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A few days go by and Taehyung's chilling in his living room when he hears keys turning in the door lock. Nobody has a duplicate key to his apartment, what the hell is going on? With a shocked expression, he jumps up from the couch, grabs the closest thing he can find and hides, pressed against the wall, around the closest corner of the entrance. He fears the worst, thinks it's someone who wants to murder him.

A loud groan announces that the person has managed to open the door and entered, but Taehyung stays hidden, holding his breath and mentally cursing his fast-beating heart.

"Tae?" A far too familiar sounding voice calls for him. "Are you at home?"

Taehyung recognizes it and drops the remote control. "Yoongi!" He jumps out of his hiding place, startles the older man, who's about to have a heart attack.

"Fuck Tae!" He growls: "Do you want to kill me?" Yoongi gasps as his cousin puts his long arms around him and he stumbles back a few steps. "Slow down, Tiger, I'm happy to see you too, but I would appreciate it if you could give me a chance to survive."

Taehyung pulls back and pouts cutely. "I missed you Yoongs, what took you so long?"

"You knew I couldn't come earlier." The annoyed look turns into a cute one.

Taehyung doesn't argue further, is very happy that his Hyung is finally here.

They both make themselves comfortable and Taehyung tells him about Hoseok and the university, but doesn't mention his mate for the time being. Until he has found out why Jeongguk rejects him, he won't talk about it.

Yoongi tells him about his new studio just around the corner and that he has found a co-producer who will help him but has not yet met him personally.

While the cousins ​​are having a good time, Jeongguk struggles at home. He woke up to a piercing pain in his groin and knew full well that his heat was about to start. Maybe that's because he's close to Taehyung again. It doesn't leave his wolf alone, he wants him.

"Jin!" Jeongguk is crying out for his brother. "I really need you!"

It takes Seokjin a few minutes to then enter the room with a bowl full of water. "I could smell it. Here, let me help you."

Jeongguk leans back, grateful that he's so attentive. "Thanks. I hope it won't last long this time."

Seokjin looks at him worried. "So you still refuse to ask an Alpha to help you?" It's not the first time that Jeongguk has gone through a heat alone, but it gets worse every time.

"You already know the answer, Hyung. I don't need anyo-aah fuck!" The pain is almost unbearable, but he tries to play it down when Seokjin is still in the room. This wave had surprised him, however.

The alpha knows that Jeongguk's strong, but it doesn't leave him indifferent to see his brother like that. He can no longer stay by his side, it becomes too dangerous with the sweet scent that slowly fills the room. "You are on your own now. Good luck." Seokjin is reluctant to leave him, but he has no other choice.

Like everyone else, Jeongguk still has to eat and drink, so the older brother makes his way to the city. His shopping list includes groceries, but also pain medication. In many stories one can always read of suppressants. Unfortunately, they don't exist in reality, at least not without extreme side effects that no one wants to endure voluntarily.

Seokjin chuckles as he remembers the last conversation he had with Jeongguk before he left the house.

"Gguk, do you have any wishes?" He waited a few seconds until the answer came.

"Dick, I want to suck a big fat dick and then this dick can fuck me! Can you bring me such a dick, Hyung?" The frustration and horniness could be clearly heard and if the situation weren't so serious, Seokjin would have laughed at him.

With a smile on his face, he continues to walk through the streets. Seokjin wonders why Jeongguk still doesn't want to contact his mate. It's been so long since the incident.

Suddenly he bumps into someone and holds his head in pain.

"Oh damn, I'm sorry." The stranger apologizes.

Seokjin looks at him, he looks somehow familiar. "Uh, it's okay, but do we know each other?"

The smaller of the two frowns, looks at him closely, and then his expression becomes lighter. "Oh my god, aren't you Kim Seokjin from our neighbor pack?"

"Wait, you are Min Yoongi!" Seokjin points a finger at him, nudges his chest and grins broadly. "Woa, the world is small. What are you doing here in Seoul?"

Yoongi clears his throat, hasn't seen the other for almost two years because his pack was attacked. "I work here, actually I just arrived from Daegu."

"That's awesome, it's really great to see you again. Jeongguk is here too, unfortunately he is going through his heat and refuses to contact his mate. Apparently he doesn't know how, but I don't believe a word he says." Seokjin shakes his head, he's sure that the alpha would never change his number in the hope that his omega will get in touch with him.

Yoongi's confused, he won't forget this name anytime soon. Of course, there's a possibility that they aren't talking about the same Jeongguk. It doesn't hurt to try to bring the two back together. If he isn't his mate, Taehyung can still back away.
"Seokjin Hyung, I think I can help out. If your brother is who I think he is, then his mate isn't far away."

"How sure are you that it could be him?" Seokjin doesn't think it's him, but if that someone can help his brother, he won't refuse.

"Taehyung's his name. He told me that his Omega suddenly disappeared. I live near him, let's bring this boy to your brother, maybe we'll be lucky." Yoongi tries to hide a grin, knowing Jeongguk ran away for some reason, it's time to stop this bullshit.

"It can't hurt. What a coincidence if it's actually Taehyung. I mean, our packs weren't far from each other, the possibility is there. I have a few more things to buy, just come over with him in an hour." Seokjin sighs in relief, Hopefully Jeongguk will be grateful for that later.

"Give me your address. I have to get Taehyung to come with me, it won't be easy." Yoongi pulls his phone out of his pocket and unlocks it.

Seokjin gives him his address and they say goodbye to each other.

Yoongi enters the street in the route planner and is surprised that it's only about a five-minute walk from Taehyung's apartment. The probability that they have already met is high.

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