Ink Bendy x Blind Child Reader

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The photo above is not mine, it belongs to its rightful artist. I will make Bendy talk in this story, also in the beginning Bendy would be in his cartoon form, but then will change into the ink demon.

Hope you enjoy!
RC ~😋

Requested by:- @SelenaCooper8

𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞

Two Years Ago:-

Your father was one of the workers in the small studio, his job was mostly in the administration. Your father was forced to bring you to the studio since there was no one to watch over you. You mother died after she gave birth to you and your babysitter was having a whole week trip, so your father couldn't leave you alone since you were only five at that time and also blind.

Right now you were sitting in your father's office, wasting your time over some drawing. "Y/N I'm going to deliver those papers, don't wonder off." Your father warned. You nodded, "Okie daddy!" You said, smiling happily. Your father walked out of the office, leaving you alone. You felt around for your Bendy plushie," You are my closest friend, I wish you are real." You mumbled. Even though you can't see, your father did his best to describe him to you and what he was doing. You loved him from the first time your father said his name.

Suddenly, you heard some giggling coming from nearby the office. You knew your father warned you not to leave, but curiosity was stronger. You slowly stood up and stretched your arms out to feel around. You carefully walked around the hallways, following the giggling until you bumped into something...or someone."I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to disturb you." You apologized as you stood up.

"It's no problem! Here, let me help you toots!"

A cheerful and childish voice said. You felt a gloved hand help you up gently, "Thank you, sir." You said shyly. "No need for the formalities, just call me Bendy." He said. You softly gasped, "Are you really Bendy?" You asked, surprised. Bendy nodded, "Yup, can't you see that I'm the one and only dancing demon?" He asked with pride. "No, I can't see. I'm actually blind." You said while looking down. Bendy looked down and frowned slightly, "I'm sorry, I didn't know." He apologized.

"It's okay Bendy, I'm used to it now."

"Oh! Hey, do you wanna play with me?"

You smiled and nodded your head. He grabbed your hand and led you to where you both could play safely. After that day, you met Bendy everyday for three months. Until everything went upside down and your father disappeared. You were moved to an orphanage that wasn't treating you well, but you knew one day you will go back to the studio to look for your father...and your friend "Bendy". You still kept the plushie so you could remember him.

Present Time:-

You were walking with a strange who was taking you to the abandoned studio. She was surprised that a seven years old girl wanted to go to such a place, but you insisted on her to take her there. You also lied to her and said that your mother was there because she bought the place and gonna re-run it again which convinced her. You didn't want to go back to the orphanage after a lot of struggle to escape.

"We're here."

She said. You thanked the woman and walked inside. You stretched your arms to feel around you carefully. You walked around mindlessly, not knowing where you were right now. "Dad! Bendy! Is any body here?" You called. However, you didn't know that someone heard you and was now in his way to you. You came face to face with a Bendy cut-out. You touched it with your hand and surely it was a Bendy cut-out. You sat beside it, pulling your knees up to your chest and resting your head on them. "Where are you, my friend? I miss much." You sobbed, closing your eyes to prevent the tears from falling.

You heard unsteady footsteps coming toward you along with uneven breaths. You were scared to look up, so you just buried your head into your arms.

"Please sir, don't hurt me. I just came here to look for my friend." You mumbled.

"Y̴/̴N̴ ̴?"

You heard a familiar yet disordered voice, you knew this voice! Is this him? You wouldn't know unless you ask, "B-Bendy? Is t-that you?" You stuttered, looking at the direction the voice came from. For once Bendy hesitated to answer, but he knew he had to answer you. He was so surprised to see you again after two years. He thought you would never come back here for him, but you eventually you return to him. Bendy was thankful that you were blind so you wouldn't see how he became and how monstrous he looked like.

"Y̴-̴Y̴e̴s̴,̴ ̴i̴t̴'̴s̴ ̴m̴e̴." He said as he looked away. You quickly but carefully stood up and ran to him, tucking him into a hug. You felt that he was taller and that you were hugging his torso, he changed. He also was...skinner."I have been waiting for this moment to see you!" You cried. "W̴h̴y̴ ̴d̴i̴d̴ ̴y̴o̴u̴ ̴c̴o̴m̴e̴ ̴b̴a̴c̴k̴ ̴h̴e̴r̴e̴?̴" He asked, looking down at you. "I came here to look for you of course!" You said, wiping your tears away. "I̴'̴m̴ ̴n̴o̴ ̴l̴o̴n̴g̴e̴r̴ ̴t̴h̴e̴ ̴s̴a̴m̴e̴ ̴p̴e̴r̴s̴o̴n̴ ̴y̴o̴u̴ ̴k̴n̴o̴w̴,̴ ̴I̴'̴m̴ ̴n̴o̴w̴ ̴a̴ ̴m̴o̴n̴s̴t̴e̴r̴ ̴w̴h̴o̴ ̴e̴v̴e̴r̴y̴o̴n̴e̴ ̴f̴e̴a̴r̴s̴ ̴i̴n̴ ̴t̴h̴i̴s̴ ̴s̴t̴u̴d̴i̴o̴.̴ ̴" He said, looking away from you.

"No matter what you look, you'll remain my friend for ever! Even if you don't want to!" You sniffed and hugged him tightly. "I don't want to lose you like my father, I'm your friend remember?! I promise you!" You cried, more sobs coming out. You felt two arms picking you up and hug you tight, "I̴'̴m̴ ̴g̴l̴a̴d̴ ̴y̴o̴u̴ ̴c̴a̴m̴e̴ ̴b̴a̴c̴k̴,̴ ̴I̴ ̴w̴a̴s̴ ̴a̴l̴o̴n̴e̴ ̴h̴e̴r̴e̴ ̴f̴o̴r̴ ̴a̴ ̴l̴o̴n̴g̴ ̴t̴i̴m̴e̴.̴ ̴B̴o̴r̴i̴s̴ ̴w̴a̴s̴ ̴k̴i̴l̴l̴e̴d̴ ̴a̴n̴d̴ ̴A̴l̴i̴c̴e̴ ̴w̴e̴n̴t̴ ̴c̴r̴a̴z̴y̴.̴ ̴T̴h̴e̴ ̴o̴t̴h̴e̴r̴s̴ ̴f̴e̴a̴r̴ ̴t̴o̴ ̴e̴v̴e̴n̴ ̴c̴o̴m̴e̴ ̴c̴l̴o̴s̴e̴ ̴t̴o̴ ̴m̴e̴.̴ ̴Y̴o̴u̴ ̴w̴o̴u̴l̴d̴n̴'̴t̴ ̴l̴e̴a̴v̴e̴ ̴a̴l̴o̴n̴e̴ ̴Y̴/̴N̴,̴ ̴r̴i̴g̴h̴t̴?̴" Bendy said, a little hope in his voice. You smiled, "I won't leave you again, ever?" You lied your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes as you felt him move.

Bendy was happy that his only true friend came back for him after long time. It was a time worth waiting.

Small Flashback:-


"Hmm?" You hummed in response. "You will always be my friend, right?" He asked with hope in his pie-cut eyes, "Of course you silly, I would never leave you. Even if I did, I will come back to you." You laughed.

"You promise?"


This was a promise you kept and will keep until the last moment of your life. You weren't planning on leaving Bendy behind no matter what the circumstances were.


Another request is done.

Hope you really like it and you found what you need in it.

Be amazing and safe!
RC ~😋

Bendy and the Ink Machine x Reader {One Shot}Where stories live. Discover now