Ink Bendy x Child Reader

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A/N:- I'm making Bendy speak in this story.

Hope you enjoy.
RC ~😋


{Light in the Ink }

A woman approached the abandoned studio, holding a box with some holes on the top. The box had some muffled sounds and slight movements, "Stop that you annoying little brat!" She said. She opened the door of the studio and put you in the hallway, "Hopefully I won't see your face anymore!" She spat and walked out of the studio.

The box suddenly was kicked open and out peeked a two years child. It was you. You climbed out of the box and crawled out of it. Crawling all the way, you found yourself in a big room with big reels on the wall, a table and a projector. You look curiously around the room, trying to analyze where are you and what are you doing here. However, everything went away when you spotted a small demon plush on the chair on the right side. You made your way to the chair and supported yourself on it to stand up. You grabbed the plushie with both hands and fell down on your butt, but you didn't care nevertheless.

You hugged it and it made a squeak sound which made you laugh cutely. However, you didn't know that your laughter caught the attention of the ink demon who was roaming the top level. You didn't notice the ink around you because you were so focused on shaking and hugging the plushie. After a short while, you saw two feet in front of you. You looked up and saw an inky creature who looked like your plushie. You started at him for a moment then you started to laugh and clap your hands in happiness. Bendy tilted his head in confusion, "What does a child doing here? More importantly, why isn't she afraid?" Bendy thought as he sat down in front of you with his legs crossed.

You both stared at each other until Bendy broke his gaze and looked at the plushie on the ground. He made some silly moves and dances with the plushie, you laughed and clapped your hands in joy. "You like that, little one?" Bendy asked. You giggled and grabbed the plushie, hugging it again. Bendy noticed that you yawned and your eyelids were dropping, he quickly picked you up in his arms and you nuzzled in his chest trying to keep yourself warm. "Such a cutie ~" Bendy whispered, "Hmm, you don't have a name, right? I will name you..." He gave a small thought, "Y/N... Yes, this is a beautiful name for a beautiful child." Bendy stood up and walked away from the first level, looking for a safe place for you to rest.

"Don't worry toots, I will take care of you and protect you from any harm."

Years Later:-

Bendy's life had changed after you came to the studio. He would always keep you accompany and watch cartoons together. He sometimes took you to Bendy Land to play some games there. Bendy made it clear to everyone in the studio that if any harm came to you, they will pay for this and painfully too. Nothing could describe Bendy's happiness when you first called him Papa, he was beyond happy. He spent his time teaching you how to speak, walk and many other things. You didn't have clothes in the studio, but Bendy always made you different outfits from the old clothes of the workers, so you could always have change of clothes. You were grateful to have him and happy all the time.You didn't want anything better then this... Well, not until one day...

You were in one of the rooms, hiding under the desk and trying your best not to make any noise. Your heart beats were so fast and your breaths were deep and slow. You were hiding from Bendy and you hoped he wouldn't find you here. However, your hopes were crushed when you saw the ink veins appear in the room. He was so close to you, you were boomed! You tightly closed your eyes, waiting for him to leave. But...

"Found you, toots~"


You shouted when you saw Bendy which caused you to hit your head, "Ow!!" You rubbed your head. Bendy pulled you from under the desk, "Let me see." He gently said, "Nothing so serious, but you lost the game~" Bendy said as he chuckled. "This is not fair! You use your powers, that's why you always win!" You huffed and crossed your arms while looking away. "Come on toots, don't be mad. Give me that beautiful smile." He said, acting sad. You ignored him, "I think I know how to get it~" He said, smiling evilly.

"W-what-- HAHAHAHA!! NO, STOP!!"

Bendy was now tickling your sides, "Are you going to smile?" He asked you. "OKAY OKAY! I WILL!!!" You said between the laughs. After he stopped, you looked at him and beamed happily at him. "There you go now, always keep smiling." Bendy said as he hugged you.

"I love you Papa."

"I love you too Y/N."


You and Bendy were sitting in the safe house, watching some cartoons like usual. Everything was peaceful, until Bendy suddenly stood up and growled, "He can't be..." He mumbled. You looked up at him, "What's wrong Papa?" You asked him, sounding worried. "Stay here, I will be back." He said and walked to the wall, he created an ink portal and walked through it. "Papa wait!!" You yelled, running after him. You thankfully managed to get to the portal before it was closed. You stood up and found yourself in unfamiliar area, "Papa?" You call, looking around for Bendy. Holding you Bendy plushie close to, you start to move, looking for your father. Unbeknown  to you that you were making your way to the ink machine.

Time skip:-

After wandering around for a while, you found yourself in this weird place. It had many inky creatures in small booths and ink running here and there. You weren't here before, Bendy didn't bring you here nor told you about it. It was unfamiliar. However, you heard a loud roar coming from somewhere. You shivered in fear, but decided to follow it. It might led you to your father. You ended in front of a big steel door, you somehow managed to get the lever down and the door open.

Your eyes widen in shock and horror. There... a big beast vision of your father was about to attack an old man. The old man was about to put a reel that had 'The End' written on it. You felt an ominous feeling about this reel, you ran inside while yelling "WAIT!!" Both of them turned to you. Stood in front of Bendy to prevent him from harming the man and also saving Bendy from being killed and you end up alone.

"Please papa, don't do this! I want my old papa back!"

You cried, tears running down your cheeks. You slowly made your way to him and hugged his giant hand, "I want my papa back." You whispered while sobbing. Bendy hugged you gently, "Y/N..." His ink started to run down and started to get his demon from. He held you up in his arms and you hugged his neck, burying your face in his shoulder "Let's go home, toots." He whispered. Bendy then looked at Henry who was shocked, "After I leave, go to the machine's door. The exit is there and you will be free." With that, he left him and made his way back to the safe house.

Bendy and the Ink Machine x Reader {One Shot}Where stories live. Discover now