Sammy Lawrence x Ink Demon Reader

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A/N:- The picture above is how you look [The art is not mine! Actually, none of the arts are mine. Not until I say they're me.]

Hope you enjoy.
RC ~😋


♪¸¸.•*¨*•. 𝑳𝒐𝒚𝒂𝒍.•*¨*•.¸¸♪

"Sammy, please stop it!!"

"What do you mean, my lord?"

"Following me around!! And stop calling me that, I'm a girl!"

You had been like this for a while now, you walking around the studio and Sammy following you and watching over you. This started ever since you saved him from the vital injury Bendy caused to him. "I know, but this is respectful to call you like that. Plus I vow to myself to protect you and not to disappoint you." Sammy said with a calm tone. You sighed, "Whatever." You turned and continued to walk around the studio with Sammy behind you.

To be honest, you liked this kind of attention since you were scrapped from the show, you loved Sammy and you wanted him to give you the same attention he gives to Bendy, but you were afraid you would be rejected. You were supposed to be Bendy's twin sister who appeared in an episode under the of 'Double Trouble', but Joey didn't like the idea at all. You were designed to look like Bendy, but with more feminine looks. You were sleeveless white short dress, white boots with small heels and short hair with white bow on the side along with of course white gloves. The top of your head was like Bendy's head and had a long tail. Joey said that Bendy is the only one with a unique look and nobody should have the same look as him.

You met Bendy after the studio shut down, he was the one who brought you to life. He gave you the freedom to do whatever you want in the studio, but you should never help any of the creators of any came here which you already did. You helped Henry escape from Bendy several times, but managed to hide from him.

You remembered how you met Sammy a few days ago.


"I'm the dancing demon, watch me twirl, hop and spin~ I'm quick to give a smile, but I won't forget your sin~"

You sang as you skipped your way in the music department. You always heard Bendy hum this song and you liked it a lot. You always felt comfortable in this place, it was less messy than the rest of the studio. Also there was those lovely instruments to use them. You were in your own happy world when you heard a yell og agony near you. You followed the sound and found yourself in the 'sacrifice room' as Sammy likes to call it. The room had some ink puddles, these were Searchers. However and thankfully they can't harm because you're Bendy's little twin sister and they feared him.

As you slowly walked to the middle of the room, you heard some mumbling and curses. You looked to the left and saw a man tied in a pole, 'Creator?' Your eyes widen. It was your creator, the man who had drawn you. The one Bendy told you about, but he seemed to be a nice man. Maybe he can save you and your brother from this misery. You were deep in thoughts that you didn't notice him looking at you with shocked expression.

"Y/N, is that...really you?" He cut off your train of thought. You looked at him and nodded, "Yes creator, it's me." You said calmly. "Please Y/N, let me out of here! I need to leave this place!" He pleaded. You frowned your non-existent eyebrows and took a few steps forward, "But...Bendy said you will kill us if we help you. He said that you abandoned us and wanted to dispose of us like Boris." You explained.

"Y/N I swear to you that I will never hurt you or Bendy. I want to know what happened here, let me help you. All of you."

"But Bendy will be mad at me...more then he is now." You mumbled the last part.

"He will never know."

You thought for a moment then sighed, "Alright, I will help you. But please, don't make me regret my actions." You said as you walked toward him. "Don't worry, I won't." With that, you saw him running away while fighting the Searchers. You were aware that Bendy knew about this and you will pay for this, but you didn't care nevertheless.

You looked to the side and saw a door. You approached it and opened it and peek inside. You saw an inky man lying  on the ground with a big injured chest. You gasped and ran to, already acknowledging who was he. With anytime to waste, you started to tend his injury. Shortly, he started to gain consciousness. "What happened?" Was the only thing he asked. You started to explain everything to him.

"He...lied to me..." He quietly mumbled then looked at you, "Thank you for saving me."

You smiled, "You're welcom...Sammy."

End of flashback.

Ever since that day, Sammy was following you and literally taking care of you. You still avoided Bendy the best you could thought because you knew if he found you, it would be your end. You hoped you would meet him anytime soon, but reality always gives us the contrary.

You noticed the inky veins appear around. You panicked and looked around, you spotted a little Miracle Station. However it was too small to fit two people, "Sammy, go and hide inside!" You said. " lord, I can't leave you alone! He will kill you!!" He objected .you sighed in frustration, "Sammy I order you to hide there, there's no time for stupid arguments." You damned as you push him toward the Miracle Station, he got in and you closed the door. You realized that if Bendy saw Sammy, he would definitely kill him and in a way you would never be able to heal him.

With a determine look, you faced the direction your brother came from. He appeared in the end of the hallway and somehow you were so afraid of him right now. Suddenly, you felt yourself being pinned into the wall with Bendy holding your neck. "YOU!...Helped him ESCAPE!!" He roared. You wrapped your hands around his wrist, trying to loosen his grasp on your throat. "I'm...s-sorry, I d-didn't mean...t-to betray y-you..." You rasped out, trying to catch your breath. Bendy banged your head on the wall, "I'm really disappointed in you, dear sister. Now I have to dispose of you!" You closed your teary eyes and waited for your end.

"HEY!! Let her go!!"

You and Bendy looked to direction of the sound saw Sammy standing there while holding an axe, "You're still alive! I thought I got rid of you." Bendy said, letting you go. You fell down and tried to catch your breath. "You lied to me...I thought you will set me free, but you just attacked me!" Sammy yelled, "And I'm ready to do that again." Through your blurry vision, you saw Bendy chasing Sammy. You tried to stand up, but you were so weak.

"Sammy will die...if I didn't save him."

A few moments later, you heard footsteps coming near you. You thought it was Bendy and panicked again, but you heard a familiar voice which made you relax. "My lord...are you okay?" Sammy came jogging toward you and knelt down, "S-Sammy, you're s-still alive!" You said as you reached your hand toward his broken Bendy mask. "Yes, I vowed to myself that I will protect you and keep you safe."

"Where's Bendy?"

"Roaming somewhere, don't worry he won't find us. Come now, let's go."

He picked you up bridal style and walked away from the place. You nuzzled you head into his chest, mumbling a few words, "Thank you Sammy, your the best." Unbeknown to you that Sammy was smiling under his mask with one thought...

"You're savior."

Bendy and the Ink Machine x Reader {One Shot}Where stories live. Discover now