Chapter NINE - The Haunting Sleep

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The icy wind bit her skin like carnivorous animals. The forest was white. Branches hung down low under the weight of the thick snow balancing on top. Animals skittered from branch to branch, birds singing and chirping over the sound of crunching under their boots. They held each of her hands as she guided them through the woods.

It was like a painting. The lake was frozen solid, covered in snow. Very few green blades of grass broke through the strong snow smothering them, swaying in the breeze. They squealed with delight. She talked. The words a muffled hum. They sat in the snow, giggling as they pulled their shoes off. The girl moved fast, replacing her boots with skates.

She looked at the lake. A memory swooping in and changing the view. Two people dancing with grace. The lady laughed, letting go of the child's hand, watching as she glided on her own. The woman's blonde hair was curled into locks, the snow melting on her head as it fell. She smiled, watching with pride.

She felt her heart grow heavy. The memory faded like smoke. The lady lingering for a moment longer. The girl looked down at their pink-tinged faces, beaming up at her with excitement. She took their hands, gently making their way onto the ice. They drifted with nerves but as they let go of her hands, they skated like pros together.

She watched them, smiling with pride. The wind picked up, whipping the girl's hair around her face. She couldn't see, her heart pounding in her chest. She slowed her pace but still kept sliding. They called her name, the fear in their voices. The girl managed to grab her hair, ripping it away and feeling the pain burn in her scalp. She gasped, grinding to a halt.

Sweat trickled down her temple as she shot from the thin duvet. The air swished past her, cool as ice on her burning skin. Her eyes darted around the room, the lake fading and changing to a dark room. Her heartbeat thudded in her chest, loud in her ears. Her throat was dry, the saliva drying up in her mouth as she panted.

'Are you okay?' A voice asked hesitantly from the dark. She jumped slightly, her heart skipping a beat. Emma closed her eyes, letting her lungs expand with air.

'Yes.' She managed to breath out, swallowing to wet her throat as the words cut through her tender flesh. The images danced behind her eyelids, haunting her. She opened her eyes, seeing parts of Blake shine in the light that crept in from outside.

'Bad dream?' He asked, not wanting to pry too much. Emma took a deep breath, throwing the duvet off her and standing. Her legs were damp, sweat sticking her thighs together.

'Yeah.' She sighed tiredly moving towards the bathroom. She let the door stay ajar as she stared at herself in the mirror, hands gripping the sink. Her eyes were empty. Someone else stared back at her. Strands of hair were glued to her forehead and her neck. Water gushed out from the tap, hands swooping in to cup some, splashing her face with the welcoming chill. Their voices circled in her head, dulled out by the water against her face.

Emma left the bathroom, unable to look at herself in the mirror again. She crawled back into bed, her back to Blake's gazing eyes. She could feel that he wanted to ask questions; she could hear the curiosity boiling inside him. Thankfully, the squeak of the chair turning met Emma's ears and she relaxed her tightened body for a moment.

She didn't sleep. The dream played on a continuous loop in her mind, every detail becoming more prominent. For hours, she lay and stared at the wall, except she didn't see a wall, she saw a glistening icy lake. She didn't hear silence, she heard giggles and the cutting of ice. The room wasn't hot to her, it was freezing as if the snow was landing on her curved body.

She didn't remember falling back asleep, but she did, a dreamless and light sleep. When she woke, the ceiling met her gaze. The room was bright, and she didn't need to look to know that she wasn't alone. She could feel his stare, the icy gaze cutting into her.

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