A Twist On Fate Part 4

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Camila's P.O.V.

I can't get over whats happening right now my boyfriend for 6 months is gone and replaced with someone who I barely know but seems sweet. Shawns never once cooked anything for me we usually eat out or I try to cook but end up failing miserably. So we usually eat take out or eat homade food from our family.

After we ate we went our seperate ways to get ready for bed and I had a hard time sleeping because I hate sleeping alone so I kept tossing and turning. So I quietly got out of my lonely bed and made my way to the spare room Y/n now claims her own. I knock twice debating on whether I wait or just go back to my lonely room. But before I can make a run for it Y/n opens the door tiredly.

"Camila what are you doing still up?It's 3am,"She says groggily rubbing her tired eyes.

"I can't sleep by myself it's lonely can I please sleep with you,"I ask shyly looking at my feet. She doesn't say anything she grabs my hand and walks us in the room removing the comforter and placing me in the bed covering me up and taking her spot on her side.

"Now go to sleep I have an appointment at 9am,"She says tiredly snuggling close to my body bringing me comfort instantly and my eyes start to get heavy letting me fall to sleep.


"Camila,"Someone says gently shaking me making me groan.

"Come on get up I have an appointment remember and your my only transportation,"Y/n says softly still shaking me awake. I open my eyes blinking trying to adjust from the brightness in the room. I sit up and rub the sleep in my eyes and look at Y/n who is freshly showered and looking handsome in her new clothes.

After subtly checking her out I stretched and went to my room to get ready. I did my normal routine and put on light make-up and got dressed.

I walked out after grabbing my purse and cell. Y/n was no longer in her room but the smell of pancakes made me rush to the kitchen and found Y/n being the sweetheart she is making breakfast which consisted of bacon,eggs,pancakes and breakfast sausage.

"Goodmorning Camila,I made us breakfast,"She says with a smile and again I'm blown away dinner then breakfast the next day I must be in an alternate universe because no ones ever been this nice to me making sure I eat and believe me I LOVE FOOD.

"I see that thank you very much,"I say gratefully with the biggest smile.

"It's not a problem my parents used to say breakfast is the most important meal of the day,"She says making my plate for me and making hers as well bringing it to the dining table.

"Can you please get us drinks,"She asks kindly making my heart flutter.

"Sure,"I say getting our drinks.

"Um after my appointment I was gonna get a plane ticket to Guam to go to my funeral wow that doesn't sound weird at all. But I was wondering if you can go with me I don't want to go alone,"She asks picking at her food sadly.

"Sure I can go with you,But how are we gonna go undetected because we are both celebrities,"I ask after I finished stuffing my face.

"Please don't call me that I'm not a celebrity Shawn is but I ain't and that sounds weird, But we can always disguise ourselves I always wanted to go undercover,"She says getting excited.

"Ok then we need to come up with disguises,"I say equally as excited to go on this adventure mainly because I've never traveled to Guam.

"I don't know how your gonna blend in,Whatever you wear doesn't take anything away from your beauty, And honestly as a mega Camila Cabello fan I will always see through your disguise,"She says honestly and I blush smiling.

"You're a fan of me?"I ask trying to hide the blush that's spreading throughout my face.

"Hell yea I am, you are also my celeb crush,I have your poster on my wall in my room, Raine always joked about how I was cheating on her for you but she knew better I was always faithful to her and treated her like my queen staying pure till I decided to marry her,"She says smiling at her memory of her girlfriend making me jealous.

"So you and her were serious?"I ask trying to hide the bitterness in my voice.

"Yea we were,We are highschool sweethearts been together for eight years but now obviously we can't be together,"She says sadly

"Eight years and you've never been intimate?"I question raising my eyebrows in disbelief.

"Hey don't judge, not everything is about sex you know, I made a promise to my grandma that I'd wait till marriage and I kept my promise, Yes temptation sometimes effects us because we are only human after all, but being able to wait it out till you know for sure the person you decided to be with is worthy enough completely it makes all the waiting worth while, making it easier to fully give your heart and body to that one person, entertwining our souls as one making a promise that we'd be together forever,"She explains making my heart flutter again.She's such a romantic why can't guys I've dated have her mindset.

"Wow,"Is all I say because she's made me completely speachless.

"Lets start heading to the clinic,"She says getting up removing our dishes making sure to clean everything before we leave.


Finally arriving at the clinic they call her in. Surprisingly she lets me follow her.

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