Ink Sammy Lawrence x Singer Reader

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After long time of not coming to the studio, Joey Drew suddenly decided to invite you here again. You were a great singer and a voice actress before Susie Campbell came along to share your job. But you were forced to leave the studio because you need to do surgery on your heart. Your doctor said that it was going to be okay, you just needed to take your medicine and you will be just fine. However, because of the work stress in the studio, you were forced to leave for a few months. Just then, Joey Drew came to visit you and decided that it was good to kick you since you were useless as he said. Part of you was happy that you will never see him again since you didn't like him and neither did he, but another part of you was sad because you wouldn't be able to see your friends, especially Sammy.

You both were close friends to say the least. You both built up a strong bond together that no one can break. You even developed feelings for him, but this incident made you leave him behind. You still needed to take your medicine even after the surgery was a big success, and stay away from the stress because it's bad for your heart. That's why you didn't go back there.

Anyway back to the story...

You walked to a room with a sign that said 'Ink Machine'; however, the door was boarded up. "Huh? Why is it boarded up like this? What are you hiding Joey?" You thought as you approached the room. Just when you were about to see what's behind, a gloved hand came out and almost grabbed you. Out of fear, you immediately sprinted your way to the exit, holding tight onto your bag. It didn't take long for you to see the exit, but a great force pulled you down...deep into the studio.

You landed on the ink-flooded floor. You stood up and checked your bag, taking out your medicine to check if any ink got into the bottle. Thankfully, they were clean. You would be damned if they got ink inside. Everything else was clean too, this the benefit you get when you buy a water-proof bag.

"I must find my way out of here."

You sighed in frustration and went into couple of hallways until you reached to a room with coffins and a weird symbol in the middle. When you just stepped inside, you suddenly felt dizzy and passed out shortly after.

Time skip:- (Author Note:- I don't really remember what Sammy was saying in the sacrifice part, so I'm going...y'know, skip some things.)

"There we go now, nice and tight... We wouldn't our sheep to escape now, would we? No, we wouldn't..."

You woke up to a deep voice that sounded so familiar talking to you. You tried to move, but you were tied into a pole. You observed the man, he was covered in ink and wearing an overall with a broken Bendy mask.You didn't really know what was he talking about...Sacrifice, sheep, set him free. Things you really didn't understand, "W-who might you be?" You asked the ink covered man, his Bendy mask was giving you the creeps. You felt your heart start to hurt slightly because of the jumpscare and the panicking that you might die now.

"You don't need to know...But you look familiar to me...that face..." The man said as he came closer to you, "...Wait, Y/N?...I-Is that you?" He asked, you could feel that his eyes were wide.

You tilted your head in confusion, "Do I know you? How did you know my name?" You asked. The man backed a bit and put a hand on his chest, "It's me...Your friend, Sammy Lawrence. Don't you remember me?" He said.

Your eyes widen in surprise as you looked at him, "S-Sammy!? Is that really y-you?" You said with a shaky voice. He just nodded and went to untie you, your heartache was getting worse little by little and you just needed your medicine right now to stop the pain. After you were freed from the ropes, you immediately hugged him tightly, "I'm glad that you're okay!!" You said as you pulled away, "Same here, but Joey said that you died after you were moved out of your hospital." He stated, looking at you in the eyes.

You held your chest as you winced in pain, "I will explain everything, but I need my bag Sammy." You said, breathing heavily. Sammy nodded and grabbed your bag, you took it and grab the medicine and a bottle of water. You shoved the pill and took a sip from the bottle. You took a deep breath and looked at him, "Now tell me what happened here Sammy?" You asked.

"Not here, my lord would be around by now. Let's go to my sanctuary."

You nodded your head and followed him. After a few turns and hallways, you were in his sanctuary. The place was just like a small office with the same weird symbol on the ground. You sat on the chair and Sammy just stood there. "What did Joey said about me?" You asked.

"When Joey came from the hospital, I asked him about you. He said that you were in a great dangerous and needed to be moved to another hospital, but you died on your way." He explained.

You shook your head, "It's all a lie! He came to the hospital and told me that I'm no longer needed because they found someone better. All in all, kicked me out. Now tell me what happened here? What did Joey do to make this place like that?" You uttered.

Sammy looked down and explained everything to you. You noticed that he was shaking and heard some quiet sniffs coming out of mouth. "...I-I lost my s-sanity after t-that day...Joey t-told me that I-I would b-be free if I s-sacrificed them t-to please Bendy...But look w-what I became..." He covered his face, well his mask, and cried. You stood up and walked toward him, wrapping your arms around him and shushing him.

"It's okay Sammy, let it out all. It's okay, I'm here." You cooed as you petted his back. After a few moments, Sammy calmed down, "I'm happy that you're still alive, Y/N. My days in this place were like hell without you." You looked away from him to hide the blush on your face. "S-Sammy...I---" You were cut off by Sammy kissing you. You were shocked at first, it was like there was fireworks in your stomach. You slowly kissed back, it was such a great moment. However, every good thing must come to an end. You both pulled away from each other, Sammy had just lifted his mask to where his lips were, but he pulled it down.

"Y-Y/N, I'm sorry! It didn't know what came to me so suddenly." He said, embarrassed. You shook your head and giggled, "It's okay Sammy." You pulled the mask up slightly and kissed him again, he didn't hesitate to kiss you back. "I have always loved you Sammy, and I will always love you." You said.

You somehow noticed that Sammy was smiling, "I love you too Y/N, with all of my heart." He said as he hugged you tightly.

"I'm so happy Sammy. Now let's go and find a way to leave this place."

"Yes. And I will protect you through this adventure."

With that, both of you started the journey together to leave this place. You were glad that you found the love of your life again.

Bendy and the Ink Machine x Reader {One Shot}Where stories live. Discover now