Chapter EIGHTEEN - Circles and Lines

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The streets were fairly empty, the cold air tugging at her clothes and tricking her mind into thinking she wasn't alone. She replayed that last moment with Grim, questioning herself as to why she didn't speak. She wondered if there was any truth to it, if she really didn't trust Grim or if she just didn't know what to say. Her relationship with Grim was something she never really thought of. He'd lied to her, withheld the truth, and been the result of her ending up in pain. But, at the same time, he'd also saved her, brought comfort and safety and helped her through the years.

His face faded into focus in her head. His white skin glistening like crystal. His eyes a vast ocean, pulling her in and wrapping her in warmth despite the icy chill that followed like his natural odour. His body moved with elegance and focus, the way he floated everywhere with his robes trailing loyally behind him. Emma couldn't stop thinking about the slight drop upon his face when she didn't answer. The guilt of causing hurt gripped her heart and squeezed with no mercy.

Was he a friend? The voices in her head spun and screamed, anger rising up within her as she was still left without an answer. An ear-splitting growl caused a whine to rip from Emma's mouth as her insides vibrated. She spun on her heel in time to catch a glimpse of a beam of light that whizzed by. The music from the car was loud when it passed Emma, fading into the night as it drove into the distance.

Emma shook her head, the noise silenced for a moment as she watched the lights drop out of sight as the car sped over a small hill. The light beside her was distracting, she turned her head to see what it was lighting up. Books lined the window. Her eyes drifted over them all. After all the reading, Emma had found a love for books, the history within them, the design and age that they held between the pages. The smell even calmed her for a moment, allowed her to forget about the life that she was living.

She halted in place. Her body twisted at an angle while her feet were immovable in their place. Her eyes were locked onto a small piece of paper in the window, its edges ripped, the corners bent and damaged. 'SomEthinG yOu MAy Need?' Was written on the paper in messy handwriting, the letters differing between lower and upper case. She squinted, pressing her hands against the glass as she leaned against it, her breath fogging up her vision.

The book was ancient but in very good condition. It was massive and Emma could feel the weight by just looking at it. On the cover, in neat green writing rose suspicion within Emma, yet she was eager to get it. 'Independent Authors Myths on the Old and Historic Arts.'

Emma released a breath, pushing gently off the glass as her eyes bounced between the book and the letter. She knew that it had been written for her. She read the title again, two words sticking out more than ever. Independent and Arts. She moved her attention to the scrawled note, doubt filled her. She turned on her heel, her eyes scanning the streets for anyone who seemed out of place. But there was no one around and she didn't feel as though she was being watched.

She turned back to the window, her eyes lingering on the book before she uncertainly stepped to the side. The door was clear glass and for a moment, she contemplated breaking it. She lifted a hand, fist clenched as it hovered by the side of her face, whatever the damage to her hand would be an easy fix. Awareness struck like lightning and she lowered her hand, laughing quietly to herself at her actions. She shook her head, the smile still present on her lips as she cast her eyes up and down the streets.

She closed her eyes and took a breath, welcoming the pull that dragged her backwards as her feet left the concrete ground. The wind vanished and she opened her eyes, met with shelves of books and a clear view out the window to where she had been standing moments ago. With a step, a siren was ringing in her ear and a small white light in the corner of the shop flashed accusingly.

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