Father Henry x Daughter Reader x Bendy

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{I Found You!}

Henry signed as he sat down. It had been 30 years since he left the studio... and since his 10 years old daughter disappeared. He didn't know about her whereabouts, she disappeared when he was in world war II. Linda(Is this her name?), his wife, told the police about her. However, they found noticed about the missing child. When Henry received a letter from his wife explaining what happened, the poor guy was completely heartbroken. His only child went missing and nobody knows anything about where she might be. He was looking forward to come back to his family and see his little angel running to him, hugging tightly. But everything crush down after she was gone. For a long while he blamed himself, he should have at least sent her one letter. But he was in war, he was so busy. But she was his only daughter. But... It's pointless to make some useless excuses. He even lost hope for a few months, thinking that his daughter is dead and will never be found. However, he regained his hope and thought that his daughter is alive and safe and grown up too.

"This little hope I have will bring you back to me, my sweet Y/N...."

His train of thought was cut off when he received a letter from his old friend, asking him to visit the old workshop. Henry signed again, "Well, it won't harm to visit right?" He said to himself as he stood up, hoping that he would never regret his decision.

Time skip:-

Nope, he was completely wrong. He had already regretted visiting the studio. At first he found a dead Boris, then Bendy popped out of nowhere, Sammy almost sacrificed him to Bendy, dealing with this evil Alice Angel, and now he was chased by the Projectionist. He wanted to save Boris from that madwoman and quickly. However, he already knew he was late.

Henry found a Miracle Station and quickly hid inside. The Projectionist stood in front of the Miracle Station and was about to open the door, when suddenly Bendy popped out and killed the Projectionist. Henry held his breath for a while, seeing that Bendy was now looking at him. The ink demon looked down and shook his head, putting his hands up surrender. Henry's eyes widen in surprise as he saw the ink demon showing no signs of attack.

Bendy just stood there while Henry thought if he should go out or not. Eventually, Henry got out, but he kept his guards up. Bendy waved his hand in greeting manner. "Are you going to...hurt me?" Henry asked, hoping for a safe answer. Bendy shook his head 'No' which made Henry sigh in relief. He then sat down, taking a small rest while Bendy just stood up. "I'm sorry Bendy." The ink demon tilted his head.

"I know you see me as traitor, but I was forced to leave the studio, forced to leave you and my family... and forced to leave my daughter..." He trailed off,"...I didn't know Joey would do this to you and everyone here." He put his head in his hands. "I couldn't come back because I was looking for my daughter, she went missing and I couldn't find her." Henry finished.

He then looked up at Bendy and saw him writing on the wall. He then moved to the side after a while for Henry to read.

"Don't blame yourself, it's Joey's fault not yours..." Henry smiled, "...and I want to show you something." He continued to read.

Bendy extended his hand which made Henry look at what was there in shock. In Bendy's gloved hand was a little doll and not any doll, it was your doll. Henry quickly stood up and took the doll from Bendy, "T-This's... this is Y/N's doll! Bendy do you know where she is?" Bendy only nodded, "Please, take me to her Bendy, please!" Bendy nodded again and signed to Henry to follow him.

After a long walk, Henry found himself in what looked like a safe house. Bendy opened the door and walked in followed by Henry. He looked around the place, it was dusty, but still a bit neat. What made Henry snap out of his thought was the sound of a soft feminine voice of a young girl.

"Bendy darling, are you back?"

Henry look at the source of the sound and saw a young woman with H/L H/C hair and shining E/C eyes, she had a S/T skin. Henry's eyes started to get tears in them, "Y/N...?" He called you which made you turn. You didn't recognize him at first, "Hm? How do you know my name?" You asked. Henry looked a bit disappointed, but he wouldn't blame you. It had been 30 years and when you disappeare you were so young.

You then looked at his hands and saw your doll, "wait, isn't that my doll?" You asked again. Henry nodded and smiled sadly, "Yes it is. The doll you loved ever since you were young, the doll you received in you seventh birthday, the doll you can't sleep without it, and the doll you once cried when you thought you lost it, but we found it in the attic... Do you remember?" Your eyes widen. Nobody knew about this other then your family, your mom and dad. Tears fell down of your eyes, "Dad?" You asked, your voice choked by a sob. "Yes my dear child, it's me." He said, opening his arms for you to hug him.

You ran to him and hugged him tightly, "I missed you!!" You said as you cried. "I missed you too, Y/N. I thought I lost you forever, I thought I would never see you again." He said through soft sniffs. You pulled away and smiled at your dad, "No, I was safe all the time thanks to Bendy. He kept me here all the time, he is such a good demon." You said which made Henry had questions in his head, "Why did you come here? And why didn't you leave?" He asked you.

"You see, after you left I went to the studio, but that incident happened and thankfully I managed to survive. Then I met Bendy and we stuck together...er... for the reason I didn't get out, it because...um...me and Bendy are...uh...we are together." You closed your eyes as you said the last part loudly. You expected to be yelled at or scolded, but you just heard a chuckle coming from your father. "I know from the beginning that you would be so different." He hugged you again, "I'm not mad at you." He softly whisper.

Then he looked at Bendy, "Thanks for keeping her safe buddy..." He offered his arm, "...and welcome to my family...again." Henry smiled. Bendy hesitant at first, but then put his hand on Henry's. He quickly pulled Bendy to join the hug, "I finally found you both." Henry smiled and closed his eyes in relaxing manners.

"I love you...my kids."

Bendy and the Ink Machine x Reader {One Shot}Where stories live. Discover now