The Drummer Part 2

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Y/n's P.O.V.

We all just woke up and the boys wanted me to join them at the studio again I didnt have anything to do today so I thought why not.

"Do you wanna just record some content for your channel while we're there?"Chase asks

"Sure if thats ok,"you tell them.

Ever since our parents passed the boys stepped up with being present in my life since being a well known band takes time away from loved ones. My parents company was split between us all but I know nothing about what they did there. So the boys run it I just do paperwork for them since i'm very organized.

"It's fine, plus it gives us time to spend together,"Alex says and you just smile. These boys are literally go above and beyond to make me happy I honestly dont know what i'd do without them. They are my rock.

We left my house and headed to the studio.

I was just on my phone when my brothers manager stephen came in.

"Hey guys so how would you like to go on tour?" Stephan says

"We would love to go on tour who with?"chase asks getting excited

"Umm, 5sos, Shawn mendes and Camila Cabello and a few other artist," Stephan says happy the boys are excited.

"Yea, sounds good do you think we can bring y/n with us, she can just do drum covers to hype the crowd,We dont really wanna leave her here by herself," Alex suggests and your eyes go wide because you've never performed in front of a lot of people before.

"I don't see why not, she could even get paid to perform if they enjoy her performance," Stephan says looking at me.

"You don't have to pay me, I dont actually need the money I can just do this for fun," you tell him not in a snobby "I'm rich " type of way.

"Okay, Just let me know what your going to perform,"he says as he walks toward the door.

"If i'm going to perform I'm not sure yet," you tell him and he nods.

"Come on please it will be fun, And we can hang out more since you'll be with us 24/7,"Josh says pleading on his knees pouting with the rest of the guys doing the same and you roll your eyes.

"Ugh fine can you guys stop pouting,I swear sometimes I feel like i'm older since i'm more mature,"you tell them annoyed arms crossed and all the guys engulf you in a group hug happy you agreed.

"This is gonna be so much fun, lets go and film your cover,"Alex the oldest says jumping around like a five year old.

You all walk into the room with the drumset and you sit down browsing songs, not realizing someone was watching you through the mirror. You decided to play killswitch engaged-The end of heartache because of your recent relationship how you gave so many chances and he screwed up multiple times but you always found it in your heart to forgive him. Your brothers didnt understand why you suddenly ended your relationship, but the truth was he was an abusive, controling asshole. There were multiple occasions I had to cover the bruises he'd give me for dumb reasons like that one time he beat me because someone checked me out which I was completely unaware of. But thats just one of the many stupid reasons he'd beat me.

I just shook the negative thoughts of my past away and started drumming instantly calming me down and felt relaxed and in the moment.

Camila's P.O.V.

My manager told me I was going on tour with a couple of Artists I knew of except the band called (I couldnt come up with a 5 boy band name that was alternative so just make up a name sorry) Y/B/Bn along with there sister. It didnt hit me that it was the same group I saw yesterday until my manager said they were in their studio and wanted me to introduce myself to them. I thought great i'm a pretty shy person and i'm not good with introductions so I wonder how this will go.

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