Ink Bendy x Hurt Reader

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You groaned as you held your wounded side. You were glad you escaped that evil Alice Angel, but you got caged by another Alice Angel and Boris that she calls Tom. You were injured thanks to evil Alice because she thought you would make her beautiful again, but you managed to escape from her. You were now thinking of one person...Bendy. He must be worried sick about you and looking for you everywhere in the studio.

Tom and Alice were keeping you in this 'cage', not letting you go. However, you were thankful that she treated your wound, but it still hurts you a lot. "Please...L-Let me g-g-go! I must...go t-to...him." You stuttered and slowly walked toward the boarded up door. "I can't Y/N, Tom thinks you're dangerous." She said with sad tone. "F-For the love o-of... I'm i-injured, don't y-you see?" You said as anger was obvious in your voice. "I know that, but still I can't free you. I'm sorry." She softly said as she walked away. You walked to the bed and lied down. You closed your eyes, hoping that you would leave this place.

Time skip:-

Your E/C eyes shot open as you heard the noise outside. You stood up and limped your way toward the door, holding your bleeding wound. "Tom, we can't leave her here! Not with the ink demon just outside the door!" Alice said. "What's going on?" You asked as you looked at them. "He is here, we need to move on right now..." She started to pull the boards, trying to break them. "...Tom help me with this! She is injured, we can't leave her!" She said. You could feel that she really wanted to free you from here, but Tom obviously didn't want to because he put his hand on her shoulder and shook his head. Alice looked at you with sad expressions, "I'm sorry." With that, she left. Tom looked at you and ran after her, leaving you alone.

The safe house shook which made you lose you balance and fell down. This made your wound to open a bit and you hissed in pain. You dragged your weak body and leaned on the wall that was in front of the door. You sat there helplessly not bothered to move an inch. You eyes were now half closed and your breathing were slow.

You noticed the ink veins appear around the house and an inky figure walking inside. You wanted to call him, but your voice was gone. The ink demon looked around the small house and was about to leave. You wanted to catch his attention in any possible way. You looked down at you hands and there was the bracelet he gave you. You quickly yet carefully took it off and threw it out. Bendy turned around and looked around again until he noticed thr bracelet. He slowly walked to it and picked it up, "Wait! Isn't this...?" He thought.

Just then, he looked to the said and saw you sitting there. You smiled slightly as he quickly made his way to you. He knelt down and hugged you, he was purring with happiness. "I-I miss y-you too." You muttered. Bendy pulled away from the hug and looked you up and down, examining you. He noticed you were holding your side, he slowly pulled your hand to see it covered in blood.

He panicked a bit, but quickly picked you up bridal style and took you somewhere you didn't know. You were just happy that he was here with you.


You slowly opened your eyes slowly opened, you found yourself in a familiar place. It was the infirmary in the music department. You looked around and saw Bendy sitting on a chair beside your bed, his face was covered with his hands. You could hear his soft sobs and see his his shoulders shaking slightly. "B-Bendy." You weakly called him. He looked up quickly and in a blink of an eye he gave you a bear hug. You slightly laughed, "I-I see you missed me too." You giggled.

He grabbed a sketch book and started to write down, "What happened to you? Where have you been? I looked everywhere, but I couldn't find you anywhere! I-I thought you were gone...Dead!" He wrote with a sad face at the end. You explained everything to him from the beginning until now. He quickly started to write again, "It's all my fault...I promised to protect you, but I failed...I'm sorry." You looked at him and frowned, "It's not your fault! I didn't even blame you or think of it! Please Bendy, don't blame yourself...I love you more then anything else in this world." You said as you put your hand on his cheek. He wrote down "I love you too Y/N, more then my own life. I missed you so much. " You smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I know...I missed you too." You laughed. You were glad that you finally found him or more like he found you. Your bond was strong, stronger then anything in this world. And you were glad that have him by your side for the rest of your life.

Bendy and the Ink Machine x Reader {One Shot}Where stories live. Discover now