Ink Sammy Lawrence x Emotionless Teen Reader

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The photo above is not mine, it belongs to its rightful artist.

Warnings:- Mention of abuse.
Also you are between 14-16 years old.

Requested by:- @Sagittheliarghost

Hope you enjoy.
RC ~😋

𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐌𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐓𝐨 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥

Sammy stared down at you from the balcony as you were watching the old cartoon with a blank face in the recording room. He sigh quietly, not knowing what was wrong with you. At first he was about to sacrifice you to Bendy, but then he felt like there was something weird about you. You were...Blank. You had no emotion when you stared at him dead in the eye and he wanted to know why you were like this.

He made his decision that he was going to spend sometime with you since he was busy recently with the Lost Ones and Searchers. He went down to the recording room, "Y/N." He called you which made you turn around with the usual emotionless face, "Yes Sammy." You answered.

"Come with me."

You didn't question it and followed him to god knows where. He eventually took you to his office, "What are we doing here Sammy?" You asked blankly. Sammy gestured for you to set with him which you agreed to. He pulled his banjo and handed it to you, "I would like to teach you how to play the banjo." You tilted your head, "Why so suddenly?" Sammy just chuckled, "I just have nothing to do and also so we can know each other." You nodded your head in understanding.

Obviously you weren't good at it since you didn't play banjo at all, "You will need some work on your skills."

"Okay." Was all you said.

Time skip(A few days later.):-

"No Y/N, that note is wrong. It's a high one not low."

Sammy sighed annoyingly while standing up. Your practice didn't pay off, all of the notes you played were wrong. "You lack something, Y/N. Something that is needed in the music." Sammy said, putting his hands on your shoulders. "What is it?" You asked again, your E/C eyes were so dull.


Somehow, your hands became weak and the banjo fell down. You kept your blank expressions, but your heart was beating so fast. "I...don't want those things. I-I need to go." You didn't bother to re-think and walked away to his sanctuary where you sleep. You sat on your bed and thought about what happened in the past. You lied down and closed your eyes, going into a sweet slumber. The nightmare began to go wild in your head...

"Are you gonna cry like a baby?..."

"...You are so weak and worthless."

"Just a little piece of crap like your mom."

(A/N:- These sentences are just for the story, you're a wonderful person and worth everything in this world.)

You woke up with a gasp, "Nightmare?! It was just a nightmare." You thought as you took a deep breath, calming yourself down. However, you didn't notice the inky man who was watching you the whole time.

"Are you ok-?"

"I'm fine, don't worry."

You cut him off rudely, but immediately regretting it because he was only concerned about you. You heard him sigh, "Y/N, I would like to why you are like that?" He said, standing up to set beside you. "I'm normal, nothing is wrong with me." You stated. "This is not normal at all, Y/N tell me what's wrong? I didn't keep you alive to just watch you set around, I want to know why you're like that." Sammy said. It seems he was determined to find out about what happened to you. Yes he kept you alive for some reason, but you never thought that he did it to just know what happened to you. This made you to cry, but it was a small effection. He was literally going to sacrifice you to the ink demon, but then he changed his mind when he saw how blank you are.

"Why do you want to know?" You asked, breaking the silence. Sammy sighed again, "I saw something in you that made me remember myself when I was...normal." You looked up at him and then took a deep breath.

"When I was seven, my mom died and my dad was so stressed. He didn't want me to grow up without a mother, so he remarried. My stepmother wasn't nice at all when my dad isn't home which almost the whole day. Then she gave birth to a twin boys and she became meaner then before, even abusive when her boys became older. Now that my dad has disappeared, she kicked me out of my house and I came here. She was insulting me whenever I cry or complain about anything and this continued until I became like this. All empty and emotionless. I don't even know how to feel anymore. "

A single, small tear fell down your cheek which was odd to you. You couldn't dare to look up at him because you knew it was a ridiculous reason to be like this. Just then, you felt two arms wrap around you in a hug, "It's okay, I now understand you very well." He whispered in your ear, "There's still a chance to fix everything Y/N, you're still young and have time to forget about all of this." He added. You hesitant to hug him, but eventually you did. "Thank you for listening and understanding me Sammy." You said, a very small hint of a smile appeared on your face. Sammy pulled away and petted your head, "No problem." He said, you could see his smile from under the broken part of his mask.

"Hey Sammy, can I request something from you?"

"Sure thing, Y/N."

"Can you teach me how to feel again?"

Sammy was speechless for a moment, but knowing that you were so young and the events you went through, he didn't want to break it to you because he knew that emotions and feelings aren't teachable. However he said, "...Yes Y/N, I will teach you."

A faint smile appeared on your face. Sammy knew that this was the beginning of a good thig between you both, a thing that will keep what had been left of his sanity.

You were know his responsibility, you were like...his own daughter.

Bendy and the Ink Machine x Reader {One Shot}Where stories live. Discover now