sun, feeling his burning gaze move away. The wind picked up, the sun almost out of sight. From the trees behind them, darkness crept in like an animal hunting its prey. 'It's been years, do you still need to follow me around like a puppy?' She hissed, turning her body again to glare him down.

His lips formed into a thin line; his jaw clenched tight. She let out a shaky breath and took in his appearance. It never changed. His robes were thick and heavy, hanging off his body but never quite touching the ground. The hand that was exposed was pale with long, thin fingers. His knuckles were white as he gripped the scythe that loomed over his head, the sharp point glaring down at her.

'Yes.' He responded, keeping his eyes on the blue ocean that was slowly turning to look like oil in the impending night. 'You know that.' He stated, glancing down at her with the least-threatening look he could possibly muster. She looked to the trees behind them, watching the shadows roll towards them, devouring everything in their path.

Her skin was smooth. For he saw the real her. Her dark hair was thin, reaching just under her shoulder. She was much smaller than him. Her light brown coat hung down her body, brushing against her legs. The breeze was harsh against her skin and she crossed her arms, wrapping them around her for warmth.

'Are you ready?' He asked, watching as a small vein twitched under the skin of her forehead. Her mind was loud, and her senses were on alert. Every bird call made her heart jump, every smell caught her attention. The crash of the waves below was drowned out by the hammer of her heart, pounding mercilessly in her chest.

She let out a breath. The sun was gone. The red lights across the sky were slowly dragged down with it. The air was cool, and noises faded away as if the world was falling asleep.

'Yes,' She nodded, hiding the uncertainty which he could see clearly behind her nervous eyes. He took one last look at the ocean below the cliff, casting his gaze to the night that was slowly creeping in. He opened his mouth to speak but changed his mind. He clenched his jaw to be sure the words couldn't sneak out his mouth and he turned to walk towards the woods.

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