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Both of them spent the rest of the day in their shared room. Hoseok came over for a few hours, bringing snacks and coke, since they were going to watch a movie.

The night was cosy, Taehyung had Jeongguk wrapped in his arms in front of his body and they fell asleep without any sexual tension.

The last day of the trip was mostly the way home to Seoul after a short breakfast, including packing snacks for later. SooYeon was sitting with Jeongguk again, Taehyung with Hoseok much to the youngest Omega's dislike. He wanted to be by  his mate's side, but the one who was leading this tour announced that they have to take the same seats as on the way there.

SooYeon could see his frown and giggles. "It's just a few hours, don't be sad Gguk."

"It's not fair, my wolf needs the closeness and I do too." He crosses his arms in front of the chest and turns his head to look out of the window, frown still adorning his face.

"Why are you so adorable when you're mad." She chuckles. Jeongguk normally is cool and sassy but when it comes to Taehyung lately, he's acting like a real Omega. Not that he doesn't seem real, but there are different kinds of Omegas. The ones who like to obey completely and the ones who wanna be independent. Jeongguk definitely is one of the latter but maybe, with Taehyung accepting him again, he will also be obiedent from time to time.

Taehyung is known, in the short time of living in Seoul, as a perfect Alpha, many lower ranked wolves want to have him as their mate. He has the character of a great partner, sometimes leading but he also can step back and let his mate take the lead. Unknown to himself, he's very popular around the university, not only because of his tail and ears, which of course plays a big part in it too.

Everyone is exhausted when they finally arrive, the hot weather is almost unbearable and they can't wait to go home to their hopefully cold apartments or houses.

Hoseok is the first to fetch his bag, Seokjin is waiting for him not far away and that's what makes him push Taehyung out of the way to run to him, jumping on the taller to wrap his legs around the waist. "Jinnie, I missed your smell. You can't imagine how often I wanted to go home and help you out."

Seokjin can't help but smile at this. "I've missed you too pumpkin, let's wait for Jeonggukie then we can go home."

"Tsk, he can go with Taehyung." Hoseok replies with a pout. "Come on, I need my kisses and cuddles." He gets down to stand on his own two legs again.

"Needy much, huh?" The Alpha winks but he'd lie if he'd say that he doesn't want to go already too.

"A week Jin, a whole fucking week of not seeing, touching and smelling you. It was pure torture!" Hoseok whines, pecks the older a few times to finally get what he needs so badly.

Seokjin laughs, it tickles but he doesn't stop him. It feels good anyway.

"Oh god, can you stop Hobi?" Jeongguk's voice announces that he has finally joined the reunion of the mates. "It's disgusting."

With a loud gasp the older Omega turns around, puts his hands on his hips and opens his mouth. For a few seconds there's silence before Hoseok can't hold himself back anymore. "You!" He points to the younger. "You and Taehyung are disgusting, do I have to remind you what has happened at breakfast yesterday? Oooh, don't say anything now." He warns as Jeongguk was about to argue back but the young wolf stops after his Hyung has told him to shut up. "Wait until I tell Jinnie about it, he'll be as disgusted as I am."

Taehyung clears his throat behind him, startling Hoseok. "Hobi, I'm sure Seokjin Hyung doesn't want to hear all the details and I saw you eating his face earlier so you're in no place to tell us that we did something wrong." The Alpha in him comes through, he speaks calm but means every word.

Hoseok looks down. "I didn't eat his face Tae, I just greeted my mate but what you did under the table, it gave me a nightmare." He makes a face.

Seokjin laughs again. "Let me guess, he jerked him off?"

"How did you know?" Hoseok becomes big eyes, his mate is so smart.

"What else could they do below a table that disgusts you, babe. But I have to take Taehyung's side this time, they're mates and they finally are back together. It's normal to do such things, remember when we were at this small diner after we have mated?" Seokjin smirks at his Omega.

"Wait Jin." Taehyung interrupts. "Jeonggukie and I aren't together, we are just friends. I need time to trust him again."

Even though Jeongguk knew that already, it still hurts to hear him say it out loud to someone, other than him. His mood drops and it's visible for everybody. The smile that was prominent on his face, turns into a frown, his breathing has stopped for a moment too.

Seokjin is the first to break the silence. "I see, you shouldn't play with his feelings, Taehyung. I can see that he's hurt and I can't blame him. I don't wanna tell you what to do but I suggest that the both of you don't see each other until you're sure about what you want."

"Okay, I'm sorry Gguk. I think I made a mistake huh? Give me your number and I'll contact you as soon as I'm ready. Let's avoid each other in Uni or when we accidentally meet on the street." Taehyung is a little mad at what Seokjin had said. Yes, he knows that it wasn't one of his best ideas to do those things but he didn't lead him on, was honest from the beginning.

"No Tae, please let's continue this way. I can't be apart from you again, you can figure it out while we still meet each other. Jin Hyung, please." Jeongguk is close to tears but he stays strong. The past days were one of the best of his life, right after the day they had mated. He can't lose him again.

Seokjin sighs. "You stayed away from Taehyung for a long time, a few days more won't kill you Gguk. Please think rational about it."

But Jeongguk isn't thinking straight right now, he grabs his bag and turns around, walking away. He ignores his brother's calls until he's far enough to break down. Hidden behind a big building, he begins to cry. It's not Taehyung's fault, it's his own. Why did he have to be an asshole and made the Alpha the reason for everything bad that had happened to him? If we would have listened to his Hyung, he would be by his side now, instead of fighting for him. Why can't he turn back the time to change his decision, to move in with Taehyung instead of moving to Seoul? Now it's too late and he has to accept the fact that Taehyung needs time and doesn't want to see him for a while. Maybe he deserves it afterall.

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