Chapter EIGHT - Magic, Moving Words

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'Should we be worried?' Blake asked, plucking up his strewn clothes and throwing them into his backpack. He cast his gaze to Emma who was stood staring down at the red jewel in her hand. Emma had told him how the jewels usually had a protector, her mind flashing to the beast in the depths of the Gulf of Mexico. They'd spent some time terrified to touch it, trigger some kind of fight that they had high chances of losing.

However, it had been hours and the jewel was still peaceful and quiet, like a gentle animal allowing itself to be held. They had sat on opposite ends of the room, the jewel shining in the middle. They talked about where the next one could be, pretending to ignore the power that emitted from the small red square.

They'd booked flights and did their best to avoid talking about the Inferent jewel, how the red was very similar to blood. How something so small could wipe out every person on Earth.

'I don't know.' She said honestly, inspecting every bit of it. She squinted her eyes at the bright square jewel, amazed by the power it possessed. From the small bits of information that Grim had known, it was the Inferent jewel, holding the ability to give and take life.

She imagined how one would control it, the power that they would have. To take life, one could wipe out the entire world, the universe if they could go that far. To bring life back, they could raise every person that died in the last ten years. Her mind drifted down an alley she'd been trying to avoid. Her mother.

She cast it into the small medicine box with the Xzovos, Blake thinking that it would be the last place someone would go looking. She distracted herself, thinking to other ways of hiding and protecting the jewels, possibly with magic.

'Okay then.' Blake chirped, moving on from the probable threat. 'You ready?' He asked as Emma zipped up her suitcase, looking around the room one last time for anything she'd forgotten. They'd done their best to clean up, but the room was still a state. As they left, Blake dropped a wad of cash upon the desk.

The air outside was cold, the wind strong and harsh. The clouds above were dark, dense and ominous as they were pulled quickly across the sky. Emma was glad for this; the weather matched her mood. What she had done still lingered in her mind, her heart still heavy as she thought more about what she had done, or more, what she had been capable of.

The taxi ride was quick. As soon as the car rolled from the kerb, the sky unleashed unforgivable rain. Emma found the sound soothing as it beat against the window, threatening to break through and soak her. She leant her head against the glass, watching the drops race down, weaving in with one another.

She didn't bother shielding her head when they emerged. Blake's hand shot up, protecting his perfectly styled hair as he dashed towards shelter. Emma took her time paying the driver, she walked elegantly through the rain, her eyes locked on Blake's back as he snaked through the crowd to get inside.

They had time once they'd made their way through security. Emma sat while Blake explored, watching as he bounced from shop to shop like a child. Her eyes cast across the ocean of different people. She watched, finding herself feeling more relaxed.

The power from the bag was strong. She could feel the jewels radiating some kind of forceful energy. Panic swept over her and she looked up, worried in case she wasn't the only one to feel it. No one paid her any attention. They were all in their own worlds, oblivious to everything beyond their knowledge. She never realised how ignorant people were. She never realised until then how she saw herself as something different to them.

Blake bounded towards her, his eyes bright and his smile catching the attention of many. 'Look!' He squealed quietly, throwing himself onto the seat beside her. Emma looked down to the leaflet in his hands. 'It was free.' He whispered; his eyes wide as he looked around to make sure that no one had heard.

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