Chapter THREE - All This Time

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The orange glow flickered above them making the old, thin pages seem even more fragile. They had been reading for hours, the mountains of books beside them growing gradually as time slid by.

The silence was comfortable and now and then they heard the clatter of the young lady's shoes as she patrolled past their door. Emma could feel her eyes twitching, she rubbed them violently, pushing away the hunger and sleep that begged for attention.

'Here!' Blake shouted, shooting to his feet while keeping his finger firmly pressed on the open page. His eyes glistened in the light, happiness shining down on Emma brighter than the bulb that hung weakly just above his head.

'What?' She asked tiredly, letting her body loosen wearily. He smiled at her, looking back down at his stabbing finger.

'I know what we're looking for.' He exclaimed with optimism, his wide eyes wild and insane as they bore into her soul. She inhaled, hesitant to ask further. He snatched the book up and coughed, clearing his throat while holding it high in front of him. 'The carrier was forged by the greatest masters. Its power too strong for any mere mortal. When all came together, destruction and chaos followed. It would be ruined where it was created, on the highest mountain to burn in its ashes.'

She hung onto his every word, waiting to find out what she would next be hunting down. Her hand felt for the necklace that lay gently against the bone of her chest. She waited but he didn't speak. His eyes bounced to hers, illuminated with excitement.

'That's it?' Her eyes wide as she waited for more. He scoffed at her words, rolling his eyes as he spun the book in his hands and lay it gently before her.

'If you'd let me finish.' Emma rolled her eyes and smiled in irritation at his words. He circled the table and pointed to the corner of the book. 'That,' Emma's eyes followed his hand to see a small drawing scribbled onto the paper, 'is what we're looking for.' He finished, pulling his hand away and standing tall, proud of himself.

'A crown.' Emma breathed unimpressed, she stared at the child-like drawing. Blake sighed in frustration and threw himself back into the seat opposite her. He reached out and slid the book back across the table towards himself.

'It makes sense.' He started, convincing her to understand. 'They created all these jewels that are stronger when they're together. Why wouldn't they create a carrier?' His hands were waving around dramatically. 'And what screams power more than a crown?' He finished, staring at Emma's unconvinced gaze.

She bit her gums, ripping a slight tear and tasting the bitter blood. She looked away, letting the thoughts and possibilities circle in her mind. Blake panicked and continued throwing information at her.

'Plus, I've heard about a crown before, they called it Coroa.' He muttered, correcting himself with a bored stare. 'But, it's out there, I know it!' He yelped, waiting for a response that would praise him further, something better than his own hand patting him on the back.

Emma looked up at him, her dead stare making him nervous. 'I think I know where it is.' She whispered ominously, looking him gravely in the eye. An uncertain smile tugged at his face as she spoke. He shook his head, coming to his senses.

'But we still have to find, what...' He drifted off, his eyes looking somewhere else as the cogs in his brain turned, 'four other jewels.' He had the number on his hand, his four fingers turning to point at her.

She looked down, eyes landing on the bump in her t-shirt that rose and fell as she breathed. 'Actually,' Her nervous, flittering eyes finally landed upon his, 'we only have to find three.' Emma reached in and pulled the chain, a large silver, metal necklace landed on her chest.

The In-Between (Book 1 - Death, Demons and Mere Mortals)Where stories live. Discover now