A Twist Of Fate Part 8

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Y/n's P.O.V.

After saying I love you for the first time to Camila I couldn't stop saying it everyday. I started a new thing where I pack a big lunch for Camila to take to the studio so I know my girl is not starving. After I missed one dinner I started to set alarms reminding me to start cooking. And as for the music that I was supposed to be writing but I decided that I didn't wanna do something that wasn't my passion, Shawns manager didn't like it though but I could care less on what he had to say Camila supported my decision so now I was brain storming on what I was passionate about and wanted to do.

My old life was easier than the fame and sometimes I missed it. But I couldn't bring myself to think more on it. But back then I wanted to become a police officer to help the community and save lives, I also cared deeply for the homeless community so I decided to pursue being a police officer so I signed up and now I'm a rookie officer, after the hard ass training and classes I had to take which I passed with flying colors.A lot of people thought it was weird how I gave up the celeb lifestyle I had, but honestly I didn't give up much because it wasn't mine in the first place. Camila worried everyday when I would patrol late nights around LA but I assured her I'd be careful. On my spare time on the job I make sure to check the homeless to make sure they at least had everything they needed like food,drink,clothes and shoes. Making a few friends on the streets making a name for myself a lot of people respected me as I did them.

And as for the Hailey situation she got a court order for a DNA test and I'm happy to say I am not the father. I'm happy that my DNA changed because I don't want the responsibility for someone else's wrong doings. And I definitely don't want Camila to have her heart ache at the thought of me fathering or mothering someone else's kid, I want her to have every single part of me and that includes producing my offsprings by her and her alone. I want our first experience having a child to be loving one and have the stability they need I mean even though money wise we are set I want our child to have both of us around at all times and I want us to be ready for it and it has to be after we marry and if she wants to.

I was on patrol late at night again with my partner Alexander a clearly gay man but I wouldn't trade my partner for another he always has my back as I have his.

"So how's the wife?,"Alex asks smirking breaking the silence in the car while I drive around just patrolling random neighborhoods.

"Amazing as always but she isn't my wife yet,"I tell him with a smile.

"Oh come on you guys are practically married already,You've been together for more than a year,"He says I mean he isn't wrong Shawn and Camila's been together for six months and we've been together for almost as long so technically we have been together for a year but no one knows about my actual identity so I can't explain to them why I think it's to soon. I mean Raine and I were together for eight years mainly because at that time same sex relationship weren't allowed to get married until maybe our seventh year being together so I know how to be patient and when I feel it's the right moment I will get down on one knee and ask her to spend forever with me.

"I know and I will propose just not now if feels like it is to soon, I want her to enjoy her career because when the baby making starts she will have to take a year or more off depending on her mentality on leaving our baby with me or her parents,"I explain and he nods understandingly.

When Shawns family heard about him well me not wanting to continue my singing career they flipped out, so I'm not talking to them ever hopefully. I don't have a connection with them anyway so it's not much of a loss on my part, but they are controlling assholes and he may stand by there every word but I sure as hell won't. They even hated my relationship with Camila and I couldn't understand there problem with her she's the sweetest its no wonder there sons a dick it's because of the hold they had on him. But honestly it's their loss I was willing to pacify them by keeping them in contact with there son even though clearly I'm not him but if they wanna be assholes especially to the woman I love I don't need there negativity, And if Camila and I decide to have kids they will never have anything with them because I don't want our kids to grow up with hatred in their hearts and judge people the way Shawns parents do, so nope good riddance.

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