Ink Bendy x Insane Reader

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{It's Not My Fault}

"I'm finally free~"

You sang as you walked to the old animation studio. Your bare feet were bleeding a bit, your hospital gown was covered with dirt. Your face was so pale, there's dark circles under your E/C eyes and your hair was so messy.

You may wonder, what's going on exactly?

Well, you had just escaped the mental hospital. You had enough of that place and it's all because of one person. Joey Drew. He was the reason why you were in the mental hospital from the very beginning. All just because you wanted to stop his madness, but he ended up giving all of the madness that you didn't even have. You were just a perfect animator, you were the one who created Bendy along with Henry. You both worked together to put such a perfect model for the new character. However, after what Joey had done to Boris and Bendy, you hated him with all of your heart.

You didn't even know that the studio is closed down long time ago. Your brain stopped counting the days ever since you lost your sanity.

You smiled insanely yet a bit calmly somehow, "Joey~ I'm back for you~" You giggled like a child as you saw the studio from afar. After a short while, you made it to the studio. You opened the door and walked in, ignoring the fact that this place was completely abandoned and empty. You hummed as you walked around randomly, not paying attention to anything. You passed by a few ink creatures and weird looking cartoon characters, you would just giggle and wave at them childishly.

As you walked, the walls around you started to cover with ink. You didn't give it any mind though, you just continued walking and humming like nothing worrying you. However, you suddenly found yourself face to face with the ink demon himself. You looked up at him and said, "Hello~" Your tired eyes were closed as you waved at him. The ink demon groaned, showing how angry he was. "You are mad at me, right?~" You said.

"You abandoned me, left me alone to rot. You said you will help me, BUT YOU LIED!!!"

His yelling mad you somehow a bit sad, but smiled again. "Bendy~ It's not my fault!" You said, playing with your fingers. "Then whose fault is it?" He groaned again. You giggled, "It's Joey's!!" You shouted as if it was something good, but then you turned around and started to shake as memories of the past started to play again. "Joey forced me out of the studio. He claimed that I was crazy and that what I'm talking about was just my imagination..." You trailed off.

"I really wanted to help you, but Joey did something to me that mad me act weird..." Tears started to fall down your face as you brought your hands to your face, "My life was horrible in that place!! They made me crazy, I didn't want to leave you. I really wanted to save you, but Joey was in my way." You explained, sobs and sniffs started to increase. Bendy just stood behind you listening to your story, "I tried to escape several times, but I failed."

"He...made you like this?" Bendy asked, putting his hand on your shoulder. You quickly turned to face him, holding his arms, "I don't want to go to that place again, please Bendy don't let them take me back. I hate that place." You cried. Bendy noticed how terrified your eyes were, they had mix feelings between fear, rage, worry and exhaustion. That asylum made you really insane, "Please Bendy, let me stay here with you." Bendy was surprised, but smiled softly.

"Your welcome to stay as long as you want."

"Thank you." You softly said as you hugged him.

For a short moment, he didn't hear anything coming from you. When he looked down, he saw that you were asleep already. He pecked you up and took you to a room to sleep comfortably.

"Welcome home, Y/N."

Bendy and the Ink Machine x Reader {One Shot}Where stories live. Discover now