A Twist Of Fate Part 7

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Y/n's P.O.V.

The days and weeks seem to move quickly, Camila and I have been on multiple dates and became official around the 6th date which was months ago, everything seems to be going great we shared innocent kisses here and there but that's as far as it will go, I want to respect her and honestly waiting is more romantic. The only problem is I have to write and perform music and as much fun as that sounds I don't know the first thing about being a well known music artist and how to write music. So here I lay by myself since Camila had to go to the studio to finish songs for her upcoming album. I tried everything from searching the internet for any help on how to write and nothing is really helping, it all leads to the same conclusions find a topic and write your feelings on it. This is worse than those times in high school where we had to write reports on certain topics that we felt strongly about but honestly writing those though seem so much easier than writing freaking lyrics. I did my research on all of Shawns music and they're all about falling in love and heartbreak don't get me wrong I've heard his songs before but I'm just refreshing my memory. Feeling so much pressure I decided to take a nap because if I stare a moment longer at this blank notebook I might lose it.


I must've slept longer than expected because the next thing I know I'm being woken up by sweet kisses making me smile.

"Hey babe, Did you eat anything?"Camila asks sweetly placing a kiss on my lips making finally open my eyes smiling wider up at her. I pull her on top of me attacking her with kisses of my own all over her face making her squeal giggling at me.

"Ahaha,Stop that tickles,"Camila says in between laughs.

"What time is it?"I ask groggily after my kiss assault on her.

"It's 9pm,"She says trying to get air back in her lungs from laughing to hard. Y/NN's eyes widen when she heard the time she fell asleep at 1pm so she slept for like 7 hours.

"Sorry love I forgot to make dinner and to answer your earlier question no I didn't, I got frustrated trying to write stupid lyrics and decided to take a nap I didn't expect to fall into a deep slumber.Are you hungry I can make something quick or we can order in if you want," I ramble out panicked that I didn't make anything for her before she got home.

"It's okay baby we can order in no big deal,"Camila says rubbing my arm trying soothe my worry.But it really doesn't help.

"It's not okay because now you have to wait to eat and I know when you're in the studio you don't eat meals only snacks and my job as your other half is to treat you like a queen making sure you eat properly whether we're out together or making you meals at home while I wait for your arrival,"I say disappointed in myself for not managing my time to cook a simple meal for my girlfriend.

Camila's P.O.V.

It makes my heart flutter at the amount of care Y/n puts into our relationship. Especially with this being the first time she forgot to cook which wasn't a big deal, right now she's beating herself up about that thinking that she messed up.

"Honestly Y/NN it's no big deal that you didn't cook anything don't beat yourself up this is only the first time it's happened we can order in,"I tell her honestly she listens but I can see the disappointment in her eyes. She gets off the bed and places a kiss to my forehead.

"What do you feel like eating today,"She asks grabbing Shawns phone well her phone now she types in her new password waiting patiently for my answer.

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