A Twist Of Fate Part 3

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On the drive to Theresa's, Camila and Y/n drive in awkward silence all the way there.

Finally arriving Y/n grows worried, like what will happen when she does get answers.Will anything change or will she be stuck like this forever? She takes a couple deep breaths and exits the car Camila follows after.

The nerves come ten fold and she starts to panic.

"Hey are you okay?"Camila asks worridly getting ahold of her arm.

"I'm okay,I'm just worried that I'll never be able to leave this body and finally join my loved ones wherever I go,"Y/n says trying her best to hope for the best.

"Whatever happens I'll be here to help you with whatever you need,"Camila says genuinely

"Thanks,"Y/n says as they make there way to the front door and knock, a short blonde opens the door sporting a smile and a accent.

"Hello,I'm Theresa you must be Y/n?"Theresa says energetically with a soft smile.

"Yes this is Camila she's here for support,"Y/n says nervously Theresa motions them to come inside leading them to the dining table.On the table was an old tape recorder and a pad and pen.

"My wish for you today is that you get the message that will give you healing and also to make tomorrow a little bit easier,"Theresa starts and Y/n nods understanding Y/n was told on the phone not to give any information besides her name and number.

"Wow this is weird,Um ok first off I've never experienced this before, I'm getting so much emotions at once,"Theresa says trying her best to read properly. Y/n is sat there contemplating whether this was the right decision or if this was real or not. Theresa starts to jot down words.

"Ok um I'm getting the word stuck and took over constantly,There is a young man with uh the nickname I'm getting Balboa,"Theresa says and Y/n's eyes widen at the name it was her bestfriend/brother Rocky who'd she lost in there teen years from suicide.

"Does that name mean anything to you?"Theresa asks smacking her lips together looking at Y/n intently. She nods tearfully.

"Um yea actually thats my bestfriends nickname his name was Rocky,"She replies

"Um what exactly are you here for Y/n because Rocky keeps repeating ask her,"Theresa says looking a bit confused.

"You see lastnight I was driving my friends and girlfriend home but I wasn't this guy I was a girl then this morning when I woke up I was this Y/n motions to herself with her hands I was so confused to find out I was in this body and met Camila and decided to call my parents just to find out I died in the morning so you can imagine my frustration,'She says to Theresa.Camila just sits there absorbing the information. Theresa looks completely floored at her confession.

"Oh I see, Whats the persons name of the body your inhabiting?"Theresa asks

"Shawn Mendes,"She replys fast.

"Do you feel him with you?"She asks curiously

"No thats why I'm so confused I mean this guy has his own soul so why the heck am I here,"Y/n rushes out wanting some answers. she's constantly jotting things down on her pad.

"That is weird because usually I'd be able to feel or communicate with spirits but its like he has no soul to communicate with like he never exsisted,"Theresa says

"So how do I get out of his body if his spirit is not here? I really don't want to be touching his gross penis forever until I die again,"Y/n says panicking now. Theresa tries to not laugh at the poor girls expense but that was funny so she did.

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