The Drummer

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Camila's P.O.V.

I was in the studio working on my new single and decided to take a break, I've been at it for 3 hours straight and I needed to take a break and breath. My management was stressing me out the VMAs were coming up and they wanted me to pick a song, and also nagging about how I need to focus on my music which come on i practically live in this damn studio. And its hard to pick a damn song I'd want to perform because there is just a lot of great songs.

I was headed to the snack and drink machine when I heard laughing from the end of the hallway. I peeked over to where i heard the laughter from to see a girl around my age talking to a bunch of people laughing and goofing off. But i couldnt take my eyes off the girl they were all dressed punk rockerish but the girl just looked like she was to sweet to be hanging out with them not to mention they were all boys. They started calming down then turned to the girl and spoke seriously.

"Come on y/n can you at least just think about joining the band your an awesome drummer," the dark haired boy asked seriously but in a begging manner.

"We've been through this before Josh,she sighs I like doing covers on youtube and being free to do whatever i want i dont wanna be tied down to some industry only wanting to make money off of me and not care at all for my well being, you said it yourself it gets tuff sometimes, id rather have fun and not worry about how they want me to look,act and the things i can and cannot say, no thank you,"the beautiful girl now known as y/n says looking at him shaking her head.

"Okay you made your point, do you wanna do your youtube cover here?," the guy josh asks and y/n's facial features shown excitement and happiness which i couldnt help but smile at.

"Yes please ,Can one of you record it so i can post it later?" She says with so much joy. I wish i was free like her.

"I'll do it ," another boy said wrapping his arms around her torso kissing her cheek it didnt look romantic, but for some reason my heart broke a little at the gesture. Wow really camila you don't even know her.

"Thanks chase," she says hugging him.

"Anything for you baby sis," he says holding her protectively. And my heart relaxed knowing they were siblings.

They all went into a different room in the studio. And me being a curious person I am I went into the room where the snacks are to watch her. Everyone was in the room with her setting some equipment up to record her so I was alone in here with the mirror where I could see them but they couldnt see me.

She sat at the drum set with a big smile on her face to be completely honest she didnt look like the drumming type but People always surprise you. The the music started and I was surprised at the song selection it was alternative and then she started drumming and lip syncing the song and I was blown away. She smiled the whole time while she drummed effortlessly.
Song at the top⬆️⬆️

Usually when you see drummers they have this facial they sport when they drum fast but her she was relaxed and her smile was gorgeous. She finished the song not even out of breath and that was a lot of movement.

They all clapped for her and she blushed turning her face to the side so they wouldnt see.

"That was amazing sis as usual," her brother complimented he face showed adoration and pride for his sister.

"Thank you,"she says softly looking at her brother than all of a sudden her brother pickes her up swaying her and she giggles at his silliness.

"Ok you can put me down now, I'm wearing a dress for christ sakes chris,"she says trying to wiggle her way out of his tight embrace.

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