13 (TW Minor Character Death)

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TW: mention of cancer, minor character death


Taehyung is surrounded by students, some try to talk to him, others just want to take a picture. He is overwhelmed, never thought that his disorder, or whatever to call it, would cause this. Taehyung was sure that he would receive weird looks, but that's not the case at all. It seems like everyone is very interested in his story.

There's a boy who gets his attention when he stands in front of him and smiles. "Hi, my name is Dohun."

Taehyung smiles back, Dohun exudes a certain warmth and he has the feeling that this student has nothing bad on his mind. "Taehyung, nice to meet you." Both bow briefly.

Dohun takes something out of his pocket and hands it to Taehyung, who takes it. It's a folded sheet of paper. When he sees the alpha's questioning face, he points to the paper and clears his throat. "This is my number. If you feel like going out for a drink with me, give me a call or text me." Dohun scratches his neck, it's obvious that he's a little shy.

"Oh! Okay, thank you." Taehyung takes his phone and types in the number, saves it under 'Dohun' and puts it away again.

Hoseok interrupts the suddenly awkward situation. "We should go now, bye Dohun." The two know each other, but have never had a conversation before.

"Ah, of course. Sorry, I didn't mean to hold you back. Have a nice day and I hope I'll hear from you soon, Taehyung." Dohun nods to him and then disappears into the crowd.

When Hoseok and Taehyung are sitting in the omega's living room hours later, the older of the two must know. "Are you going to contact him?"

"Huh? Who do you mean." Taehyung's thoughts are with Jeongguk, but it cannot be that he's referring to him.

"Dohun." Hoseok takes a swig of his Sprite while looking at him curiously.

Taehyung had totally forgotten the boy. The day was stressful and full of new experiences. "Ah, I don't know, should I? He seems nice, I mean, there wasn't anything that alarmed me to be careful with him and I usually have a good understanding of people."

"I also think he has nothing bad in mind. You should try, but be careful and if anything seems strange or it gets uncomfortable, end it immediately." He will always be there for him, Taehyung is already dear to him. The alpha is a good soul, has been through a lot and doesn't just see him as an omega that he can take advantage of. For him he's a true friend.

Taehyung nods. "Okay, it's not that I'm looking for a relationship. I think he could become our friend, if he even wants to."

Both talk a little more about the day, what happened and that Taehyung will contact him tomorrow, then they part ways and the younger goes home.

It would be too early for Taehyung to enter a relationship, even if Jeongguk acted like an idiot yesterday and well, all the other days as well. There's something in his actions that confuses him. They obviously aren't nice, but Taehyung feels that it could be Jeongguk's way of getting his attention. Granted, it's not the smartest thing to do, but he's curious to see if he's right.

The next days or weeks will tell. He's not giving up yet, but is sticking to his decision that he'll not make it easy for him. If they weren't mates and just normal people, things would probably look different and he'd just want to forget about him, but they aren't.

In the morning of the following day, Taehyung is looking for pants that he can cut a hole in. Even if it's rather unlikely, he doesn't give up hope that his feral ears and tail will disappear again, so he doesn't want to destroy his favorite clothes just yet.

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