Chapter FOUR - A Few Too Many

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'So, I'm what is known as a half-demon.' He rattled on, taking a swig of his drink before slamming it on the bench harder than he'd thought. His eyes were glazed over, his body loose along with his mouth. Emma listened intently, keeping her mouth shut and her eyes focused. She was worried that if she spoke, her words would slur and if she looked anywhere else, the concept of seeing three of the same thing would make her feel even more ill.

The sun was falling behind the trees. The breeze starting to cool slightly but the heat hadn't bothered Emma in a long time. She was seven double vodkas in on an empty stomach while Blake was on double or even triple what she was.

'Technically speaking, to make it easier,' Blake leant closer, there were very few people still around and those that were had chosen to sit further away. 'Hell is below us, Satan and all.' He raised his hands, wiggling his fingers while making a circular shape with his mouth. Emma let out a little giggle, keeping a hold of her drink but pretending she was too engrossed to take a sip.

'Heaven way up there.' His eyes looked up to the sky and his head drooped back down as if it were hanging by a thread. 'Who knows who runs that show.' He finished his drink, sliding the empty glass out of sight. 'We're in-between the two.'

Emma nodded, the words falling in and flying right back out. Silence fell back between them. Blake looked down at his hands as if only just then noticing that there wasn't a full glass between them. He stood back up. 'You wanting anything?' He asked, looking down at her.

Emma shook her head, raising her glass with a wobbly arm. Blake smiled and headed back to the caravan. Emma looked down into her glass. The ice was long gone, the bubbles rising to her face. With an unsteady hand, she raised the glass and swallowed the last few bits of her drink.

Blake strutted back, two drinks in hand. She sighed, feeling the past few drinks bubbling in her stomach. He dropped back on the bench, pushing the clear liquid towards her with a smile. Emma groaned and reached out for it, bringing it towards her. She smelt it, eyes widening as she bolted up.

'I have to go to the toilet.' She announced with a slur. She turned and staggered over to the bathroom, the door swaying in her sight with every step she took, and she worried she'd reach for one of the other two doors that invaded her vision. The entrance slammed open and Emma leapt into the first stall she could, falling to her hands and knees.

She ignored the wet sticky substance that clung to her palms and breathed ragged breaths into the toilet bowl. With relief, the past drinks came pouring out. Emma was unaware of the door opening and a woman walking in. Her eyes were full of horror as they landed on Emma whose head was in the toilet and her bum in the air. She turned up her mouth, walking straight back out as the smell spread around the bathroom.

Emma sat back, leaning against the wall and kicking the door shut with her foot, hoping that no one had seen her. She closed her eyes and leant her hot head back with relief. She flushed the toilet and wiped her mouth, letting the peace take her.

'Emma!' A voice hissed. She shook her head in an attempt to stay in the warmth. 'Emma!' It came back, over and over. Her eyes cracked open, the stall door was open, and Blake was looking down at her with raised brows and a smile. She groaned and looked down, avoiding his pleased stare.

'Sorry, I was just...' She racked her brain for a believable excuse. He laughed and reached a hand down, pulling her to her feet. Her head spun, her body stumbling as she found her balance.

'Taking a good twenty-minute nap?' He finished for her with a smirk. His eyes glimmered as she rubbed her face, walking over to the mirror to examine herself.

The In-Between (Book 1 - Death, Demons and Mere Mortals)Where stories live. Discover now