Chapter TWO - The Not-So Perfect Stranger

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The fire danced and flickered, lighting up the small wooden cabin. She sat at the desk; a cosy blanket wrapped around her shoulders. The light glowed through the jewel, the blue reminding her of the ocean before the darkness had devoured it. The journal lay open beside it, the cursive writing covering the damaged pages.

Emma had been reading for hours. It was the Xzovos Jewel. The name was written at the top of the page in thick ink. Everything covering the next few pages was all that she knew about it. With the right practice and strength, an individual who knew how to use the jewel would have the ability to control time. However, it came with limitations. One could only go as far back as a week and the consequences of going back in time had detrimental effects.

Emma's head became hefty on her neck. Her eyelids grew heavy and blinked slowly, the temptation to keep her eyes closed was strong. She let out a long-needed yawn and snuggled further into the chair, pulling the blanket up to her face.

The sun shone through the window behind her. The birds outside sang gleefully as they rose with the sun. The light beamed behind her eyelids, her body awakening as she moved in the chair.

'So, you found it.' She rocketed up, the chair flying out from behind her with a clatter. Her hasty hands floundered around on the table, thrusting the first thing that one touched before her. Her wild eyes scanned the room and she let out a threatening hiss, spit flying from her mouth.

Her eyes burned wearily when she saw him. She swallowed and rolled her eyes, lowering the freshly sharpened pencil that had been acting as a weapon back onto the table. He watched her as she sighed in frustration. The jewel was still sat on the table and her body relaxed when she saw who the intruder was.

'What the fuck, Grim?' She hissed through clenched teeth. She picked the chair back up and sat down, crossing her legs as she studied him. She felt the muscles in her neck spasming. Her bones tense from her sleeping position.

'I thought you knew I was here.' He countered simply, lurking in the shadows where the light failed to reach.

She looked taken aback, staring at him with bewilderment. 'I was asleep.' She stated obviously, leaning forward slightly to hear his response. He looked down at his feet, shuffling across the room.

'I see that now.' His voice a hush that barely reached her ears. He crossed through the beam of light from the window, squinting his eyes as he passed. He stood awkwardly in front of the small couch, staring at the ash in the fireplace.

'Would you like to sit?' She asked with uncertainty, having only ever seen him stand. He looked up at her and back down at the sofa, eyeing it with doubt. He reached out with the scythe and cautiously released it, letting it lean against the wall. He sat himself down on the old pillows, clouds of dust rising around him. He didn't seem to notice them, his eyes locked on Emma. 'It's the Xzovos.' She stated, looking down at the clear blue hexagon, the colour very similar to his eyes.

'I know.' He said, turning his head slightly to look at it. 'Did you kill it?' He asked, keeping his eyes on the jewel that glistened in the sun. Emma's head snapped up, his face was oblivious and unaware. His crystal blue eyes were brighter than the jewel somehow. He felt her gaze, tearing his eyes up to her ones.

'You knew about that thing?!' She accused, her eyes burning furiously. He sighed, pulling the hood down off his head. A few strands of hair were dragged back with it, falling as they broke loose and landing softly back in place on his head. His pitch-black hair was thick, cut into jagged lines.

'Yes. Most of the jewels have something to protect them.' He stated with ease, unphased by her enraged stare. She sighed in disbelief, opening her mouth and letting it hang while she attempted to find the words. 'That's the only one that I knew of.' He assured, thinking it would ease her anger.

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