Help Her! Part 3

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Camila's P.O.V.

Ever since Jessie left a year ago Y/n's been a little out of it. Not that I expected her to just move on she's not only lost her bestfriend but has gone through something tramatic. I usually would have to wake her up in the middle of the night because she would be screaming bloody murder from all the nightmares. I stuck by her side through it all. I'm so happy that I havent gotten a visit from spirit recently. But then again its kinda strange I'd usually have at least one everyday but its been quiet from the other side. Not that I mind the small break.

My feelings for Y/n seem to multiply since she's been here and we've gotten closer but I'm kinda scared to ask her on a date. Being someone whos gifted as they say, it gets kinda hard to be with the living when the dead cant seem to leave me alone until I help them. And Y/n needs a friend right now more than a lover or at least thats what I think.

Its 8pm and we were about to go to sleep when things started to fly off the wall. Freakin me and Y/n the fuck out. Like I said I'm still not use to these fuckin spirits who decide to fuckin play games before showing themselves. I swear if I die its gonna be from a mother fucking heart attack with the amount of scares these assholes do to me. I started to hear whispering then the lights went off Y/n's scared to death so she grabs my hand in a death grip and I can feel my blood stop circulating.

"What's going on?Cami I'm scared,"she says as she thankfully loosens her grip and ends up cuddling my sides, and as much I'm enjoying this moment, I'm still a bit freaked out myself but I have to remain strong for her.

"Well as I told you before I help the dead find the light, but sometimes they communicate by scaring the crap outta me first before I help them,"I explain as I pull her and walk towards the closet to grab a flashlight.

"This happens all the time?,"She shakingly asks.

"Umm well if they're nice they usually pop up outta no where only scaring me, but the ones who died tramatically or who were mean and evil while they were still alive do crap like this,"I tell her while turning on the flashlight.

"How do you help them?,"she asks curiously still a bit shaken up.

"Well they usually have unfinished business and I try my best to help them finish it so they can move on peacefully into the light," I explain and she nods understandingly still holding me close to her.

I see an outline of someone staring at us in the darkness its a male spirit.

"Who are you?,"I ask strongly

"She's Mine!!," the male spirit says pointing to Y/n. I didnt want to freak her out so I just shake my head no.

"I will have her!!,"He says as he appears next to her making us both shiver at the coldness of his presense.

I look at him closely and the light shines on him making me get a good look at his face. He smirks before he disappears and the lights turn back on. The phone rings and I gently lead us both to the phone and Its Dinah.

Camila,Dinah (conversation)

Walz I hate to be the barrier of bad news but that pussy guys dead,He's all over the news
Yea I know he paid us a little visit just now.
What,No way what does he want?
I'll talk to you later tomorrow about it.
Oh thats not good I'll bring the girls with me.
Ok love ya cheechee
Love ya chancho

End of conversation

"Whats going on?,"Y/n asks curiously

"I'll tell you tomorrow with the other girls,But for right now lets go to bed this is gonna be a long couple of days,"I tell her and she agrees and we both head to bed.
Y/n doesnt like sleeping alone anymore so we've grown accustomed to sleeping in the same bed. Which I dont mind I love having her close to me knowing shes safe and ok. But if I dont get Mathew to see the light we are gonna have a problem on our hands.

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