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Yoongi needs to visit Taehyung because he's in a dilemma. His coworker Kihyun turns out to be his mate and now he's avoiding the younger man as best as he can.

The producer doesn't know why he's doing it, but truth to be told, even though he is an alpha and seems strong on the outside, he's shy and soft on the inside. Taehyung's always teasing him when he plays with his own dog, squealing and talking as if Holly is a baby.

"Shit, when will he finally go and take a break?" Yoongi whines, is sitting in his chair. Kihyun hadn't looked at him when he found out, so he still doesn't know that his mate is in the same building.

After what felt like hours, the air was finally clear. Yoongi literally ran out of his studio, down the stairs and left the company as fast as he could.

Taehyung doesn't live far away, it takes only a few minutes, but his legs are hurting like a bitch. Without announcing his arrival, the Alpha enters with the spare key he owns.

Imagine his surprise when his friend sits on the couch with a Beta, and an omega is standing in front of them, stomping like a kid who didn't get any of the sweets. He wonders why the omega is looking at him as if he's some snack.

"Wow." The guy suddenly says.

Yoongi looks at Taehyung who had turned his head to him. "Uh, hi? Is it not a good time for a small talk?" He asks awkwardly.

Hoseok shakes his head fast. "No no, come and join us." He walks over to him, takes his hand and leads the alpha to the couch. "What's your name?"

"Yoongi, but-"

"Hello Yoongi, nice to meet you. My name is Hoseok, this is Dohun and I'm sure you already know Taehyung. Of course you do, haha how dumb of me." He laughs.

Taehyung only smiles at Yoongi, he's more than tipsy now and it shows.

"I met my mate." Yoongi blurts out. Maybe it's because of Hoseok, who's checking him out, or it's because he needed to get it off his chest. Either way, it was necessary.

The omega takes a step back, clearing his throat. "Congratulations, who is it?" Even though he knows that it's almost impossible that he will know the person, Hoseok wants to safe his dignity.

Taehyung stands up. "Hyung! Oh my god, I'm so happy for you, but-" He comes closer. "-why aren't you smiling like a mad man?"

"You see." Yoongi sighs. "After I saw him, but he didn't see me, I hid in my studio."

Taehyung groans, can't believe that his friend is so stupid. "So you are telling me that he doesn't know you're his mate because he didn't have the chance to face you?"

"That's exactly what I was saying. He's my partner, the Co CEO of our company. I'm fucked." Yoongi sighs again.

"Literally." Hoseok adds playfully, earning a glare from the alpha.

"Well, not yet but if this coward finally decides to be a man, there's a big chance that it will happen." Taehyung smirks at his pack member, of course he would never say it in a sober state.

"Kim Taehyung!" Yoongi's voice sounds annoyed, not angry but it's obvious that he wants to smack him.

"What? You haven't had a good fuck since-" He scratches his head "-Did you even have an ass bouncing on your di- ouch, what the- ah!" Taehyung runs to hide behind the couch, Yoongi's slaps were hard and his arm is hurting now.

"Who taught you this?" He looks at Hoseok and Dohun but they only shake their heads.

"Well, Jimin always told me stories. Even though I really didn't want to know how good my brother fucks him, it didn't stop him from going into detail, and when I say detail, I mean it." Taehyung shudders, he often pictures things in his head when stories are being told.

Yoongi fake gagged. Taehyung is right, Jimin had also told him a few things, but fortunately he didn't go as far as with Taehyung. "Uh, I need to have a word with him soon. My pure Tae shouldn't be influenced."

Hoseok was about to say something, but decided against it. Yoongi shouldn't know how dirty Taehyung could talk, especially when they had a few glasses of wine. He's a lightweight, can't drink much because of his condition, though, it doesn't stop him from consuming alcohol.

"Uh, I'm not fourteen anymore, Hyung. I have a mate, if that's a hunch of what I've already done." Taehyung says matter-of-factly. "I mean, you're the one who led me to him when he was in heat, we fucked for days. I'm sure you must have heard us."

Dohun and Hoseok couldn't stop the blush forming on their cheeks. It was definitely second-hand embarrassment.

"Heard you? The whole neighborhood heard the both of you! Okay, we should stop now, your friends are going to combust soon." He points to the omega and beta, their heads resemble tomatoes.

Taehyung scoffs but after seeing that Yoongi was right, he sighs. "Fine. Now what about your mate, there's no way you can avoid him forever. You work together, just go back and talk to him." He's getting more and more sober.

Yoongi nods, what Taehyung says makes sense. "Shit, it's time huh? I never thought I'd find him anytime soon. Fate has its own plans." A small smile shows up on his face. If Yoongi is honest, he is fucking happy, but panicked for a moment. Kihyun is hot and really cute, he had seen pictures of him before, yet from pictures or videos you can't tell if it's your mate or not. The wolf in them has to see the person to know if it's their significant other.

"Go and get that dick Hyung." Taehyung grins.

"Fighting!" Hoseok and Dohun said at the same time. They look at each other while giggling like kids.

What a night. Now only Hoseok, who's kind of disappointed that this hot alpha isn't available anymore, needs to find his mate and everything will be perfect.

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