Chapter FIFTEEN - Captivated

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'What?' His voice lowered as he locked in on her, Jen no longer his focus of attention. She stepped back, realising how close they were when she was filled with irritation and adrenaline.

'Yeah, they found me.' She looked over to Jen, her head hung into the bucket. The smell started to swirl into the air around Emma and Blake. 'Us.' She corrected, pulling Blake's attention back to his previous issue.

'Who is she?' He growled, knowing the answer wasn't going to be good. He glared into Jen's skull, letting rage consume his thoughts. He knew she was alive, human. He knew the consequences of someone like her knowing about someone like him.

Emma sighed, stepping in front of him to block Jen from his vision. 'She's with me.' She whispered hesitantly, the anger burning into her skull now. Emma kept a strong front as Blake's eyes darkened, she watched as his fists curled into tight balls, his knuckles whitening.

'You,' He seethed, looming over Emma with a sneer, 'told a MORTAL!?' His voice boomed, shaking the bin in Jen's hands and brushing Emma's hair back. She turned her head to the side, her lips curling as he shouted into her face. His breath was hot, steaming over her skin. She breathed, turning her face back to his.

'Yes.' She said simply, keeping her voice cool. The last thing Emma wanted was an argument, she wanted answers or to make a plan. The idea that they were being followed, the concept of facing the demons again terrified her. She watched as Blake's nostrils flared, his eyes narrowing into tiny slits as he inhaled deeply, his chest puffing out. 'But,' She quickly spoke, raising a hand as a sign of peace, 'what is the point in arguing about this?' She asked, watching as his gaze slide over to Jen who was sat up, trembling over the bucket before her.

He didn't respond. Emma watched with wonder as the smooth caramel colour swirled back into his eyes, his towering figure lowering and retreating back. His fists uncurled, hot blood rushing back into his fingers. Emma continued, encouraged by his actions. 'We have to move.' She urged, turning to look over at Jen's confused and shocked eyes. Blake sighed, turning his gaze away as he listened to Emma's words. 'They've found us twice already; they can do it again.'

The room was quiet, the cogs turning in everyone's minds. Jen sat wondering what was happening, why she'd been referred to as a mortal. She looked around the room, only realising then that they weren't in her house. Dread consumed her as she took in Emma's body, doubt clouding in her mind as she wondered if she was being tricked. If this was all some big game.

Blake knew Emma was right. His heart still beating furiously at the sight of Jen, but he knew there was nothing he could do. He conjured a plan in his mind. The memory of Egypt rising in his head as he pictured the sickly yellow eyes that played games with him. He stared at his feet, only then thinking of what would happen when all this was over. When he would go back to his life in the In-Between.

'Okay,' He agreed in a hushed tone, bringing his head up to Emma's. She nodded at him, glad that they were in agreement. 'What do we do then?' He asked, watching Jen wipe her mouth out the corner of his eye.

Emma sighed, turning on her heel and pacing back and forth. She could sense that Jen had questions and she felt bad for bringing her but there was no choice. She bit her gums, her hand rubbing her chin as she thought rapidly.

'We move.' She stated, coming to a halt before Blake. Her eyes were hard and focused. Her jaw clenched as she stood rigid in front of him. 'Now.' She pressed, spinning and moving towards the foot of her bed where her suitcase lay.

Blake sighed, watching as she darted around the room. 'What about her?' He asked with slight hesitancy, knowing that Emma could react with anger. Emma halted, both her and Jen staring at him. Jen's eyes were filled with confusion and fear, the sight of Blake opened up a pit in her stomach that was empty. Emma's eyes, however, were solid and narrow.

The In-Between (Book 1 - Death, Demons and Mere Mortals)Where stories live. Discover now