The Donor Part 4

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Y/n's P.O.V.

Today's the first day of school and we are super excited. I can't wait to meet those little rascals we are gonna have so much fun. Jax and I get ready and eat some breakfast before we get going. My son always had such a big appetite so I was not surprised when he wanted more food. After finally finishing his food we both head out the door to my car making sure he was safely buckled in than drove straight to school. Today we all get to see our surpise visitor so another reason to be excited.

Skip Car Ride

We arrived at the school pretty early so Jaxon and I went to the office to grab my lesson plan for the year and went to prepare my classroom so the kids could feel comfortable on there first day. We also made goody bags for the kids that contained some school supplies and coloring books and healthy snacks not wanting to upset the parents if they dont feed there kids candies. I might have went overboard with the bags though like always each bag has my students name but the treats inside of the bag is the same. I might have an obsession with owls.( Just imagine an owl themed class room)

They little kiddies started making there way in my classroom with big smiles on there faces at the bright colors

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They little kiddies started making there way in my classroom with big smiles on there faces at the bright colors. Some kids were crying but thats why my babyboy was here he loves making kids be comfortable so when they started to cry he walked right up to them talking and making them smile. Once the bell rang the kids were too distracted to see there parents leave which was a relief. Jax already introduced himself to the kids and told them I was his mommy, he told them that I'm fun and thats why the kids werent scared.

"Alright little ones I'm Ms.Y/l/n and I'm your teacher,I'm gonna call your names when you hear it say here ok"I say with a warm welcoming smile and they nod yes.I hold my clipboard with the kids name on them and start calling there names and each child says here.

I tell the kids which seat they'll be sitting at and they all look happy to see a bag on there desk but they dont make a move to touch it.

"Ok kiddies in front of you is a bag with your name on it that Jax and I made you, You can open it and enjoy your free time,"I tell them excitedly and the kids start taking stuff out of the bag with happy smiles both boys and girls got a girl/boy coloring book. Jax didnt know I made one for him so when I gave him his bag he was surprised but excitedly opened it and started coloring with the rest of the kids.

I went around the classroom and noticed a little girl named Emma silently crying on the side so I made my way to her.

"Whats the matter sweetheart?,"I ask her softly, rubbing her back to try a sooth her.

"No one want to be my fwend,"She says and it breaks my heart at how sad she sounds. So I did the only thing I could I pulled her to me and called for my son who happily skipped his way to me.

"What wrong Emmy?,"My son asks sadly seeing the little girl so upset.

"No one want to be my fwend,"She repeats what she said earlier to Jax and he goes wide eyed.

"I's your fwend silly,You forget?,"Jax says and hugs her which she returns and she nods yes. He kisses her cheek and runs to get his stuff on the side of my desk and puts it next to hers then comes back and grabs her hand.

"Lets go color okay, we fwends no more cry,"Jax says and I tear up my baby is such a sweet boy. They both made there way to Emma's seat and sat down coloring and laughing.

Thats how we spent our morning just getting the kids comfortable. When it was lunch time we were told our special guest was here and to bring the kids to the auditorium. So I got the kids to line up and hold hands making our way there. I get the kids seated and one of the teachers I consider a friend Mr.Olly Alexander starts a friendly conversation with me cracking jokes making me laugh hard. He's a very handome gay man out and proud I think thats why I'm comfortable with him he understands me like no one else in this school. We were so into our jokes and friendly banter I didnt notice the principle came in with our guest until the feedback of the microphone sound echoed. And my eyes widened at the person who stood beside him.

Camila's P.O.V.

It was still super early and I didnt have to be at the school until lunch so I just relaxed and thought about Jax and Y/n. I cant get over Y/n's beautiful face and the fact she had my baby and is willingly giving my family and I an opportunity to be in his life. Like how in the world was I blessed to have time with my kid not many sperm donors are blessed to have a open minded woman like Y/n. I mean come on she didnt even flinch about me being intersex. People like her are hard to find in this world.

"Mija its about time to leave,"My mom shouts from downstairs.

"Okay mami,"I yell back rushing to get ready.

After I finished getting everything together I met my mom downstairs.

"Mija do you think we are gonna see Y/n and Jax today,Y/n did say shes a pre-school teacher,"My mom asks me obviously excited to see her grandson again and of course Y/n as well shes fond of them both. Me on the other hand totally forgot about her being a teacher and now I'm freaking out about my plain t-shirt and jeans.

"I dont know!!How do I look?Do I look ok?Should I change?Maybe I should..," I start freaking out rambling until my mom cuts me off.

"You look fine Karla,Guess you like her huh?,"my mom says and I roll my eyes at my first name and blush at her last sentence.

"Uhh lets go,"I say changing the subject rushing to the door hearing my mother chuckle following me.

"We approve of her,Thats if you can make her swoon,"my mom says getting in the car with a teasing smirk.

"Mooom,just drive please,"I whine blushing not wanting to be teased I put my forehead against the window praying to anything holy my mom wont embarrass me in front of her.

Skip car ride

Once we get to the school we were welcomed by the principle and we were told the students were in the auditorium waiting. Once I get there I see all the kids and teachers. I scan the crowd and I find Y/n with her class but she's talking and laughing with another person I guess a teacher and I feel a tinge of jealousy. And then the Microphone made a loud noise and her attention goes straight to us and her eyes widen when she looks at me. Jax was sitting with her class happily talking to a little girl but when he looks at me he jumped out of his seat and ran to me.

"Mama!!!"he shouts with a wide smile and arms out running to me I see Y/n smile at him. I bend down quickly scooping him in my arms placing kisses on his chubby cheeks.

Everyone seems to be shocked and frozen in place, the whole auditorium was silent until the principle broke it.

"Umm so as most of you know we have a special guest she's a famous book author Karla Estrabao,"The principle says and the students and teachers clap enthusiastically. Then they quiet down.

"She will be visiting each class for a couple moments just to talk and have fun with the students. That will be all everyone return to your lunch,"The principle says and everyone starts to line up.

"Mama can I go with you?,"Jax asks with hopeful eyes.

"Lets ask mommy first ok babyboy,"I say and he nods and I put him down only for him to sprint towards Y/n.

I will continue in the next chapter. Sorry it's taking longer to update but I kinda have writers block. Thanks to everyone who votes and comments I really appreciate you all😘😘 I'm trying my best to update but if anyone wants to help out that will be appreciated and I will give credit to whoever helps.

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