Ink Sammy Lawrence x Baby Reader

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The photo above is not mine, it belongs to its rightful artist. In this story, you are Sammy's own daughter. Also I will be adding like an imaginary audio tape for Sammy talking about his family, this is for the sake of the story.

M/N:- Mother Name.

Requested by:- @Dijana18181

Hope you enjoy.

𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐋𝐚𝐰𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞


A woman slowly made her to the old studio, holding a little buddle in her arms. She looked so depressed and empty that she was barely able to even smile at the slightest. She opened the door to the studio, making the door to let out a loud noise that spread around the place. With unsteady footsteps, the young woman walked into the studio. She crouched down and put the buddle down, giving it a sad smile. "I'm sorry baby girl I wish I could take care of you, but I can't stand my life without him anymore. I'm sure someone will find you here. Farewell my dear child." Before she stood up, she put a letter in your bag and giving you a soft kiss on your head. Then she left to god knows where. You were left alone without a mother or a father in this abandoned place. Your fate was a mistory now.


Sammy was sitting in his office alone. He has nothing else to do, so he was just writing some songs. These days Sammy had been getting weird dreams about a family. He didn't recognize them yet he felt they were familiar to him. Some of the dreams were about the woman being pregnant, some were about when the child was in the woman's arms and the man sitting beside her, some were about the woman holding her child while looking down sadly. Sammy felt a little bit of pain in his heart as well as some happiness, but he couldn't understand why he was feeling like this.

Was he, in anyway, related to this family?





No answer.

He doesn't remember who he was, how can he remember if he was a part of this family or not? He sighed helplessly while standing up and walking out of his office, "It's pointless to think about this figment dreams." He mumbled, walking toward the room where there was the symbol and the coffins. He sat there, looking at the symbol he had drawn. "When am I going to be free? When are you going to grant this wish, my lord?" Sammy thought. Suddenly, Sammy heard a sound, like cry? He stood up and followed the sound.

It led him to the upper floor. He search everywhere until he saw a moving thing in the corner. He went there and crouched down and to his surprise, it was a little baby crying. The baby seemed to be a few months old, "Who left you here?" He asked as if he was expecting an answer, "You're not suitable for the sacrifice yet. Maybe I can use you as slave when you grow up." He smirked under his mask. You continued to cry, not caring about what he was saying. Sammy rocked you back and forth in his arms and sang, "Shhh. Sheep Sheep Sheep, it's time for sleep. Rest your head, it's time for bed. In the morning you will wake up, or in the morning you will dead..." Your eyes started to close slowly as you drifted to sleep. He took the bag and went back to the music department.

Time skip:-

It had been a few days since Sammy took to the department. In those days, he felt that you were so familiar and also the dreams stopped from coming back. You were currently asleep in his sanctuary and he was looking through your bag which he didn't touch ever since he took you. There was nothing new apparently, just the usual things for a baby. He checked the pockets and found a letter, "Hmm, what is this?" He opened it and read it. It reads...

To whomever find this:-

I wish from you to take care of my little baby girl, her name is Y/N Lawrence. I put her in here because I can no longer bare with my life anymore. My husband disappeared and I couldn't buy anything that my child need. I can't live without him in my life. I hope from you to tell Y/N that I'm sorry I wasn't by her side in her growth and her first-time moments. I'm going to be with the love of my life now, so don't bother looking for me.

M/N Lawrence.

That name...

It was also familiar, and like his last name. He looked at you who was sleeping innocently, "So, your mother left you here to be with her husband." He muttered then stood up, walking mindlessly somewhere. He found himself the Infirmary, a place he didn't like to be in. However, something grabbed Sammy's attention. It was an audio log. He pick it up and pressed the button and listened to the voice...his voice.

Voices of
Sammy Lawrence

How long have I been stuck in this office?
Apparently, unknown.

I haven't seen my wife or my newborn daughter for a while now. M/N has been calling me, asking if I was alright and I tell her that I'm fine. But deep down, I was breaking down. I started to lose my sanity little by little, I didn't want M/N nor Y/N see me like this.

It's all Joey's fault. He kept on stressing me repeatedly until my brain started to play tricks on me. I started to feel that Bendy is with, in my office, and that I have to please him in anyway needed. Joey just need his dreams to come true and as an exchange, he destroys everyone's lives.

I know only one thing...
If anything happened to me, I want my dear M/N and my beloved child to forgive me for being a mindless husband and a horrible father.


And the audio log ended here. By now, Sammy's hands were shaking uncontrollably. This was his voice. That woman was his wife. And this baby with him is his child. His own daughter was here with him the whole time, the baby from his dream. He threw the tape and ran to his sanctuary where you were sleeping. When he reacted there, he found that you were away and playing around with your hands.

Sammy picked you up. You looked at him, well more like his mask, with a curious look then gave him a small giggle. "M-My...child." He whispered  lifting his mask up slightly to kiss you on your forehead. "I can't believe I thought to make you my slave or sacrifice you to Bendy." You didn't understand what he was saying, so you just giggled and letting out some baby sounds.

"M/N, I hope you're hearing this. I will raise our daughter the way we wanted, I promise."

You let go of a yawn which made Sammy sit down and start to rock you back and forth while singing your favorite lullaby.

"Sheep Sheep Sheep, it's time for sleep. Rest your head, it's time for bed..."


I'm sorry for the late request. I know this one is bad, but I have been thinking real hard to come up with a story. I enjoyed writing it thought and I hope you love it.

I have a question before I go...
What's the ganderband name of Susie? I'm planning on doing a ganderband Alice Angel story and I need this name real bad. I hope you would answer this question.


Be amazing and safe.

Bendy and the Ink Machine x Reader {One Shot}Where stories live. Discover now