Chapter SEVENTEEN - The Truth in the Moonlight

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The train rattled along the tracks. The world outside flashed by the window. Emma was met with a green curtain as she lay her head against the window. The branches of trees hung low, reaching down to the roof of the train. Jen sat across; her eyes closed as she listened to music with her earphones in. Blake tapped the table beside Emma, his eyes darting around the carriage in paranoia.

Emma gave him a light nudge with her elbow, sending him glares when he looked down to her. He pursed his lips and sat back, his head leaning against the chair as he tried to relax his rigid body. Her gaze shifted back to the window; the greenery was gone as houses flew by. She could feel the glare from the journal staring up at her from across the seat, her suitcase swaying beside Jen. She wanted to read it, devour the words and discover any new secrets, but she wanted to do it alone. She needed to.

Emma looked to the sign far from her, squinting her eyes as she read that their stop wasn't far away. The time shuffled by until finally, they hauled themselves off at Fort William. The air was warm, and the station was crowded. The three fought through to the exit and allowed themselves a few minutes to relax. Jen pulled up the map on her phone, deciding it best to walk to the hotel that was only minutes away.

Blake pulled out the cigarettes, fiddling with one before placing it between his lips. Jen glanced at him, eyes bouncing between the cigarette and him.

'Is there any point?' She asked before she could stop herself. Blake looked down at her, the lighter burning the end as he took a breath. He pulled it away, breathing to the side before sending her a smile.

'No.' He said, shaking his head as he walked to catch up with Emma who'd marched on. Jen watched as he waltzed away, the cigarette hanging loosely between his fingers as the smoke trailed behind him.

The hotel was close to the water, a mesmerising view. The sun was lowering as they made their way through the automatic doors. The man at reception handing the key over to the two-bed hotel room with a funny look. They walked past the restaurant as they made their way to the elevator, the smell causing two stomachs to rumble with desperation.

They dumped their bags, looking out the window to the view of the loch. The sun cast red hues on the water that sparkled at them. The sky was painted red and orange, a dark yet gorgeous sight.

'I take it you two are hungry.' Blake stated, knowing the answer as the two girls nodded back eagerly. He scoffed and smiled, shaking his head. 'I'm going to head down and get a drink then.' He said, letting the door click behind him.

Silence fell over the two as they shuffled before each other. Jen looked up from her feet. 'Have you read it yet?' She asked, staring at the suitcase by Emma's side. Emma followed her line of sight, shaking her head in response. 'Then, I'll leave you.' Jen whispered, walking to the door.

The click echoed in the empty room. Emma's eyes still stuck on the suitcase which seemed louder and bigger than ever. She sighed, zipping it open and sticking a hand under the clothes, pulling out the red leather book. She sat down, laying it on her lap and letting her hands run over the smooth cover.

With a breath, she opened the cover to reveal her mother's cursive writing. Her breath hitched in her throat; her name spelt neatly at the top of the yellow tinted page. Her eyes glassed over and her lips curved up to show a sad smile.

My dear Emma,

By now, I imagine you've found my previous writings. They were written for you. I knew you'd find them; you were always so good at finding the things that I wanted to keep hidden.

The In-Between (Book 1 - Death, Demons and Mere Mortals)Where stories live. Discover now