The Projectionist x Cry Baby Reader

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The photo above is not mine. The Projectionist will be talking as well here. I haven't done any fluff stories before and this my first time, so I'm sorry if it wasn't what you need.

Requested by:- @Vanloverxxy

Hope you enjoy.

𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐎𝐤𝐚𝐲, 𝐈'𝐦 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐞

"Can anyone tell me why did I agree to do this bet?"

You thought as you slowly walked around Bendy Land, trying to save Boris before it is too late. Tears were running down your cheeks with quiet sobs. You see, you always cry at the stupidest reason ever. Anything can make you cry from happiness or sadness, but mostly sadness. If someone yelled at you or you saw a sad moment in the TV or you hurt yourself, you would cry. Because of that, you were bullied at school. You tried to prove them wrong, so your bully dared you to go to the abandoned studio and stay there for a whole night without crying. However, you miserably failed. You tried to find a way to get out of this place and that what brings you here.

"I-I just want t-to go h-home." You mumbled as you tried to wipe away the tears. You came into a room with two giant trains. You also noticed the familiar light of the Projectionist. You waited until his light went away and slowly followed after him without making any noise. You saw a lever and pulled it...


Uh oh! Your eyes widen as goosebumps ran all over your body. It was him, he found you! You slowly looked up only to regret doing so, the Projectionist was running toward you with full speed. You quickly put your legs into the move. However, you, unfortunately, didn't watch for your steps and tripped down, slamming against the ink-flooded floor. "Oh n-no, I'm d-dead!" You sobbed as you noticed the light coming behind you.

You turned around and saw him hovering over you, his light blinding you which made you close your eyes. Tears were still running down your cheeks, "I-I'm sorry i-if I did a-anyt-thig wrong t-to anyo-one." You thought with regret. You were waiting for your death, but the only thing you felt was an inky hand wiping your tears away. You peeked your eyes open to see he had dimmed his light you you can see him. "T-the-erer's no ne-ed t-to cr-ry." You heard his glitchy voice coming from the speaker in his chest as he pulled his hand away.


You asked while tilting your head slightly. You could hear him chuckle, "Le-et me he-lp y-you." He offered you his hand. At first you were hesitant, but you took it eventually. "T-thank you." You said, smiling slightly. "N-no prob-blem." He said, giving you a small pat on the head. "You're n-not going to k-kill me, right?" You asked and he shook his projector head which made you sigh in relief. "But w-why were you chasing me i-in level 14?" You asked again. "I-I wa-s go-ing to help-p you b-ut yo-u r-ran aw-ay." He stated, looking down.

You somehow felt sad that tears started to appear at the sides of your eyes, "I'm s-sorry, I didn't k-know." You said, sobbing slightly. The Projectionist looked up at you and shook his head, "I-It's okay, I do no-t bl-blame you. Anyo-one would-d ru-un away from me-e." He said. You looked up and wiped your tears again, "M-My name is Y-Y/N by the way." You introduced yourself to him.

"Th-he Proj-ectionist-t."

"Is that really your name?"

"I wa-s called Nor-man-n Polk."

"I-I prefer Norman b-better."

You both shook hands, "C-Can I a-accomp-pany you Y-Y/N? It i-is dang-gerous here an-d you mig-ht get-t-t hur-rt." He requested to which you can't deny. You need any accompany that is available right now. It was a miracle that you survived up until now, so Norman offering his help was what you needed. "S-sure." You said quietly. Norman petted your head while chuckling which made you blush, "Y-You are ador-rable w-when-n you bl-ush." He said as he pinched your cheeks which caused you to blush an even darker shade of red. "A-Anyway, let's g-go!" You stuttered and turned around. Norman chuckled lightly even though it was glitchy, he found you so amusing and brave to face everything in this twisted place. He couldn't help but want to help you and stay by your side.

After you pulled the last lever to open the haunted house, you and Norman made your way up the stairs. "Again, thank you for helping me Norman. I do--" You were cut off when you heard Norman hiss in alert, "Norman, are you okay?" You asked, getting worried. "H-he is he-re!" He mumbled which you barely heard. "What? W-Who?" You asked again. Norman started to push you toward the Miracle Station while saying, "T-There's-s no ti-me! Yo-u ne-need to h-hide!" He shoved you inside and shut the door. You peeked through the small opening and your eyes widen as you saw Bendy and Norman fight. You were so scared that Norman would be killed and you will remain here alone again. You didn't want to lose another friend to this place and its ink demon. At this thought, tears ran down your cheeks again. You put your hands on you mouth to muffle your sobs so Bendy wouldn't know that you are here.

Norman was losing against Bendy and you were really close to break down. You saw that Bendy lifted Norman up by the neck and was about to rip his head off, "Norman no! Please don't give up!" You shouted in your head. Bendy put his hand on Norman's head ready to pull his head, however, there was a weird noise and a voice of a guy echoed through the halls that it made Bendy throw Norman and run to the voice. You immediately pushed the door open and ran to Norman's side. His light was off and no sound came from his speaker. "Norman p-please w-wake up, don't l-leave m-me alone! I-I don't want to lose you like Boris, please...please." You sniffed as more tears ran down your face. You cried for him to wake up for sometime, but he didn't wake up. You didn't want to believe that he died. Maybe Bendy's hits were so strong that it hit some sensitive places which made Norman die. "I'm sorry Norman, I'm so s-sorry." You sobbed, looking down and closing your eyes.

Suddenly, you felt an inky hand wiping your tears away. You immediately opened your eyes and saw the dim light of Norman's projector head, "D-Don't cr-cry. It's ok-ay, I'm h-h-here no-w." Your E/C eyes widen and you immediately threw your on him into a hug, "Y-You're alive! I-I t-thought I lost y-you!!" You cried more. Norman slowly sat up and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into his lap. "Shhhh, I-I'm he-re now. Y-You don't need-d to-o cry any-ymore." He cooed while stroking your hear slowly. "W-Why didn't y-you wake u-up when I ca-called you?" You asked, still crying. "I j-just pa-passed out, th-at's all. Now ca-lm down, br-breath in-n a-a-and out-t" You did as he said until you calmed down. You lifted your head up to look at him, "L-Let's rest f-for a bit." You stuttered and Norman nodded his head. You lied your head on his chest while Norman lied his on the wall behind him.

"Hey Norman."


"T-Thank you f-for saving me."

"N-no need t-to tha-nk me Y/N, I d-did it fo-r you."

Bendy and the Ink Machine x Reader {One Shot}Where stories live. Discover now