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It's the next morning when Taehyung and Hoseok are waiting in front of the office to talk to the secretary, there will be a trip to Jeju in two months and both wanna attend it. Their headaches are killing them, but they have to go through this.

"Do you think we can choose our own roommates?" Taehyung still doesn't know many students yet and feels only comfortable with Hoseok and maybe Dohun. Unfortunately, he himself is mated and Hoseok isn't. The most logical thing to do is making Jeongguk room with Taehyung, if he's going to attend, though. Hoseok as an Omega will most likely room with another Omega.

Dohun, who had lost his mate, would be the best option, if he agrees, that is. Jeongguk is out of question, the younger doesn't even want to look at him, how could they share a room then? Everyone knows about them, they all try to ignore it; the lecturers, the students and some people who work there, too. It's not that Taehyung cares, it's better than having people giving their shitty opinion about something that's not even their business.

The humans in this university are unproblematisch. They have their own personal stuff going on, ignoring all the things that they don't understand. There are always exceptions but they're not worth a mention.

"Well, I don't think so. As soon as the participants are determined, they'll work on the rooming. We won't know before we will get the paper with the names." Hoseok went through it last year. They had paired wolves with humans but it didn't go well. He's sure they've learned their lesson.

Taehyung nods. "I see."

There's a familiar voice coming from behind the door, it gets louder. The owner of this voice seems to be ready to leave the office. As the door opens, Taehyung sees Seokjin standing there, bowing to the elder woman.

"Hyung." He tries to get his attention and successes.

"Taehy-" Seokjin stops, his gaze on the boy next to him. "Fuck."

Hoseok finally looks up, his eyes widen and he jumps up from the chair he was sitting on. "Oh shit. You're so handsome."

Taehyung furrows his brows, is visibly confused. "What's going on?"

Seokjin smiles widely, "I just met my mate, I'm Seokjin but you can call me Jin and what's your name, cutie?"

The Omega can't believe his luck, after yesterday he was so down but now, all the sadness is suddenly gone. "Hoseok, Jung Hoseok." It's awkward, he wants to hug him but thinks that his mate wouldn't want it.

Seokjin on the other hand doesn't hesitate, pulls the smaller into his arms and squeezes the shit out of him. Hoseok's face is buried in the older's chest but that's exactly where the younger wants to be.

"Holy guacamole." Taehyung chuckles, it's fun to watch them. Were Jeongguk and he like them? Was it as adorable? The Alpha shakes his head, it doesn't matter anymore.

"So uh, what are you doing here Hyung?" If Seokjin is there, Jeongguk must be close by too.

The older loosens the hug, earning a disappointed growl but as soon as he puts his arm around the smaller's waist the world was okay again. "Ggukie felt sick so I went to fetch his books and the application for the trip."

"Oh." Taehyung wants to ask what exactly is wrong with him, but doesn't.

Seokjin must have noticed it and answers the unspoken question. "He thinks that the food he had yesterday wasn't good. He was puking the whole morning but when I've left, it had seemed to be better already. I think tomorrow he's going to attend Uni again."

Hoseok who watched his mate speaking without a blink, chuckles. "It's what he deserves after being an asshole to you all the time."

"Huh, what do you mean?" Seokjin asks confused.

"Ah nothing, you should go to him. I can give Hobi your number if you allow me to." Taehyung doesn't want to involve him into their mess, it's better that way.

"Tae, I know that Jeongguk is still an idiot but don't give him up please. Can you promise me that?"

"Yeah, I mean we can't undo the mating and there will be a time when we have to talk about everything but I think he's not ready yet. I don't know how the future will look like and how we can manage to be with someone else without hurting each other too much. But there must be a way, right? We aren't the first mates who didn't work out." At least Taehyung thinks so, there must be more wolves out there with a different partner.

"Never heard about such a case to be honest but we will see. For now, don't do anything stupid and I'll make sure he won't too." The older Alpha pats his shoulder before pecking Hoseok's forehead, then he leaves them.

Taehyung and Hoseok enter the office seconds later, receiving their application and go back to their courses. Of course Seokjin's number is now saved in the Omega's phone, or else he'd have annoyed the younger one even more with his whines.

"Don't get pregnant yet, you need to finish Uni first." Taehyung jokes as the three of them are walking to Hoseok's apartment.

"Oh come on. I'm not easy, he has to earn that ass first." Hoseok doesn't believe it himself, so he doesn't expect Taehyung to believe it either. Of course they'll meet soon and it's in their nature to mate.

Dohun only smiles, he knows that no matter what, they're going to do it the next time they meet.

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